Day 6

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May 11th 2009
Published: May 12th 2009
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Day 6

Well another early start (5.15am) but we had a very good reason for this one as we were going to Kennedy Space Center for the shuttle launch of Atlantis, and there ongoing mission to seek out and explore new worlds and civilisations, to bodly go where........hang on that's the enterprise.....sorry they are going to repair the Hubble telescope and that particular shuttle is going to be decomissioned on it's landing.

Take off was at 2.01 p.m. ET and we had to be there at 8am and it was about 1 1/2 hrs to get there. The hardest thing was to sit around for 4 1/2 hrs as we covered the place in roughly an 1 1/2 hrs. It was quite a draining day as there was very little cloud cover at first and yet again it was around 96 degrees. But, having said all that it was worth it, the atmosphere of the crowd was excellent and the countdown and take off was.....well as the americans would say "AWESOME", but it was truely a breathtaking experience.

After spending a little more cash in the shop, we headed off home for what turned out to be a truely memorable experience too!!

Well the normal 1 1/2 hr ride home took 4 1/2 hrs :O( due to traffic congestion from the shuttle launch and a horrific car crash on one of the roads home :O( kinda puts things into perspective and suddenly the 4 1/2 hrs doesn't really seem that bad.

A very very tiring day, but soooo worth it too.

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