Blogs from Milan, Lombardy, Italy, Europe - page 19


Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan June 26th 2011

When we arrived at the Plaza where the D’Uomo is, Mass was being said, so I can say I went to Mass. Well, part of it. It was pretty amazing how many people were there. You could actually hear Mass echoing throughout the streets of the central area. I wonder if they have that big a Mass every week! Needless to say, we couldn’t actually sight see right away… soooo we headed off in search of the Last Supper. We found it. Kind of. Except the tickets are sold out til Fri so needless to say we didn’t actually SEE it. Oh well! We tried! We decided to encounter the Castle before heading back to the D’Uomo. We didn’t actually go into any of the museums, but walked through the park beyond it to an arch…forgot ... read more
Hey Mom, I was going to buy you a new clock for the kitchen...
Church with Last Supper
Inside D'Uomo

Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan June 26th 2011

Sunday, June 26, 2011 Milan kicked my ass today. I’m going to the bar. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Today I was a little behind the learning curve. Milano is much heavier than Aosta, and I was not prepared for this. But I think I’ve learned from my mistakes and the next two days in town will be much more productive. Leaving Small Town Italy I got up earlier than I had been and finished packing my bag before going to breakfast. As before, I was stuffed with cake homemade doughnuts and fruit cocktail. Toward the end of my meal, the breakfast room filled with a large group of joyously loud Italians. One of the women has sisters in Seattle and Portland, so we ... read more
I'm lost, but look what I found
Mall Preview
Leonardo Statue

Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan June 25th 2011

I enjoyed staying at Malpensa Garden Bed and Breakfast and the owners were super nice. They actually, with the two guests who arrived last night, helped me figure out what I needed to know when I got into the city this am which made life a bit easier…who am I kidding, a LOT easier. Bruno even had me put the google maps street view up so he could tell me which direction to leave the metro. Phew! I ended up getting up an hour later than I would have had to otherwise. The other two guests last night were a couple of guys who spoke some English. I could understand some of what they were saying in Italian, but that only gets one so far so I was glad to have some English conversation. Ok so ... read more
Bernina Express

Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan June 24th 2011

I thought of my core strengths for this up coming European summer. With my clothes suffering 10 months of African dust I would not be sociably acceptable in this current state. So it was time for a revamp. I put my core strengths as I have blue eyes and I will be sporting a tan. I only needed one pair of shorts so to go with everything I went with a neutral colour of a grey pair from Zara. I noticed that most stores really only catered to women in Milan but a few stores were for men too. Majority were too expensive but in the commercial world we live in the backpacker can manage to find some bargains. And Milan had enough to satisfy my Milan Makeover to kick off my search for Rochelle. It ... read more
2 -
3 - YES! Pigeon theory going strong in Milan
4 - This was for the local election against Bellisconi

Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan June 24th 2011

So I thought I was going to meet up with someone and try to get to Montjuic, but after I made it through the post office, I just couldn’t walk that far and by that point didn’t want to take the time to hop on the cable car thing that takes you across some odd hundred feet in the air. Rewind to the post office. I was proud of myself for successfully sending the package because a. I didn’t bring a return address with me and had to remember my Sevilla one from memory (which I think might be the first time I actually remembered it), b. I had to buy a box (caja…see, now I can remember…at least I think that’s what it is) and I had to fill out all the paperwork and such ... read more
Malpensa B&B
Malpensa B&B

Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan May 29th 2011

Ciao! I have arrived in Italy and despite the heat I am loving it! However when I first walked off the plane in Milan I have never been more scared. No one spoke any English and to make matters worse my flight had been delayed so it was 10:30pm by the time I arrived. I nervously made my way to the train station, mangaged to buy a ticket from a man who spoke no English and began my journey. In a very smart decision I decided to take a cap to the hostel and there I began my trip. The hostel (Hotel Galla) was very nice and I met two awesome girls. We went to a local bar that night with an Italian and a Canadian so I learned about local Italian culture right away. We ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan May 13th 2011

Where do I start! What an amazing chaotic place.After resting up in the little village of Neive we were reading to tackle Milan. Driving into Milan was to say the least very, very scary. No one and I repeat no one indicates. Once you get into the heart of the city none of the roads have markings on them plus you have to contend with scooters of every description and push bikes. They all just weave in and out of the cars. The push bikes are quite old fashion in style with your basket on the front and carriers and mudguards on the back. Plus everyone drives at a million miles an hour. So with negotiating all this we managed to get ourselves into the heart of Milan AND find a car park. We then spent ... read more
Duomo Cathedral Milan
Duomo Cathedral Milan
Duomo Piazza

Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan May 6th 2011

Today as it turns out would be a greatly interesting day in Milan. I was looking forward to coming here but there is also a part of me that added Milan just as a stopover between Torino and Venice. I sort of needed a halfway point. There were a few things that I wanted to see but nothing that I had been greatly looking forward to unlike some of the other places that I have as part of this itinerary. Well Milano has surprised me! It was just a fascinating day … well for me anyways. My day started with a quick “colazione” or breakfast (see learning new words every day …) and a lovely chat with the owner of the hotel. She is the one who greeted me so warmly yesterday. The hotel has only ... read more
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Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan May 5th 2011

Today was the day that I was saying hello to Milano. The train ride was uneventful really. The hotel I am staying at (My Hotel Milano) is a little bit more in the suburbs but easily accessible by subway. The only reason that I had problems finding it was that I thought it was at number 46 but it was actually number 14. Ooops …don’t know where 46 came from! Probably the hotel in Turin had that numbered address. Who knows … at this point I am amazed that I wake up and that I actually know in which city I am. Still don’t know what day of the week it is though without looking it up! It had to be the loveliest welcome I have ever had in a hotel room. When I introduced myself, ... read more
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Photo 42

Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan April 10th 2011

So up and ready yesterday morning for wedding festivities starting at 11. Meet and greet and snacky foods with wine (didn't start that early - too much for me!) in the hotel restaurant then on the bus for 12 to get everyone to the church just a few minutes away. What a beautiful little church! Just outside Azzano Decimo in a field, I heard it was possibly over a thousand years old, but no way to check my source! lol Paolo showed up in a cute little yellow car, then natasha in a flashy BMW shortly after. only 7 or 8 pews inside, so family and closest friends sat in there while the rest of us waited outside. Not that i'm complaining - standing under the trees was the only way to stave off heat stroke. ... read more

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