Blogs from South, Syria, Middle East - page 3


Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus February 6th 2011

San Pablo en Damasco, Saint Paul in Damascus, Aziz Pavlos Şamda “Sucedió que, yendo de camino, cuando estaba cerca de Damasco, de repente le rodeó una luz venida del cielo, cayó en tierra y oyó una voz que le decía: «Saúl, Saúl, ¿por qué me persigues?»El respondió: «¿Quién eres, Señor?» Y él: «Yo soy Jesús, a quien tú persigues. Pero levántate, entra en la ciudad y se te dirá lo que debes hacer.» Saulo se levantó del suelo, y, aunque tenía los ojos abiertos, no veía nada. Le llevaron de la mano y le hicieron entrar en Damasco. (…) Había en Damasco un discípulo llamado Ananías. (…) Fue Ananías, entró en la casa, le impuso las manos y le dijo: «Saúl, hermano, me ha enviado a ti el Señor Jesús, el que se te apareció en ... read more

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus January 22nd 2011

Have I only been here 2 1/2 weeks? It seems longer, probably because every day here is a whole new experience. At the same time, I am frustrated with all that I haven't seen and done. Two years will hardly be long enough to explore Syria alone, never mind the neighboring countries. Here's a few snapshots of my daily life outside of work -- which takes up a considerable amount of my days, unfortunately! Last Saturday I decided it was time to make an appointment at a local hair salon. I knew the success of this venture would be a serious test of my ability to survive in Damascus, so I approached it with some trepidation. Would wearing a head scarf be out of the question if things didn’t work out? I decided the hotel concierge ... read more
Abu Roumana apt
Abou Roumaneh
Abou Roumaneh

Middle East » Syria » South » Bosra January 2nd 2011

This is our last little syrian excursion, and also our last entry on Syria. Yesterday we were visiting the Krak de Chevaliers. We went back to Aleppo late afternnon, had a great dinner, and took the night train to Damascus. Here we are in Damascus, arrived a 6.30am, short taxi ride to the hotel for a good hot bath, and on to the bus station for a 2 hours bus ride to Bosra. Another cheap experience at less than 3usd a ticket...really no need to get a car here, the bus drop you at the site. Only problem, they seems to have buses only every 2 hours....good news, we only waited 20 minutes for ours. Bosra is seriously well known for his Roman theatre. After 106 AD, Bosra became the capital of the Roman Province of ... read more
impressive place
One of the roman theatre in great condition in the Middle East
the fortress "embrassing" the theatre

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus December 29th 2010

Going to Syria....oh yes, but we need a visa! Two ways to get a visa, in a syrian consulate, or at the border. In order to apply for a Syrian visa, you need to visit the consulate where you are officially resident. For syrians, this is already where it can become tricky...guys...I have a belgian passport, and I live in Thailand...why would I go back to Belgium to apply for a visa. Than the guy told us the way, I cannot give you a visa, you fly to Amman and are going by road to Syria...I need to see an airline ticket to Syria. So the Syrian consulate in Bangkok is...useless. Next stop, call to the Syrian embassy in Amman....ok, I'm organized, this is back in September. Sorry sir, you are not resident in Jordan, ... read more
more perfumes...
Khan As'ad Pasha
Spices from the Souq

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus December 11th 2010

Witajcie po dluugiej przerwie! Wlasnie zerknelam na historie bloga i zobaczylam, ze ostatni wpis dodalam juz zponad 2 miesiace temu. Wybaczcie! Jakos tak teraz nasza podroz przebiega, ze albo nie ma dostepu do internetu, albo gdy juz jest, przytrafiaja nam sie takie przygody i okolicznosci, ze naprawde szkoda siedziec przed komputerem. Kolejna winowajczynia mojej dlugiej nieobecnosci na tym blogu, jest nasza nowa strona internetowa. Praca nad nia trwaja i gdy tylko mamy dostep do netu, skupiamy sie na materialach na strone, jako, ze tego bloga zamierzam wkrotce zaniechac. Mam nadzieje, ze juz niedlugo bede mogla Wam przedtawic nowa strone oraz nowego bloga, ktory bedzie ladniejszy, latwiejszy w nawigacji bardziej przejrzystszy. Co do naszej podrozy - dotarlismy juz na kontynent AFRYKANSKI:-))) Jestesmy w Egipcie, a od paru dni stacjonujemy w Kairze. Nie wiem jak to wszystko ugryzc, ... read more
mini-IMG 1455
Namiotu czar

Middle East » Syria » South September 29th 2010

Saidnaya está a 27km al N. de Damasco, hay varias iglesias bizantinas como la de Aghia Sophia, la cripta es del S. VI y la iglesia del XIX con frescos del XII, de rito grecocatólico, o el Monasterio de la Transfiguración con un icono de la Virgen atribuido a San Lucas. Saidnaya Samdan 27km kuzeyde yer aliyor, bir kaç bizans döneminde kalma kiliseler var, Agia Sofia gibi. ... read more
P. André

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus September 9th 2010

we started our trip in damascus, then we visited maaulla and headed to palmyra. stayed there three nights and it was so hot. from palmyra to the huge crusader castle Krak des chevalliers and stayed in the pleasant city of hama on the orontes river. don't miss the gardens and the norias. we stayed at cairo hotel, which we warmy recommend. the owner organizes trip to the sourrandings including apamea and the dead cities. the went to visit the roman city of apamea and the wonderful dead city of baara and serjilla. then we took the bus to aleppo and stayed in a nice little hotel in the old city, right in the middle of the souqs. after three nights in the city went to gianzantep in turkey and headed north to katha. we slept in ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus August 25th 2010

Wooden doors. Preferably old and very used. I think I must be quite obsessed (it started years ago, when I went to Zanzibar to see the doors) and I still love them and door knockers, handles, any decoration... In Syria, I really noticed the door knockers - the difference between these gorgeous, feminine shapely hands with all their detail and the occasional ones you can find in London's east end, and around Spitalfields - those ones are much less detailed and virtually androgynous. Can't help thinking that the lack of sensuality and passion in the 'London hands' says somehing about us....have put in a photo to compare....... read more
Spitalfield 'hand'
Door, Syria Summer 2010 (9)
Door, Syria Summer 2010 (71)

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus August 10th 2010

Click on Full View for photos.... We spent quite a lot of time here in the end - especially as we didn't get to Beirut ( don't get me started on that one...) but we did fall in love with this city and the people we met. We stayed in a fab little hotel - the Afamia - ten minutes walk from the old town and the huge souk, and a few minutes walk in the opposite direction to Central - the more modern district, with all the chemists. Important fact, that. Remember it if you go to Damscus - you'll find out why. We stopped every day at a leafy corner cafe, raised up from the pavement - the equivalent of an English pub garden without the booze. We loved that too. And the fact ... read more
Prom dress? Wedding dress?
Damascus 1
At our favourite cafe

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus August 9th 2010

The Biet Akbik hotel is in the Christian Quarter of Damascus - the streets and especially the souk, are noticabley different to the other side of town. Much quieter, but we were there on a Sunday...... read more
Fabulous hanging lanterns in the Christian Market
Beit Akbik

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