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October 23rd 2011
Published: October 23rd 2011
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On to Yesa where Phil was going to fly. The lake was nearly empty so it was not as pretty as we expected. We couldn't see anyone flying nor could we see any access to the ridge. Phil went to enquire in the village but no joy there. In the end, as the wind was in the wrong direction anyway, we decided to move on. Through Gastiez/Vitoria where we managed to find some LPG hurrah! There are only a few garages selling LPG in Spain so we are trying to fill up whenever we can. Arrived at Ordunya late afternoon, another flying site where Phil had last flown in 1992.
15th October
Parked on top of the ridge and another disappointment for Phil. We couldn't get Myrtle under the low branches plus there was now a barbed wire fence all along the edge of the ridge. The only place to launch was from the top of a long steep hill, fine for paragliders but too far to carry Phil's heavy glider.
We went fo a long walk instead with lovely views and vultures and friendly goats.
17th October
We drove across vast plains of (harvested) wheat fields to Castre Jon de la Pena another flying site (so I was told). It made a change from all the smelly pig farms we had been passing last week. Yet again, no sign of a road up the ridge, the tourist office was closed until the end of October and no info from the locals. So I bent Phil's ear somewhat about how he should spend more time researching flying sites and less time on facebook when we have wi fi. We had been through so many deserted towns with no shops that we were beginning to wonder if we were going to be able to find supplies. (Read that as Wendy panics because she has run out of wine, chocolate and crisps!) However, we eventually found a small supemarket in Cervera de Pisuerga and then headed off to Picos de Europa.


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