Fire alarms......ahhhh!!!!

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September 30th 2005
Published: October 1st 2005
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Movie groupMovie groupMovie group

(L-R): Ruth, Jana and Natasha--The movie crew.
So this morning was pretty mellow, until someone was cooking in one of the downstairs flats and set the fire alarm off.....for 15 minutes!!! Granted we are the last flat in a back corner and it takes a few minutes for people from reception to get to us and shut it off. Silly boys....they left their kitchen door open while they were cooking. Our smoke detectors are in the middle of the flat (in the hallway) so if you shut the kitchen door then the fire alarm shouldn't go off. Although apparently some people smoke cigarettes in their room, which they're not supposed to, and that also sets the fire alarm off. It's so irritating! Plus smoking in your room is absolutely smell like cigarettes all the time. Yuck! So there it is....the morning of ringing in the ears from a very LOUD smoke alarm. Fantastic.

This afternoon I went with Jana, Natasha and Ruth to see a movie. It was just something fun to do and to get out of the flat, pretty much. There's a lot of things I should be doing, ie my laundry, but going out sounded more adventuresome. So we went to the movies which was fun.

Then tonight Ruth, John and I got tickets to Hu Stu's Toga Party (barely since they only got 70 for a complex of 2,000). And toga-ed we became. It was ok but not fantastic, partially because I came across the dance floor (which was upstairs) a bit too late in the night. And the other half because my companions were totally wasted mid-way through. But in the middle-end Jana and her friend Alex (a friend from Melbourne) showed up which was much better. They weren't there for very long but it's always fun to be around Jana especially since she and I will just go dance or do whatever and find the group later. The three of us left together in the freezing cold and ordered pizza. Ruth had already left I guess but she met us for pizza at Cavendish and then she and I walked back to Broadgate. Oh, and the "Broadgate Legion" had a chariot made out of two trollies tied together with flames on the sides. It was quite hilarious actually and great spirit. It was probably more fun getting ready and walking to the toga party than the actual party. Anyways, it was a nice night overall.


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