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August 11th 2006
Published: August 11th 2006
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ABasket over the Whirlpool GorgeABasket over the Whirlpool GorgeABasket over the Whirlpool Gorge

We did not take the ride
Well this travel blog is quickly coming to a conclusion.

Today we send pictures and experiences from yesterday and a jump back to reality.

Aftet breakfast yesterday morning and arranging our luggage and cleaning our car for return to the rental agency, we went back to Niagara-on-the-Lake. On the way we stopped for a few views over the Niagara river gorge, then we enjoyed what you will see in pictures.

Of course our travels yesterday were tainted by the world terrorist stuff. The drive from Niagara was complicated slightly by missing a main highway turn. Those highway signs failed me!! We left early enough so we weren't really panicked but made a good guess to get the right road back through the middle of Missisauga to the road we needed.

After getting to the Air Canada spot there seemed to be an endless line-up waiting to deposit the luggage. All went well. At the security line everything went fairly efficiently despite a bit of wait. People were busy disposing of any liquids and gels from their carry-on luggage. The flight was uneventful and pretty well on time until we reached Calgary. Then we had to land through deep clouds that were turbulent from a nearby thunder-storm. We bumped and side-slipped and droped and rose on that turbulence until people were very uneasy and some throwing up. Even so, we landed successfully and of course that felt very good to stand on solid ground! Our only other complication was the fact I'd left a courtesy light on in the car when we parked it so the battery was dead when they dropped us off at Park & Jet. Standing in the rain to get the boost to start was merely a cooling inconvenience. We drove straight home for 2.5 hours into that storm that had bounced us around in the sky earlier, a storm that was simply awesome with lightening wild across the sky.

We will do one last entry in this blog, since our vacatiuon is still on despite being home and try to show why weare so happy to be back

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


A Jet-boat tourist trip far belowA Jet-boat tourist trip far below
A Jet-boat tourist trip far below

On those whirling waters
Carriage Horse on streetCarriage Horse on street
Carriage Horse on street

Obscuring the pipe and drums playing on these hotel steps and the romantic kiss inn the doorway
Rose at Lake OntarioRose at Lake Ontario
Rose at Lake Ontario

A fort across the Niagara River
Prince of Wales HotelPrince of Wales Hotel
Prince of Wales Hotel

Historic and fancy
Back to RealityBack to Reality
Back to Reality

One of the two desks full of mail

19th September 2006

Rose Drope
Any significance to the fact that you used drope and rose in the same sentence there?

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