Blogs from San Francisco, California, United States, North America - page 186


North America » United States » California » San Francisco February 2nd 2007

Another 12 hours to go before we take off. This trip is going to be interesting because we have both been sick in the past couple of weeks and we have to see how we take to this much travel in the next few weeks. You never know unless you try :). Having said that, we are definitely looking forward to it. For those inclined to dabble in numbers, here are some: Days in vacation: 18 Number of countries: 5 Number of cities: 8 (atleast) Number of different flights: 11 Number of different airlines: 6 Total miles roundtrip: 21100 Now for the reason behind the title of this post. One of the operational difficulties of such a plan is that one needs to call six different airlines to confirm 11 segments, not fun at all. Different ... read more

North America » United States » California » San Francisco February 1st 2007

This time around it is the turn of the Far East to host the AR's. And of course, a customary quickstop on home turf. Here are a few of the stops that are planned: Feb 4-6: Hong Kong Feb 6-8: Angkor Wat, Cambodia Feb 9: Phnom Penh, Cambodia Feb 10-12: Bangkok, Thailand Feb 12-14: Chennai, India Feb 14-19: Kerala, India Feb 20: Singapore Feb 21: Back to base! The lady AR this time around unfortunately, is Dr. AR with long work weeks, so she doesn't feel like she has planned it quite well enough. We'll see what Mr. AR thinks of that at the end of the trip - stay tuned for updates! A quick note on the attached photo - we raided our neighborhood library and wiped out all guidebooks and videos that had anything ... read more

North America » United States » California » San Francisco January 31st 2007

....You know how the rest of it goes. However that is the only line of the song I actually know so it gets a bit boring singing just the one line over and over. So we're on our last day of San Fran today and we're just killing time at the moment in our hostel before we get our Greyhound to San Diego later tonight. Well we've been here for four days and Gary has already said he wants to live here. I'm counting the times he says that and already I think we'll be living all over the place as he seems to want to live everywhere we've been so far. Once we had arrived at our hostel after our wonderful Greyhound journey we decided to take advantage of the free waffle breakfast which is ... read more
Street Vendors at Fisherman's Wharf
Bread bowl Clam Chowder!
Sea Lions on by Pier 39

North America » United States » California » San Francisco January 31st 2007

Firstly i must apologise as i realise my blogs go on and on and on a little more but there is sooooo much to squeeze in that i cant even write about half of it! Believe it or not this is the condensed update... That said, here you are, enjoy.... So from the hectic and freezing urban jungle that is New York we took the 6 hour flight to laid-back California. The whole time we were in NY we saw people taking helicpoter trips over Manhattan thinking 'how amazing would that be! Shame we are budget travellers, doh'. Someone must have heard us as once our plane took off from JFK airport on the clear Friday morning it circled right around the whole of Manhattan and we got a bird's eye view of the lot. Just ... read more
Coastline at Night
Golden Gate Bridge

North America » United States » California » San Francisco January 30th 2007

I cannot believe that it is winter here, it feels like the end of the British summer. Still wearing trousers and a hoodie most of the time, but the sun is definatley hot enough to go bare armed during the day time, and I even have a slight tan mark, created by my top, catching the sun in all the usual hotspots, shoulders, chest, face. It has rained occasionally aswell, there is often a lot of rainfall in San Francisco in January, although it is really light rain, that you can barley feel, and it usually doesn't last that long anyway, so there is certainly nothing to complain of!! The atmosphere of this place is beautiful, it is very pretty to look at, has an amazing shopping area, with really large retail shops, like NY, must ... read more
Hippy Hill Drum Circle
Haight Grafitti
One Steep Road!

North America » United States » California » San Francisco January 23rd 2007

San Francisco Sojourn After Australia, we decided to go home to California for a few months…for the holidays (we missed the 2005 holidays b/c of traveling), my dad’s 70th birthday, to see other family and friends and to just generally re-group (It’s tough work visiting non-stop wineries! As many joked, “We needed - a vacation from the vacation!”) We made our home in San Francisco with our close friend, Jackie. “Made our home” is probably more accurately described as “Booted Jackie out, changed the locks, adopted her place as our own and then proceeded to invite Jackie over as a guest!” hehe…Joking aside, we couldn’t have asked for a better hostess! We lived in the Marina neighborhood of SF, a great spot -- beginning with the gorgeous view of the Golden Gate Bridge. As expected, ... read more
Bathing beauties
The Girls

North America » United States » California » San Francisco January 23rd 2007

Check out the video. Today I woke up feeling refreshed after actually sleeping well last night! We went out first thing to find the house where I used to live- we drove straight past it at first as I remembered it being bigger. It was weird to see the house again, and the school where I attended kindergarten. I couldn't find the pre-school I went to though, which was disappointing. The centre of Livermore has changed lots, so I had no chance of recognising anything there! At around midday we headed for Richmond, and to Larry's boat, and from there headed out for a sail on the bay. It was amazing. We sailed up to Angel Island, and then around Alcatraz. Although the sky was very hazy, we could see the city outline, and both the ... read more
Sunset while Sailing
My Old House

North America » United States » California » San Francisco January 23rd 2007

So this is the first installment from our travels! It is Day 3 and we've just arrived in Livermore, where I used to live as a kid. We spent the last three days in San Francisco, which was amazing. It's a fantastic city by day (and probably by night but our hostel was in a pretty dodgy area and we had severe jetlag!), and the weather has been beautiful. Sun, sun and a light breeze- rather nicer than the English winter! Walked for miles, covering lots of the city, including the main tourist sites. And of course we rode a cable car. Allie, I thought of you on Fisherman's Wharf and the Ghiradelli Factory. And Rach I thought of you when we saw an enormous shoe shop, with 60% off everything for their 'semi-annual' sale! Alex ... read more

North America » United States » California » San Francisco January 23rd 2007

UntitledSan Fransisco was a pretty cool place. Not really mutch to say about it though. We had a shocker of a hostel whitch was more like a crack house or a house for recovering addicts than a youth hostel!! We checked out China Town, Pier 39, Fisherman´s Wharf and Golden Gate Bridge. It was bloody cold tho so the bridge was a mission and too foggy to see mutch. Had some great clam chowder on Fisherman´s Wharf and visited this chocolate shop that had more different kinds of chocolate and chocolate related things than either of us had ever seen!! Like LA it would be better in summer I think...... read more
Stinky Seals!!!!
Fisherman´s Wharf
Fisherman´s Wharf

North America » United States » California » San Francisco January 19th 2007

We were on a site visit trip to Chicago. But our first stop was San Francisco - Manila/Los Angeles was fully booked via PAL. Good thing because I could visit my Mom who was now staying at Windsor - a two hour bus ride from the airport. It was my second time to ride the airport bus and I remembered my stop was Santa Rosa Airport. I was so excited to visit my Mom who I haven't seen for three years. I stayed at my aunt's house. I was so happy, I had so much to tell to my Mom. I spent the time also shopping and eating with her at the Transit Mall. But I had to go back to San Francisco since I would be leaving for Chicago that Sunday night. Of course, ... read more
The Group with Gil

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