Blogs from Spain, Europe - page 1142


Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid July 3rd 2007

É verdade! Eu sobrevivi, apesar de não ter dado nenhum sinalzinho de fumaça para o pessoal do Brasil, avisando se cheguei bem ou não. São muitas as pequenas histórias para contar, então vou começar do começo. O vôo do Rio para Madrid foi tranquilo. Estavam fazendo uma "Operação Tartaruga" no Galeão e ficamos um tempão esperando para chegar até o portão de embarque. Depois de pegar uma fila quilométrica fora do portão, nos deparamos com outra lá dentro para chegar até a PF. Uns 5 minutos depois, chamaram todos os brasileiros para furarem a fila lá de dentro porque os vôos estavam muito atrasados, então nem passamos pela PF aqui no Brasil. Aliás, acreditem se quiser, não passamos por nenhuma PF. O vôo foi tranqüilo, apesar de longo. Tinha uma tela em cada assento, então ... read more

Europe » Spain July 3rd 2007

We left London at 11am on the 3rd and headed to Dover for the boat ride to Calais. Once we reached Calais we had another 18 hours on the bus travelling through France to Spain. It really was a LONG bus trip and one which I am not too keen to repeat in the near future. When we arrived at the Estella campgrounds I was straight to bed to have a few hours sleep. Estella Estella is a cute little Spanish village about 30 kms out of Pamplona (where the San Fermin Festival takes place). Alli and I spent the afternoon exploring the town (trying to get directions from the locals in very bad Spanish was quite amusing). We headed back to camp that afternoon and had a few drinks with all of the others ... read more
White Cliffs of Dover
Estella Campground

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona July 3rd 2007

Hey all, We finally made it to Spain from Rome on our 19 hour ferry, and take it from us. If you ever need to do that trip, don't. It was the longest journey we have had. Our boat was late and we left at 3 am and didn't arrive in Barcelona until 2 am then next morning. It was not the cruise we had been hoping for. Regardless, we are here now and in a great city. One of our favorite parts of the city were the street performers. It was as if anyone with any sort of idea would just try it out on the street for money. There were dancers, puppet people, people painted silver and just sitting on a toilet, and some dressed like Marilyn Monroe just standing doing nothing. It ... read more
More Gaudi Architecture
More of the same building
Bull fighting ring in Barcelona

Europe » Spain » Galicia » Santiago de Compostela July 3rd 2007

Fontebadon - Molinaseca. 21 km 07.30 - 12.30 Uhr. Heute rausgeschaut auf das tolle Panorama wie wir ja gestern hatten und dann..... Nebel, Niesel, leichter Regen, kalt. Toll. Also alle Regenklamotten und warme Kleidung an und los. Der Wind war wieder so stark, dass man kaum die Stoecke klicken hoerte. Dauerregen, kalt, bis auf die Haut komplett durchnaesst. Kein Panoramablick, da die Sicht nicht mal 100 m reichte. Rechts, links, vorne und hinten nur Nebel, fast kein Pilger vor dir. Dann den Camino im Nebel nicht gefunden und ein laengeres Stueck auf der STrasse marschiert bis eine Abzweigung nach links ging. Das "cruez de Ferro" war leider auch im Nebel und eine komplette Spanische Schulklasse davor. Da es aber es regnete legte ich meinen Stein ab und weiter marschieren. Im Nebel hoerte man dann auf ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid July 3rd 2007

Arriving in Madrid on a Saturday night of Gay Pride Weekend . . . I know of a couple of my friend who would have wished they were with me, but since they weren’t and it was a late journey from Barcelona, I didn’t mind staying in my first night. Madrid is cool. I don’t know how to compare Madrid and Barcelona, but I like them both for different reasons. First off, my Spanish comprehension increased tenfold once I got to Madrid. It’s so much easier to figure out what people are saying, unlike Barcelona where people speak Catalan, a dialect of Spanish (I wonder if this is how foreigners feel when they travel to the east coast and the west coast in the US? It also seemed much less crowded in Madrid and less ... read more

Europe » Spain » Valencian Community » Valencia July 3rd 2007

I spent a week in Valencia …unwittingly during America´s 32 cup (massive sailing competition) during which time I met some great people at the hostel I was staying at and got sick  perhaps from the soggy sponges and watered down soap? Valencia is a beautiful city - 3rd largest in Spain…much more clean and safe than Barcelona..though it smells like urine?! If it isn´t, it should be called the city of castles because there are hundreds of castles and palaces everywhere - very beautiful…and most attractions are free or very cheap. My highlight of Valencia was going into Pallmer for the day with people from the hostel and trying to find the ´huge´ lake. We never found it but after spending the day at the ocean we ended up finding the best Paella ever ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Málaga July 3rd 2007

Well hi all in what could be my penultimate edition!! (Look it up in the dictionary guys) Since I last blogged we have flown to sunny Spain, starting in Madrid - had 3 days there, very pleasant time really. It´s a pretty city with fountains everywhere and great architecture, both of which are illuminated at night. Shoud tell you we have gotten right into the Spanish way of life, apart from Sangria, we have partaken in the Siesta, great idea, so be warned at work, I´m out of action from 2-6pm!!! Actually it is amazing that it still exists, even though there is a move to abolish it but there´s all sorts of resistance, quite understandable! We did a day trip to Toledo whilst in Madrid and also did a Flamenco show/dinner. From here we got ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid July 3rd 2007

This is the first time I´ve had any sort of length of time on the computer. Please forgive me. 2 more things. 1. I haven´t been able to hook up my computer to the internet yet, so no pictures 2. I have no idea where the apostophe on this keyboard is, so I´m using the accent mark. I think you can get over it. Hokay sooooo.... I almost missed my flight in London. My flight from Dallas was delayed, and then I went to the wrong terminal, and then when I was in line to go through security, they told me I could only carry one bag, and that my purse counted as a back. So I had to get out of the line and check my carry-on bag, get back in line. I got through ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona July 2nd 2007

whats up everybody? it has been a long time since i have written. about a month i think! i am still alive! i have gotten pretty worn out of writing and putting up pictures on my website. i have not put up any pictures on my website since i arrived in spain. don´t worry though...i have about another 600 pictures to put up. i had a great time down in southern spain!! in my opinion it is the best part of spain! don´t get me is my favorite city in spain (europe) but the south is a lot more authentic. I started the trip in madrid and then went to salamanca one day. From there i went to granada...from there i went down to tarifa which is the most southern point of spain and ... read more

Europe » Spain » Basque Country » Bilbao July 2nd 2007

Had my academic orientation session today. They talked about what classes we can take and the hours they are offered. I’ll have one class that goes from 5:00 - 7:30 at night on Monday (because classes aren’t offered during Siesta). We also took a tour of La Universidad de Deusto so we would know where all of our classes are. After this, we took a bus ride to Plentzia, a town to the north where we, of course, took a tour. Then to a restraint for Lunch (I’m starting to like this big lunch, small dinner thing.) After lunch, we were free to do what we wanted, so we went to the beach that is right there in Plentzia (right by the sea.) After burying some people in sand and playing a little futbol, we ... read more
La Universidad, afuera.
La Ria
Soy yo

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