Re-cap of Midterms

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March 1st 2008
Published: March 1st 2008
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So, this past week was midterms, even though it is not the middle of the term (we are only about a third of the way through...)

I woke up on Saturday feeling like crap, with a sore throat and general unpleasant feelings! So that definitely didn't help with me wanting to study...

I had a review session for my Grammar and Composition class, which was nice because we got let out early for once. I was kind of nervous for the upcoming test on Wednesday, but then I remembered it was almost all multiple choice...
I had the first half of my Phonetics test, the listening part, so it wasn't too bad...

I don't have classes on Tuesday, but I knew I needed to study alot. First though, I went and got GUILLERMO (see previous entry). Then I went to the public library and hung out there for four hours, trying to get through some studying for Grammar and Arte. Ate lunch with my friends at the Fund, then did some more studying.

I had my Grammar test. It wasn't too bad (but I guess I will find out on Monday).
We had the speaking part of our Phonetics test. I think I have improved since the beginning of the class (which is really all she is looking for anyway). Then, instead of studying, I stumbled upon this really awesome murder-mystery novel in the library (in english of course), and read the whole thing that day (407 pages). Yes, it was that good. And no, I didn't feel guilty about not studying for the 2 tests I had on Thursday...

The most annoyingly stretched out day ever. Had a review session for Arte (got out early), then a review session for History (got out early), then we had lunch, then proceeded to study our butts off for Arte (there was a lot of information we had to memorize, like when certain buildings were constructed and who built them). Went into Arte test, and she decided to pick the building that I didn't study enough for! (she picked one of the 4 we learned and that was the one we had to write about). I still think I did alright though...
Then, it was time for History, which was really worrying me because it is my hardest class. There were 3 essay questions, and we had to answer 2 of them. The questions weren't bad, they were pretty much exactly what my friend and I predicted they would be. The first essay I wrote a lot (I think), but the second one I couldn't think of as much to write. **reminder: all of the tests were taken in Spanish**

So, with mid-terms being over, we decided it was time to relax!

On thursday night, I went out with Kaley, her intercambio (conversation partner) Alberto, and his friend also named Alberto. It was really fun to hang out with them and talk, even though I didn't do much talking (Kaley speaks so much better than I do), I was a little nervous. But it was good. They asked us to go out again sometime so that will be fun.

On friday, Kaley and I went to the mall to see a movie. We saw 27 vestidos (27 dresses). It was pretty good (but I can't wait to see it in english). The best part of the whole movie??? There was a BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG in it!!!!!!! That's right mom and dad, now you need to go see it so you can see the bernese for about 1 minute out of the whole movie!!!
Then later that night, Kaley, Jenni, Cody, and I went to a concert at a club/bar called picaro. It was pretty cool, like blues and jazz, but it was way too loud. I still think I am having trouble hearing out of my right ear...

Tonight Kaley is sleeping over at my house! yay! No, I am not too old to have a sleep-over! We're probably just going to hang out and watch a movie, maybe wander to McDonald's at midnight (we love the ketchup there!). Before then though (as in any minute now) I think I might go for a little stroll around the city (I don't do that enough anymore).

Countdown until Mom and Eric (and some guy named Mike) arrive??? 13 DAYS


15th March 2008

Slumber parties
You never get too old for a sleep over :) Even at 90 slumber parties will be fun.

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