A Not So Funny Thing ....

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June 3rd 2006
Published: June 10th 2006
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Seem to have recovered my energy levels following a good nights sleep/ Another (????) fine sunny day - and very warm. Make the most of it because the forecast for northern England is not so good for Sunday. Next week is expected to be mostly dry with good sunny periods - hooray !

Fairly relaxing day driving north through the Vale of York that lies between the Pennines to the west and the North York Moors and Yorkshire Wolds to the east. This is mostly flat or gently undulating farmland with pretty villages and small market towns with much use made of local stone. The only specific place visited was Issurium which is the remains of a Roam town - little there other than the lower part of short sections of walls and some complete mosaic pavements.

One strange event …. I was parked up in a lay-by on Friday evening sorting out the day’s photos ….. something I do every day. Also write-up the blog before reaching campsite. This is a large lay-by on the A59 just to the west of York. Anyway after a while I became aware of cars going up and down the lay-by and some pausing at either end - and flashing their lights. Then I saw individual males’ park and wander along a line of cars before approaching and getting in the passenger side. The penny eventually dropped ……. in my innocence I did not realise the cruising (as well call it in this country) occurred in road lay-bys’. Clapham Common maybe, the A59? As I drove out I also passed some individuals who seemed to be dealing drugs.

Of course you can never find a police officer when you want one. Eventually late the next day I found one parked up in Northallerton (small market town) so I recounted my story. He promised to pass on the information so we shall see. I will follow up when I return to SOS ‘cos wherever the right place is to be found for such activities it is certainly should not be allowed on major roads.


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