Blogs from Puebla, Mexico, North America - page 8


North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City March 23rd 2010

Hey guys, I found some time here at work to put a quick blog in for you. Things are going very well recently. Maria´s mother came out of the surgery very well, and has been making a rapid recovery. I am doing my best here to stay stress free with my heavy work load I have had, 40 hours a week, plus class preparation. I have not had any real chances to travel, but have been enjoying work and life here in Puebla. Maria and I will be heading to the beach for semana santa which is next week. We are going to the western coastal state of Oaxaca. It should be a good break from the normal. I am also hoping to finaly move into a new apartment this next month if everything goes as ... read more
The cousins

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City February 5th 2010

Sarah Alcohol: a few beers here and there, and some 2 rather strong Mezcal cocktails last night! Weight: Might have to wait for that one as it´s unlikely we´ll see any weighing scales for a while! But my trousers are now too baggy! Bag weight: minus Trek Study stuff, (i.e. poo collecting kit - we finished today!), but plus a rug bought in Oaxaca... Calories: everything is fried in lard!! It´s been a while since we last did a blog so we will do a quick sum up so we can catch up! Mexico City continued Ben The next day we went to Xochimilco, a network of canals at the south of the city where there are many flower growers. The area was initially cultivated by the Aztecs as a way of feeding their population of ... read more
Sacrificial Altar

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Cholula December 30th 2009

Tepìc, Nayarit, a 1o. de diciembre del 2009. Saludos a todos. Ahì les van unas fotos de la Gran Piràmide de Cholula (Tepanapa), la razòn de mi visita a Puebla. Esa piràmide que ven ahì es la màs grande del mundo, por encima de cualquier otra piràmide mesoamericana o egipcia; lamentablemente tras su abandono sufriò tal deterioro que parece màs cerro que construcciòn humana. Los españoles, como buenos cristianos, construyeron un templo sobre de ella. De acuerdo a lo leìdo, su base mide 450 x 450 m. y su altura es de 66 mts. El top 3 de las piràmides es: 1) Cholula (Tepanapa); 2) Gran Piràmide de Egipto (Keops) y 3) Piràmide del Sol (en Teotihuacàn). Esta piràmide tiene casi el doble de tamaño que la Piràmide de Keops, pero esta ùltima es màs alta ... read more
Photo 18
Photo 21
Photo 3

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City December 25th 2009

Hey its Syd this time, your guest speaker for the day. I arrived i mexico on the 22nd at around 3:00, I had a good flight and there were usually people to help me along for free (aside from one guy who wanted a tip and took me to the wrong place). Before the plane landed the three things I noticed were all the colors the buildings were painted, how close the houses were, and the layer of smog that surrounded the airplane. When we got into town we went to the mall behind jakes house to finish up a little christmas shopping. On the 23rd and 24th we took the bus to the center and look at the artisans and the cathedral and went into another church (I forgot my camera on the 23rd though ... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City December 17th 2009

Hey everyone, Well, I know this update is extremely late. I have a lot of good news and some bad news. Things have been picking up fast at the Anglo and Boulanger as the end of the year roles around, test preparation, and testing as well as submitting final grades. Each school has also been inviting me to some social events for the Christmas season, dinners, gift exchanges etc. All of this together made it difficult to find time to update the blog, but the biggest reason I haven't updated is the fact that I broke my arm two weeks ago. Actually the weekend I had planned an update. The break was (as usual) from skateboarding. It isn't too serious and didn't reallyhurt too bad. However, I am wrapped up in a sling for 4 wks. ... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Cuetzalan November 18th 2009

Hi everyone, So this blog has been on standby for a while as I have been waiting for the internet to be restored to my neighborhood and many houses in Puebla. A story came on the news a few days ago, about how the motherboards for Mega-cable had been robbed. Mega-cable provides cable, internet and telephone service to almost every house in the area and consequently the Internet cafes in the neighborhood. So as you can imagine, almost everyone is without internet. Although Puebla is an extremely modern and developed city there are always things like this to remind you how secure and organized things are in the US. Well these past few weeks I have begun my classes at the Anglo. So far I have about four classes per week on average, which is about ... read more
Photo of Maria an d I
Same offering

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City November 6th 2009

Der var en gang et stort og maegtigt rige. Riget laa paa en oe midt i en stor soe og havde kun 3 tilfoersels veje. Én mod nord, én mod syd og én mod vest. Paa oen var der to tvillinge byer, der hver havde deres religioese centrum. Her blev der hver dag ofret et menneske hjerte, for ellers ville solen ikke staa op den naeste dag. Kongen af riget var stor og maegtig og kontrollerede alle de andre folk omkring oeen. Disse skulle betale skatter til Kongen ellers blev de taget til fange og senere ofret. Kongen tog hver dag et til to damp bade, der blev lavet ved, at der blev haeldt vand og urter paa varme sten. En dag kom der nogle hvide maend med blaa oejne. Profetien var gaaet i opfyldelse: Guden ... read more
Inden i Amerikas foerste kirke
Juan Diegos Poncho
Aztekernes kalender

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Cholula October 12th 2009

Hello Everyon! Well I know I have been lacking on my blogging lately. It could be for a few reasons, first of all the internet at my apartment is useable about %60 of the time and when it works it is usually slow and frustrating, or the because I have been a bit busy getting paperwork together and preparing classes. The most likely is that it is really a combination of the two. Usualy when I get on the internet here I come to check my email and send emails, and that being frustrating enough I usually stop at that. So, I would like to apologize and hope that these 2 blogs will make up for the lack of blogging this past month. So here in Puebla things are great, it has stopped raining for the ... read more
Photo 4
Photo 5

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City September 16th 2009

Hey all, Welcome back after a short break. A lot has happened since my last entry, so here we go. I have been working 8 hours a week at the Instituto Boulanger. This is not enough to support me here still, but has been a good learning experience and provides a bit of money. The good news, is the Anglo is going to hire me. The bad news is we have to wait for my Visa to come, which takes 30 work days. Meaning I won't start work until around October 20th. The Anglo is a non-profit British language school that pays extremely well, and is located 2 blocks from my house. So, until the 20th I will be teaching at Boulanger and hopefully one other school. I will also be looking to give private lessons. ... read more
A model city
Municipal Building

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City August 30th 2009

Hello again, Sorry about the delay on this post, I have been a bit busy. Well after three weeks here I have landed one job at a high school. The job pay is pretty low and the hours are few, but it is a start. The classes are only 4 students each so I hope they can really improve their English with such small class sizes. I have also been in contact with a non-profit English language group called The Anglo. The school pays a good wage and is flexible with hours, aside from that they are also located about 3 blocks from my house. The problem is that both the Mexican gov. and the Anglo have a lot of hoops to jump through to make it work. Let’s say I have gone through half of ... read more
Fun guy
Photo class

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