Portugal El Camino - 2016

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Europe » Spain
September 25th 2016
Published: September 25th 2016
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Day 31 – September 23, 2016 - Vigo, Spain to Redondela, Spain – 12.73 Miles

After checking out of our hotel, we went in search of the famous yellow arrow so we could get back on the trail for our fun day of walking. On our way to locating the arrow, we passed by many children in school uniforms headed to school and also one of the schools. As you can see by the picture, we were very happy to find the yellow arrow on a post as we entered a shopping area.

The yellow arrows had us winding through the city and eventually had us climbing up a steep hill where we followed the contour of the hillside high above the ocean giving us some great views. The path would alternate between woodland areas, dirt paths, asphalt roads and highways.

As we were walking through one of the woodland areas, we passed by a small waterfall and a rock painted as a fish. We also had a friendly little dog that joined us on the trail for a little while.

Upon entering the town of Redondela we found a café with some outside sitting where we stopped to have something to drink and eat the sandwich we had made that morning prior to leaving the hotel. As we had been walking for 16 kilometers without a break, we sure were glad to finally find a place where we could get a cold drink and take a rest break. As we were sitting enjoying our rest break we watched a lot of pilgrims enter the city as this is where the coastal and inland routes rejoin.

After feeling better from our break, we headed out to walk the final 4.5 kilometers to our hotel. As we were walking alongside the canal, what am I so blessed to see – a huge rat running down the other side of the canal into a drain area. Sure glad I wasn’t on that side of the canal!!! Then Moira proceeds to tell me when I was waiting for the elevator to take me up to my room in the hotel we stayed at the past two nights, she saw a mouse go running across the floor. Sure glad she didn’t say anything to me until after we had checked out of the hotel!

We continue walking and finally reach our hotel which is a hotel/hostel combination. After getting checked into our rooms, Harlan, Moira, Julian and myself meet in the bar for a cold beer before showering and getting ready for dinner.

Another wonderful day for walking the Portugal El Camino.

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Photos: 25, Displayed: 23


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