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August 31st 2010
Published: September 1st 2010
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palece realpalece realpalece real

The old royal palace in Madrid

You know when you have an impression in your mind of what a place will be like and are rather pleasantly surprised to find something different when you see it? This is Madrid.

In my head Barcelona is the great city of Spain and Madrid is simply the capital - a bit like Canberra and Sydney if you like. Without having been to Barcelona yet, I can now say that Madrid is a great city in it’s own right. In comparing it with other European cities I have visited I would have to say that:

1. Madrid has really impressive historical buildings, monuments and statues of dead people on horseback. So does Rome and Paris except that the people in Madrid aren't deliberately rude to you. Of course, as we all know, London doesn't have impressive historical buildings or monuments and we actually know who the dead people on horseback were and how big a tosser they really were.

2. Madrid is spacious and well planned - the same as Paris. Rome and London share the same lack of space and planning and tiny toilets.

3. I like Madrid and it's people. I like Rome and Paris but not the people so much, especially that bastard outside the Colosseum. London should be sunk.

4. Sorry, I should say that Madrid people are happy except maybe for the girls hanging around the sex shops near the excellent bar where we had lunch today. They do not seem to be happy. I think maybe their tiny little skirts were too tight.

So far the 6 of us are still talking and laughing with each other and only commenting on the others behind their back. We have overcome the jet lag and are now intent on tapas and alcohol consumption. Tonight we look for music to add to the mixture.


Last night we looked for music, ate and drank and made merry. We were back in the apartment by 9.30. Sigh.....


1st September 2010

eating, drinking, making merry
And here I was thinking the Spaniards don't start eating and drinking in earnest until 10 PM! How sad to be back in your digs by 9:30

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