Blogs from Turkey, Middle East - page 401


Middle East » Turkey March 13th 2007

13 mars For å komme oss etter gårsdagens 1800 høydemeter, la vi inn en kort dag på 5 mil til Amasya, der vi bevilger oss en hviledag. Amasya fortjener trolig beskrivelsen den har fått i vår medbragte hakkespettbok, som framhever den som en av de fineste byene i Tyrkia. Gamlebyen ligger på begge sider av en elv som har skåret seg ned mellom høye fjellsider av en lys, kalksteinslignende bergart. Inntil nordsiden av elva står det tett med 1800-tallshus som er kraget ut over vannet, og over det hele, oppe i fjellsiden, ruver gamle kongegraver som er hogd inn i fjellet. Helt på toppen våker en festning over hele området. På sørsiden av elva har det blitt anlagt en forseggjort elvepromenade. ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Gallipoli March 13th 2007

“Thos heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives… You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lay side by side, here in this country of ours… You the mothers, who sent their sons from far away countries wipe away your tears your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. After having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well” Ataturk, 1934 Standing in Anzac cove reading that just about brings a tear to ya eye, deep stuff! Up early and a 5 hr bus ride and a quick ferry trip to Canakala and to Anzac house hostel. Then we had a look around ... read more
Ataturk's words
lone pine
Ausie memoral site

Middle East » Turkey March 12th 2007

12. mars Vi pakket sammen leiren raskt, med tanke på en uviss dag - det tyske bilkartet har minimalt med info om høydeforholdene, så det eneste vi visste om neste etappe var at vi ville komme borti en lavere veistandard. Været så også ut til å kunne by på overraskelser i form av regn... Vi hadde knapt kommet ut av teltet før annenhver av de hyppig passerende minibussene stoppet for at passasjerene kunne komme ut og se på raringene som hadde telta nedi skråninga og kryssforhøre oss om hva som fikk tilsynelatende voksne menn til å sitte i et tornekratt og spise hver vår halve loff med sjokoladepålegg. Det slo oss at det lett kunne se ut som om vi hadde kjørt av veien, med syklene henslengt i ura og teltet opp ned til lufting. Dagen ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul March 12th 2007

Again quick quick woke up... had breakfast hopped on the tram and rode to the spice market and shopped, bought amazing spices and teas...and then the egyptian market for a few last minute gifts before headingback to the hotel to catch our ride tothe airport and flew here to Tel Avivwhere we are now starting our Hadassah trip!... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul March 11th 2007

Orient Express to Istanbul We had decided to take the overnight train to Istanbul from Bucharest which proved to be quite an experience. The train was packed and Michael ended up in another carriage ! When I went to find him there were 8 people in his 6-seater compartment. Many of the people on the train were actually from the same hostel as ourselves so this didn't present a problem and in fact there was quite a party atmosphere on the train as we gathered speed and left Istanbul. We even did some dancing in the corridor with the great Turkish conductor to the sounds of Joel's ipod! Most of the people on the train were spending a night in Bulgaria to break the journey but we had decided to go straight through and had ordered ... read more
The Aya Sofya
Intricate patterns on the ceiling of an ablutions area outside the Blue Mosque
Michael buying roasted chestnuts from a street vender in Istanbul

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul March 11th 2007

I am running out of time on the computer but quick skeleton of Sunday and I will fill in later... woke up and got to Topkapi palace as it opened and toured the palace and the harem quarters which was very interesting then Aya Sophia the church which was so amazing.... then we caught the bus to our bosphorous cruise where we went to Asia and Europe in one boat ride! Then at night wewent to see the Whirling Dervishes which was so beautiful! I can't wait for you all to see my photos! The craziest part of the trip was that this evening after the show we were walking back to our hotel and in front of the Blue Mosque I ran into my friends Benjamin and Trea from Seattle who have been traveling for ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Aphrodisias March 11th 2007

11. mars Ünye-Karsiköy På søndag var det grått oppholdsvær og medvind. Formiddagsetappen førte oss tıl Çarşamba i ganske godt tempo på god vei. Underveis passerte vi flere av områdets typiske hasselplantasjer (nøtter og kirsebær er blant de viktigste jordbruksproduktene herfra). Både hassel, gullbusk og enkelte modige kirsebærtrær blomstrer allerede, halvannen måned før artsfrendene hjemme. Etter en temmelig god kebab (hei til Pondus!) snudde vi ryggen mot Svartehavet og fulgte et regulert vassdrag innover i landet. Veien ble merkbart dårligere vedlikeholdt og mindre sykkelbar. En kjapp stopp i Ayvacik for å fylle vannlagrene ble litt mindre kjapp enn planlagt, siden vi ble vennlig beordret innendørs for å drikke te og varme oss på en sinnrik varmluftsvedovn som hevet inneklimaet til badstulignende forhold. Veien videre mot Amasya, som vi håpet å rekke neste dag, to... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Central Anatolia » Ankara March 10th 2007

Hi Everybody! I apologize for an error in my last blog. We visited the home of the Virgin Mary and the Basilica of St. John the Apostle. We have not had internet access for days. We have stayed on several occasions in hotels that were on the outskirts of towns. We also have been very busy! We have seen many ruins both Greek and Roman. A few have been reconstructed using the ancient materials. They were impressive = especially at Ephesus. I have to admit that they are not my thing! I enjoy seeing the geological formations and just the land more. I loved going to the Cappadocia region. The landscape is very unusual there. Thirty million years ago, volcanoes covered this region with ash. The ash solidified into a substance called tuff, a material that ... read more

Middle East » Turkey March 10th 2007

10. mars, hviledag i Ünye. İkke helt uventet falt himmelen i hodene våre klokka 0450 neste morgen. Fra minareten utenfor vinduet gjallet det full Allah-rm over den lett overstyrte høyttaleren. Utover det var det lite tegn til liv, så turistene lot morgenbønn være morgenbønn og slumret videre. Et besøk hos frisøren i Tyrkia kan lett utarte. Mens herrefrisøren Petros på Torshov freser kjapt over hodet akkompagnert av litt generell smalltalk om bydelen før og nå, er servicen en helt annen i Ünye. Svein satte seg ned i stolen i den dertil egnet kuaför-salong ved torget for å foreta en forlengst overmoden innhøsting. Frisøren satte da i gang under dyp konsentrasjon og begynte med å stusse nakke og ører med barbermaskin, før han fulgte opp med saks og til sist kniv. Deretter fulgte totalrengjørıng av hodebunnen i ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul March 10th 2007

After synagogue we walked more around Taksim the "time square" of Istanbul where we shopped and snacked and then saw a big protest outside what was apparently a famous school. I have photos of a couple of hundred police lined up in full riot gear for what appeared to be a very small and rather tame riot (perhaps we left before it got exciting?!?) we then cuaght a cab back to the hotel and walked to the Basilica Cistern which was mind boggeling and stunning and then walked to the The Grand Bazaar which was about a 30 min. walk from our hotel and was as we expected, grand. It was booth after booth of clothing, tchokes, spices,candies, and hookahs. We bargained a little and bought some small things and I was eyeing some beautiful bedspread ... read more
The Neve ShalomSynagogue
Police in Riot gear
Pretty tame looking protesters

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