Sea Lion Reunion, at Pier 39

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January 30th 2007
Published: January 31st 2007
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I cannot believe that it is winter here, it feels like the end of the British summer. Still wearing trousers and a hoodie most of the time, but the sun is definatley hot enough to go bare armed during the day time, and I even have a slight tan mark, created by my top, catching the sun in all the usual hotspots, shoulders, chest, face. It has rained occasionally aswell, there is often a lot of rainfall in San Francisco in January, although it is really light rain, that you can barley feel, and it usually doesn't last that long anyway, so there is certainly nothing to complain of!!

The atmosphere of this place is beautiful, it is very pretty to look at, has an amazing shopping area, with really large retail shops, like NY, must just be an American thing, but is not as over the top and extravagant, it is bustling with people, but is noticibally chilled out, as you would expect in California. There are palm trees linning the roads, and electric cable cars running up and down the streets.

We went across to see Alcatraz on Saturday, for you that do not know, it is an Island, just out to sea, in the middle of the San Francisco bay, used as a maximum security prison in the 60's and 70's. Prisoners and the prison guards and their famillies lived on the island, as it was cheaper for them than living in the bay. We took the audio tour of the prison cells, which explained the history, including the every little detail of a riot that took place (so if I ever want to start a riot in prison, I now know how, not that I ever would, and ever expect to be in a prison), and told of the places that people had been killed as a result. It also told of how three prisoners managed to dig out of their cells, and the route they took up to the roof of the building, to their escape of the island, never to be seen of again, although they could have been killed by the really strong currents that are in then bay. It was interesting and informative, but a little creepy at the same time. There were a group of protesters outside Pier 33, where the trips commenced and ceased, campaigning against the company running the trips, shouting "Boycott Hornblower". Hornblower have just got a 10 year contract with the National Park, to run the trips to and from Alcatraz, but are refusing to employ all the experienced people that have been doing the trips for the past 20 years, so they are kicking off about it. It made be feel bad for going on the trip with that company, but it is a peice of history that just had to be seen, and it was the cheapest rate by far, and as a traveller, with a really tight budget, we had no other choice. It was a little intimidating exiting the pier, but we got past them quickly, right into a second group of Anti-Bush demonstraters, which was slightly amusing to watch, as they had someone dancing around with a Bush head on. Must be protester alley on a saturday!

Went to visit my old chums, the sea lions, who congregate at Pier 39 on the wooden decking, floating in the water. They originally settled there after an earthquake in 1989, and decided never to leave, favouring to stay there during the winter, rather than migrating further south, as they have everything they need right there. This particualr pier is no longer used for boats, but is left just for the sea lions to use at their whim. When we walked past, they were all lazing around, chilling in the basking heat, lounging on top of each other, at peace. We have watched them swimming about all over the bay aswell, one was swimming against the current, not moving any distance at all. Great to see wild animals like these in their actual environment.

We have visited the Cartoon Museum, it was small, but had some brilliant exhibitons inside. There was a series of original Peanuts strips, which showed pencil markings and tip-ex cover ups, and the cartoonist tool of dotted film (can't remember what it is called exactly), that the artist used for things like hills in the drawings, and computer wording that had been cut out and stuck on. There was also a gallery called 'Not in the NY Times', which, as it says on the tin, are a selection of cartoons that various artists had submitted to be in the NY Times, but were rejected. Some of them I could see why, but some of them were absolutely hilarious, possibly too much of a dry humour!!

The Haight is a street across the other side of town, leading to the Golden Gate Park, near to the Golden Gate Bridge. It is the street responsible for the LSD explosion in the 60's and 70's, and is where The Greatful Dead and Janis Jopline grew up. There is very much hippy history in this area, but is now a hedonistic street, full of quirky little shops, including clothing and music, and cafes, although there are a few chain shops now too. It is what Albert Road should be like. The shopping there is amazing, had to be very self restrained. Artistic graffiti covers the walls, and posters cover the street lights. At the end of the street, it leads to Golden Gate Park, a masive man made park, despite this, it is very beautiful. We got to a place named Hippy Hill, where there was a drum circle, although it was more of a line, with people playing a range of quirky instruments, giving off a glastonbury style vibe, first thing in the morning at the Stone Circle. There were loads of people listening to the music, and dancing and shaking. Such a good vibe. Felt a bit like home!! There was a girl doing poi, forgot to take mine out, will not forget again!!

The roads here are very steep, and the landscape can be described as pyramid shapped. They are so steep that the people have to park their cars with the wheels turned to an angle to they don't roll back down at any point. So picture that landscape, and then picture me and Adam hiring bikes and going for a bike ride!! It was hard work, not used to hills in Pompey, but the bike was the perfect size, and had the most comfortable seat. We cycled along the coast, and across the Golden Gate Bridge, which is three miles long in itself. It is the most jumped off bridge in the world, so has telephones dotted across it, with signs stating for emergency and crisis councelling. Looking down off the bridge, it is high, but not too high, but it must be the currents that cause people to drown. We cycled to the top of the hill, across the other side of the bridge (so much hard work, by the way), and even from there you could see the directions of the currents, ever changing. People probably get stuck in a current, dragged out to sea, then drown. The sea lion couldn't even swim against it. The cycle, or rather roll, would best describe it, back down the hill was amazing. Got some high speeds up, but don't worry, was very careful! After five and a half hours of cycling, we decided to go back to the hostel for a sauna (yes, there is a free sauna), nice!

The curviest street in the world is just round the corner from our hostel, Lombard Street. It has crazily sharpe turns, as you can see one of Adam's pics, can't imagine driving down it, it looked pretty hard to steer. It has been made one way, down only, to avoid any of those nasty 'I was coming down before you came up' little arguements that drivers have sometimes. Not only it being really bendy, it is also really steep, hard work to walk up, but a pleasure to walk down. After the curves it straightens out, although still extremely steep!! All the poor people that actually live in that street, they have all these tourists just walk up and down it all day.

The Green Tortoise has been such a lovely hostel to stay in, free breakfast, sauna and internet access (although unable to upload pics here), along with a really fun, friendly atmosphere. We even had free dinner last night, basil pesto penne and salad with garlic bread. Tried to get Adam to eat some, which he did, allbeit a few mouth fulls, but it is a start!! There is free beer tonight, and a drinking competion, although not sure if I'll enter, as got a 6 hour bus journey tommorrow, and don't wan't to feel too rough. Oh yeah, it didn't take me too long to start drinking beer, as a cheap alternatve, and as cider is not as available as beer, and it's not as bad as I thought, or remembered, or perhaps it's just British beer that I'm not keen on. The hostel is situated in the most hectic part of town, for nightlife, it seems, along the road, Broadway, with all the strip clubs. Everytime we walk past they keep shouting to us that ladies get in for free!! Yeah, I bet they do, the things they will do to get you in, mental!!

Anyway, should probably stop writing now, bet there are loads that I have forgotten, but never mind. Looking forward to LA, 6 hour bus jouney though, that should be interesting. Take care of all you, I'll be waiting in anticipation for all your comments and emails. Missing you XXX


31st January 2007

Hi guys, sounds like you're having a fab time, I'm really enjoying reading about your adventures whilst at work in cold dull Portsmouth! Hope you have lots of fun! vic xx
1st February 2007

Awsome blogs, great to hear you are having such a good time - and well done for keeping us all up to date - surprised you have the time to write so much when you have so much to appreciate around you. So keep it up and I look forward to the next update :D Take it easy guys! G x
5th February 2007

Holaa guapa!!
Sooooo jealous!! I so should take my sleeping bag and catch up with u guys!! I sounds so exciting, all those people and places you are meeting. Didn't fancy going to America that much but after reading your journals you have definitely changed my mind. I'am so looking forward to read what you write about the Pacific Islands. That's adventure!! Keep writing!! Its always good to hear your stories. xx
11th February 2007

...British beer sucks! The beer in the rest of the world is actually nice. Weird. Sounds like you rock San Fran! ;-)

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