Blogs from United Kingdom, Europe - page 3090


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Somerset March 3rd 1987

An Excerpt from the Travel Journal of Nigel Fox circa 1925 Entry 17 -- The Tryst During the time that Hans was involved with the Armanenshaft, the Reverend H. Nigel Fox had been kept busy teaching about 'Christ’s call to radical discipleship'. However, I again slipped into a deep depression; melancholia beyond measure overwhelmed me. In desperation, Sipho ordered me to walk about the grounds once a day. He did everything in his power to cheer me up, trying to entice me to eat by purchasing 'delectables' from his cafe. However, my appetite had vanished; my gloom deepened. Stopping my daily devotions, I was the picture of despair. On a particularly hot and muggy August afternoon, my tea was interrupted by a knock at the door. Sipho was on an errand, so I dragged myself to ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London February 23rd 1987

An Excerpt from the Travel Journal of H. Nigel Fox circa 1920 ENTRY TWELVE -- The Secret Doctrine "Two pints of Castle Lager," shouted Hans, as he ordered the 'beer of Africa' over the din. A few moments later the barmaid appeared with their liquid refreshment. Hans and Heidi were meeting at what was becoming a regular haunt: a popular pub in Carter Lane, not far from St. Paul's Cathedral. This particular establishment imported beer from round the world. "Cheers," he said, as they lifted their glasses. Hans had many questions, particularly about the List Society. As casually as he could, he interrogated her. Hans had moved them to a table in the far corner. By her second pint, Heidi needed no encouragement; she shook with excitement. Her feelings were transparent or at least reasonably translucent. ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London February 22nd 1987

An Excerpt from the Travel Journal of H. Nigel Fox Jr. circa 1920 ENTRY ELEVEN -- The Dark World Over the next several days, Hans and I met several times with Scotland Yard. We also had extensive meetings with the chaperon, as well as Anna's twenty-two year old friend. "We have learned nothing!" Hans corrected me. "You are wrong, Nigel. We have learned a great deal. I am now reasonably certain that no one in the family -- or either of Anna's travelling companions, for that matter -- had anything to do with this. I am also convinced that Anna's demise was no accident." "How can you say that?" "Bodies float. If she fell overboard as the Captain's report stated, she would have most definitely surfaced." "But who would want to abduct Anna?" Hans said firmly, ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Somerset February 21st 1987

An Excerpt from the Travel Journal of the Rev. H. Nigel Fox Jr. circa 1920 ENTRY TEN -- Christ's Faithful Apostle For the life of me, I did not know what to make of it all. The flavour of reality during the ‘episode’ was most perplexing, for it could not be other than some fantastic hallucination. Energised by my experience, nevertheless it crossed my mind that I was as mad as a hatter! Yet the vision was powerful to the point of being overwhelming. Immediately I knew what I must do. I rang up my dear friend Dean Inge - an Anglican priest, professor of divinity, and Dean of Saint Paul's Cathedral. Known for his keen intellect and for his pessimistic views of where the world was heading, he has often been referred to as the ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Somerset February 20th 1987

An Excerpt from the Travel Journal of the Rev. Harold Nigel Fox Jr. circa 1920 ENTRY NINE -- The Vision I was unable to shake the dark feeling of melancholy that had crept into me during my visit to the graveyard. My many tonics and restoratives, prescribed by a variety of physicians, were of little or no avail. I attempted to go about my business as normally as possible, but Sipho began to eye me warily, therefore I knew I was merely fooling myself. We were both down in the dumps but did our level best to keep a stiff upper lip. Hearty, insincere jocularity was the order of the day when either of us would catch the other out. After three nights of unsettling dreams accompanied by strange noises, alternating with nerve-wracking days, dark circles ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Somerset February 19th 1987

ENTRY EIGHT — February 19th 1987 Parousia Miranda and I examined the contents of our find: a travel journal belonging to the Rev. Harold Nigel Fox, Jr., photos, an old chalice along with correspondence and documents. This is an excerpt of a letter I wrote to Dr R.K. Harriman, Department of History and Archaeology, Trinity College: We have settled into the Vicarage. Perhaps "unsettled" would be the more appropriate term. As I sit writing you at the dining room table, my clothes are soaked with perspiration. The heat of the Punjab is not the cause — anxiety is. Miranda and I have been the victims of some strange occurrences. We have also made a rather disturbing discovery. The mystery seems to involve a 19th century cult called the Catholic Apostolic Church… His reply was as follows: ... read more
Back from the General Post Office,  Lahore, Pakistan.
WINTER SCENE: The Vicarage
 THE VICARAGE, Lahore Cathedral

Europe » United Kingdom » England September 16th 1986

For some reason Denmark and the UK always combined their trips. Denmark also had the distinction of not letting their delegate to the Infrastructure Committees take his wife on these trips, and consequently our spouses were not invited on the trip to Denmark. Therefore our spouses had to meet up with us when we arrived in Scotland. As my sister Carol was living with us, she babysat Tamara, allowing Linda to go with the other wives. 16 September 1986 Tuesday. We departed on a Danish military cargo aircraft from Melsbroek Air Base in Brussels to Karup Air Base on the Jutland Peninsula of Denmark. Upon arrival we had briefings and then toured the various airfield facilities funded by the Infrastructure program. We then had lunch hosted by the Danish military. Then we reboarded the plane for ... read more
Bob, George and Hank in the village near Skagan
Bob at Bornholm Island
Farming Village on Bornholm Island

Europe » United Kingdom » England April 26th 1986

We received a letter from Uncle Tom asking if he could visit us. This was an unexpected surprise. With a new baby we wondered if he knew what he was getting into; especially since Tamara had colic since birth three months earlier, and cried non-stop from 4:30 pm to 4:30 am. But we asked him to come on over. He would fly into Brussels, and visit England with us, then take off by himself to visit his WWII base in Exeter, before flying home from London. 26 April 1986 Saturday. He was due to arrive in Brussels at 7:10 am. However, the airport was socked in so they diverted his flight to London, where they sat on the ground for a couple hours. The flight returned to Brussels, with the fog still in place, but the ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England August 9th 1985

Buz and Kathy paid us another visit in the summer of 1985. Their previous visit had been in 1978 when we lived in Glan Munchweiler, Germany. 9 August 1985 Friday. We picked them up at the airport and showed them around Brussels and Waterloo. 10 - 11 August 1985 Saturday and Sunday. We spent the weekend in Holland; first stop was Amsterdam and the Rijksmuseum, and then on to Marken and Volendam. We spent the night in a tiny cottage in Volendam. 13 August 1985 Tuesday. I had to work Monday so early Tuesday morning we headed to Brugges on the way to catching the 2:45 pm ferry from Zeebrugge to Dover, England. From Dover we drove to Canterbury to visit the cathedral. We then drove through the Kent countryside to Stone on Oxney where we ... read more
Windmills in Holland
Kathy, Buz, and Linda strolling the Marken waterfront
Linda, Kathy and Buz at Marken

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London December 23rd 1983

23 December 1983 Friday. In keeping with our policy not to spend Christmases at home, we decided to take a cheap flight from Stuttgart to London. We arrived midday, took the tube to our hotel on the north side of Hyde Park, and then went to Leicester Square to see a movie and have dinner to celebrate of 11th anniversary. 24 December 1983 Saturday. We returned to Leicester Square to the cheap tickets booth to purchase tickets for a show that evening. We finally saw Agatha Christie’s Mousetrap. We spent the rest of the day touring the British Museum and shopping on Oxford Street and Harrods, returning to the theater district for dinner before our play. London was certainly all dressed up for Christmas, with all the streets and shops lit up for the occasion. 25 ... read more

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