Blogs from Western Norway, Norway, Europe - page 57


Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen May 26th 2008

On Saturday Kristine and I climbed Rundemannen, the second tallest peak in Bergen, and fjell nummer fire (mountain number four) for me. It was a “gradual incline” to the top of the peak, but a bit grueling, as it is a continual upward slope. It sprinkled a bit on the top, which was surprisingly the only rain we have had since Monday, extremely out of the ordinary for Bergen. Yesterday was the infamous seven peak hike. Every May, hundreds of people gather to hike all seven of Bergen’s mountains. Some do it as few as 4 hours! I didn’t feel I was in great enough shape to attempt it. Maybe on my next visit, but for now I should probably stick to taking the mountains 1-2 at a time. Instead of hiking, I visited the Bergen ... read more
A bit higher up Rundemannen
The grass roof house

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen May 23rd 2008

On Wednesday Kristine and I walked into town. It was a beautiful walk and the weather was really nice. We grabbed dinner at one of her favorite Italian places. Traditional food is hard to find. We walked by Bryggen a part of the town that contains a few of Bergen's oldest houses. Kristine treated me to a cider beer at an outside bar near Bryggen. While we looked out over the water and drank our beers, Kristine taught me a bit of Norwegian. I can now count to 10 and ask what time it is. I even learned a few sentences including: I want to go up the mountain, but not tonight, and I climbed a mountain. Random I know, but I have been doing a great deal of hiking. I'm planning to learn as much ... read more
On the way to the city
Bryggen and Beer

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen May 21st 2008

Just a note on the hike I talked about yesterday. Their are about 668 "official" stairs up Stoltzekleiven. However, there may be over 700 depending on how you count them!! Looks like I will just have to count them myself. I may need a bit of rest first, as I am still sore from yesterday. Farvel, Allison... read more

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen May 20th 2008

Today I discovered why Norwegians are in such great shape. It's called the stairmaster of Mount Sandviksfjellet (Stoltzekleiven the area we hiked). Kristine and I went hiking this afternoon after her last Exam. We climbed up Stoltzekleiven and then hiked across the ridge and down Fløyen. Sandviksfjellet and Fløyen are two more of Bergen's seven peaks. I have now climbed 3/7 in about three days. Not bad. The hike took about 3.5 hours. Stoltzekleiven was an uphill battle. The entire hike up was rock stairs and took about 45minutes to an hour. It was unbelievable! Not to mention the amount of people on that hike. We must have been passed by 50 or more eager Norwegians some as young as eight! We passed a beautiful lake on our hike between the mountains. The hike down was ... read more
Stoltzekleiven Stairs
More Stairs
668 Offical Stairs later...

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen May 20th 2008

Jupp, då skal eg på tur igjen. Ein månad til Tanzania, der East Africa Cup og CHRISC arbeid. Så nokre veker i Komorene. Det blir flott. Går det litt etter planen kjem det oppdateringar her etterkvart som turen skrid fram. Arbeidet med CHRISC og East Africa Cup skal eg gjere saman med eit fantastisk team i frå StudentKRIK Bergen. Teamet har denne bloggen: read more

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen May 19th 2008

Yesterday I walked from my dorm down to the town center for a little sight seeing. The walk only took about 35 minutes and it was beautiful out. I met Arve near the fish market and we headed to the Rosenkrantz Tower. It’s a large castle tower that was built near the water in the 1560s for King Frederik II. It was damaged in 1944 when a German ammunition ship exploded in the harbor, but has been mostly restored. The winding passageways were narrow and even I had to duck through most of the doorways. The view from the top was beautiful you could see the harbor and surrounding mountains. As we left the tower is started to sprinkle, then pour. Bergen is a lot like Seattle in that it rains a little almost every day. ... read more
Ulriken View

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen May 18th 2008

I have arrived in Bergen, Norway! At 11pm last night the sky outside my window still looked like dusk and it didn't become black until well after midnight. The sun rose shortly after. Looks like I will be becoming friently with the eye covers I was given on my Delta flight. The trip has been eventful so far. I was bumped off my flight out of Phoenix Thursday night, given a Delta travel voucher, was able to sleep in my own bed, and had a 3 hour layover in Atlanta, instead of the original 12 hour one. I then flew from Atlanta to Amsterdam. Upon arriving in Amsterdam I was told that my flight to Bergen had been cancelled due to a strike at the Bergen airport. Instead, I would fly to Stavenger a town about ... read more

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen May 14th 2008

We have had a fantastic couple of days in Bergen. On Monday we had a leisurely walk around the town, which is a mixture of modern concrete buildings and beautifully painted timber clad houses situated along narrow cobbled streets, tucked away from the main roads, high density but highly colourful living! It’s a tiny place though so it didn’t take too long to get our bearings, so we took the funicular railway up to Fløyen one of the seven mountains which surround Bergen (and more importantly the only one with a railway to get you up it!) Wonderful panoramic views from the top - although we got a bit sunburnt! With red noses we headed back down to town and returned to the hostel, where we sat on the roof terrace and had a couple of ... read more

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen May 12th 2008

Hi All! We have arrived safely in (incredibly sunny) Bergen although today would appear to be a bank holiday so its all closed! The train journey to Newcastle was fine (thanks for the packed Lunch Mum!) and we managed to traverse newcastle to make the ferry in plenty of time. As we left the mysterious 'fog on the Tyne' appeared but fortunately no Gazza or Lindisfarne for which we are eternally thankful. The North Sea was smooth as you like all the way across but the fog continued so our first sight of land came quite abruptly. Followed by a few hours passing through some smaller Fjords and saw our first snow capped mountain! A very nice taster of the bigger things to come! Photos (and the end of this) to follow....... ... read more

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen May 6th 2008

An diesem Tag habe ich mir ein Auto gemietet und bin von Bergen Richtung Norden bis zum Sognefjorden gefahren. Dort habe ich eine Schleife gedreht und bin über die Berge zurück gefahren. Abends habe ich in Bergen in einem Hurtigruten-Schiff eingecheckt.... read more
An einem See.
Über die Berge.
Mit dem Hurtigruten-Schiff nach Norden.

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