Blogs from Israel, Middle East - page 180


Travelling through Israel, it's hard to know how you feel from any one moment to the next. On one hand, you get to experience the beauty of the Jewish culture, finally able to fully flourish after centuries of oppression. On the other, you know that the country exists on the backs of the Palestinians, who've been shunted aside by the world community to assuage their guilt. After our night in Tel Aviv, we got up early the next day to walk down to Jaffa. Originally a seperate town populated mainly by Christians, it's mostly been swallowed up by Tel Aviv as the latter has expanded. However, it still features a beautful section of old town, with gardens and houses of worship. It also has a bridge where supposedly if you place your hand on the plague ... read more
Pretty nice on a carpenter's salary
Can I see some ID?
Mount of Olives

Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv May 2nd 2006

Hello all ... My name is Mosh and I am a 23 year old bartender from Tel - Aviv , Israel . I am now prepering for my big trip after serving in the I.D.F for 4 years , my trip will start in the USA where I am going to summercamp for the first time ... hehe ... as a counseler for the summer (june - july) after that I plan to travel the US from coast to coast on a motorcycle and blog it all the way so you - my family and friends and well everybody who wants to can get up to speed with what i'm doing. After travelling the US I plan to travel south America or Europe , that depends on whom I am going to be travelling with .... ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv May 1st 2006

once again I pack my stuff and go on the road. this time I'm traveling with my lovley wife Hagit The difference between living your regular life and traveling is the difference between eating supper with you family and being in the SEDER PESACH. it's all about the extra meaning you choose to give it. For me traveling is a pilgrimage thus the important thing is the way there and the feeling you get once you did the whole journey. if the Everest peak was accessible by the NYC underground then I would probably have still gone but it would not have given me the same spiritual feeling for roughing the EBC trek. I have once heard someone quoting the following Mark Twain quote as his reason for traveling "Twenty years from now you will be ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Haifa District » Haifa April 22nd 2006

Early in the morning today I went back to routine. Classes are up and running. It might be a bit difficult to adjust back to school after a wonderful Passover vacation. For the first few days of break, I had a seminar with the Carmel group in Jerusalem that focused on tensions, or clashes, that are woven into and throughout this country. The goal was to visit places that represented challenges in Israel and to experience those challenges head-on. Our first stop was at a village called Neveh Shalom in Hebrew, Wahat AlSalaam in Arabic, or Oasis of Peace in English. It was established jointly by Jews and Palestinian Arabs of Israeli citizenship and engages in a bilingual lifestyle of education and work towards peace, equality, and understanding between the two peoples. From there we visited ... read more
Kibbutz Lotan
Kibbutz Lotan
Kibbutz Lotan

Middle East » Israel April 19th 2006

Shalom everybody, My trip to Israel has been great. Full of amazing history, cultures, new people, and surprises. However, it's been a bit of a mess from the beginning. My last night in Cape Town my friend Aaron and I painted the town whatever color the alcohol we were drinking was. I was out until 3:30 in the morning and managed to wake up just 2 minutes before my ride to the airport left. So I tossed all my stuff into my backpack and left. I spent the next 24 hours on planes and in airports without having had a shower and being extremely hungover. When I finally got to Jerusalem I couldn't check into my hostel for another 6 hours. So I left my backpack there and went for walk. After walking a block I ... read more
The Old City
Seder 2

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem April 18th 2006

Hello again. Since last speaking with you from Eilat (southernmost point in Israel), we began driving north through the Negev desert, stopping in Mitzpe Ramon, a city that sits on the edge of a steep cliff overlooking the Ramon crater, a deep bowl in the desert whose rocks contain fish fossils, since the crater was underneath the sea millions of years ago. Then we drove towards Beer Sheva and spent a few days living with a bedouin family who now live in a city with homes and streets. Almost every home has a tent outside where the men sit every evening, drink bedouin tea and coffee, and smoke tobacco in the nargila. The father is the principal of a school for blind bedouins, and the wife stays home and prepares food for the family, consisting of ... read more
Ancient Nabatean City
Ein Avdat
Coffee Anyone?

Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv April 15th 2006

I guess after 5 yrs away it would seem awkward at first to return to a former place of residence. But, thankfully, it has not. Things do change, though, and some stay the same for millenia. Thus it is in all places and, especially, Israel. The first thing we noticed was the newer and bigger airport. No more cattle car buses to take you from the plane to the passport lines. No more quaint yet awesomely complete duty-free. Now a proper gang-way followed by a lengthy walk through miles of moving sidewalks and escalators ending at a glass-enclosed duty-free mall to rival the best Europe has to offer. Then on to the usual mediocre service at the car rental desk. Some things do stay the same. This trip was billed, in what we originally planned, ... read more
Chillin by the Med

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem April 9th 2006

i must first start this blog by stating that one of my wishes came through on my amazing trips to the holy land of israel. i tasted the sweet sweet taste of dr. pepper once again. i found a couple of places in jerusalem that imported it from the states and i had my fill. i would have brought some back here to istanbul but i spent every single dime i took out of the atm and i didn't want to take anymore out. but i am satisfied until i return stateside in a couple of weeks. so just because of the dr. pepper the trip to israel was a success. besides the dp, i will just begin by saying that israel is fucking amazing, even for an atheistic jackass like myself. the place is full ... read more
wailing wall

Middle East » Israel April 8th 2006

Hello friends and neighbors. I know it's been a while since the last blog, written from Basel. Now it's time to bring you up to date. We have been in Israel for a week so far; we visited our old stomping grounds in Herzliya, then drove southward towards the warmth of the spring sun, to the Negev, the Arava, and Eilat. We’ll be here two more weeks, mostly in Jerusalem (next blog) Everybody has a preconceived notion of what Israel is about, but nobody can put their finger on one description. It’s a land of extremes: inhabitants from a hundred countries, Jews of Ashkenazi and Sephardi and Mizrachi and Asian background. Habits, traditions, and customs go back hundreds of years. There’s not one Israeli-Jewish-looking visage. There are blacks and blondes and dark and light faces. Big ... read more
Welcome, in Three Languages
Hapag, Bring Us Home
Herzliya Beach

Middle East » Israel » South District April 5th 2006

Right, so where to start. Many of you received my first and only email so far. I can't quite remember where there brought you to chronoligcally, but I'll basically just go from start to finish here anyway. I'll try and maintain this blog throughout the rest of my travels, fingers crossed. So like I said things were slow at first. It is clear that it takes some time to get used to such independence and an absolute NEED for maturity. However, its hard to dwell on that seeing as things have picked up so much. We are now blessed with a really fantastic group of volunteers. Its a real culture mix, as if things weren't interesting enough without the opportunity to meet such a varied group of people. The camraderie obviously starts on the field; work ... read more
The beach, Ashkelon
Avoda avoda avoda (work work work)
Hitching a ride

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