I bought a new friend....

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Europe » Spain » Castile-La Mancha » Toledo
February 26th 2008
Published: February 26th 2008
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So, even though I have some pretty awesome friends here, the time always comes when they eventually have to go back to their houses or school, and I am left alone with no one to talk to. I was starting to think that I needed to buy a pet. You know, a confidant that I can talk to whenever I want, who just listens. Who likes to watch me study, but won't scold me if what I am really doing is playing computer games.

Now, when I went to the market today, I had every intention of buying a fish...I really did! But all the guy was selling were goldfish and I really didn't want one of those. So, I ended up getting.......a TORTUGA!!!!!

His name is Guillermo (it translates to William in English, so it has no significance to me other than I like saying Guillermo). He's pretty cool. My padre found a big rock for me to put in his home so that he can soak up the rays when he wants, and swim when he wants. Personally, I have this Turtle-Dream-Home layout in mind, but I need the find the raw materials first (do you think they sell astroturf somewhere in Spain??) Check out the pictures of Guillermo on his first day home. The other plus about a turtle? You can hold him!! 😊

P.S. I am devising a plan on how to smuggle him on to the 8-hour flight back to the states.... it involves a small ziploc bag, a few drops of water (less than 3 oz. of course), and a pair of cargo pants....

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