Dale Arrival

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June 4th 2006
Published: June 10th 2006
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Writing this a day after the event - so may not be completely accurate. Memory trends to play tricks and once a day is done and dusted it does not stay long in the memory as it is replaced by the vistas of the following day. Perhaps I need an external hard drive (think about it).

Weather report

Warm and sunny and for the first time on this trip I wore shorts and T-short.

Destination for the day was the campsite at Barnard Castle where I am booked in for the week. This I achieved by going the western parts of the Vale of York (having done the eastern yesterday).

Although there are some very attractive areas in this part of Yorkshire as in all parts of the country there is a growing realisation of a sameness in the farm landscape that was not there fifty - perhaps even thirty years ago. This is the result of the industrialisation of agric whereby farmers can effectively farm what they


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