Moors Farewell

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June 2nd 2006
Published: June 10th 2006
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Probably my worst day on the road so far - ran out of steam. Possibly because of the change in temperature and possibly because I was coming to the end of this bit of Yorkshire and was not completely focussed on the job in hand. Tut ! tut !

Anyway started off OK. Decamped for once in fine sunny weather and left the coast behind for the next week or so. Headed south across the moors for one last time and found myself in Goathland which apparently is the setting for the TV series Heartbeat - must watch it sometime !! From there moved on to Pickering where I visited the motte and bailey - probably one of the most important in the country. The outer walls are mostly intact allowing one to visualise what the site must have appeared like in the twelfth century.

Drove on to Helmsley with the intention of visiting the castle there but by that time all the world was out - it being warm and sunny and the final day of the school half-term. Could find no space in the car park so followed the directions to the overflow CP - no space so followed signs to the overflow overflow cp - and guess what ?????? Decided to give the cas a miss.

Feeling hungry and tired although only midday so drove the two miles to Rievaulx and parked on the terraces (visited yesterday) and had a picnic. Fell asleep for two hours. Really tired after that so wandered around to the NT visitor centre and bought an ice cream which perked me up a little. Finally made my way to the White Horse on the south side of Sutton Bank. Unlike other chalk figures this was a) not cut into the bedrock but made from chalk carried to the location and b) is not ancient but rather dates from the last century. Some entrepreneur decided it would be a good idea to replicate those figures cut into the chalk of southern England in prehistoric times. Jude for yourself !!!!!!!!!! Walked a couple of miles around the site including a very steep uphill section so seem to have revived somewhat. Finally drove down to the campsite just to the west of York.


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