Roman Science and Engineering

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Europe » Italy
November 9th 2011
Published: November 14th 2011
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Roman were famous for many achievements and inventions.

Water system:
The Romans created the aqueduct which transported water from a high place into the cities. The first Roman aqueduct was built in 312 B.C. which was called the Aqua Appia. All the aqueduct in Rome combined stretch around 500 miles. Engineering the aqueduct was a long and accurate process to make it able to transport water; for example, the size , length, and material of the aqueduct are important things to consider. The aqueduct provided water for it's citizen for drinking and bathing.

In addition, the Romans built dams to aid the transportation of water to aqueducts.

Roads: The Roman roads stretched far across the Roman empires and enabled them to trade freely. Furthermore, the roads covered 400,000 kilometers distance. In addition, the roads made communication more efficient and movement of military easier across the empire. Also, the structure and materials of their roads made them last longer, and some of the roads are still used today. Romans called their roads "viae".

Overall, Roman's science and engineering accomplishments have impacted the way of life for its people and have spread it's influence to other civilizations and today's society.


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