They say the rain in Spain is such a pain...

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Europe » Spain » Castile-La Mancha » Toledo
February 19th 2008
Published: February 19th 2008
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Que tal amigos? Estoy bien.

Let's see...

It's been raining this week. Which wouldn't really be a big deal until you realize that everything here is on a hill, so you go to walk somewhere and your feet get soaked. eh, no pasa nada...

Last weekend was a really busy weekend for my friends and I. On Friday we went on a school trip to El Escorial. It was ok, but the tour was really really long and equally boring. Then Friday night we just hung out and played cards (our new thing to do).

On Saturday, I worked on some homework (sort of) and then we went to see the movie Juno. Yes, it was dubbed in Spanish, and no, there were no subtitles. I think I understood most of it, but I'd really like to see it in English just to compare. The interesting thing about most movie theaters in Spain? They assign your seats!! So if you are going with a group, you have to ask to be seated by each other. And yes, people WILL kick you out of their seat.

On Sunday, my friends and I went bowling with Kendall's intercambio (conversation partner). It was pretty fun. Trying to figure out my shoe size was interesting (I am a 37 btw). We only bowled one game because it was really crowded (and a tad expensive).

This is my last week of class before's scary! On friday, Heather, Kendall and I are going to see La Bella y La Bestia (Beauty and the Beast), in Madrid. Yes, it is the Broadway show (we get to see the Spanish version). I am super pumped! The rest of my weekend will consist of studying for my midterms, because I am a little nervous about them. Well, mainly just my History and Art class.

Yesterday was my first day volunteering at the Escuela de Idiomas. It was pretty fun because I got to speak in english the whole time. And it was so funny because I walked into the classroom, and my intercambio Maite was there taking the class! And I got to meet her husband too (he's taking the class as well). In a few hours I am going to volunteer at the Ludoteca (after school program). It is really fun there. We have 7 5-yr-olds to take care of, and they can be a handful. Plus, they don't speak english at all (well one girl can count to 9....) Then, after Ludoteca, I am going to the Alcazar where the library is (if you look at any of my pictures of Toledo, the Alcazar is the big building on the hill that has the 4 towers). I'll be working on some homework until it is time to come home for dinner.

I signed up to have a 2nd conversation partner (intercambio). My friend Kaley has 2 intercambios, and they're both guys, so I signed up to have a guy this time. It's so sad because not very many people at the Fundacion (my school) are signing up to be conversation partners, so there's like 20 Spainards that haven't gotten one yet. That's why I signed up for another one. I seem to have a lot of time on my hands here(which probably means I am not working hard enough!), and I really want to force myself to practice my spanish, which is why I think I am getting so involved while I am over here.

In case anyone's wondering, the countdown is 24 days until mom and Eric come 😊

Enjoy your week!


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