Blogs from Panama, Central America Caribbean - page 22


Central America Caribbean » Panama » Veraguas November 5th 2014

Our plane from Los Angeles to Miami was very different from our first. We felt like we were flying through space in our own hotel room. Spacious, clean, complimentary blankets, and an amazing view of night lights scattered over miles. There were screens on the plane, but they were wasted on Adam Sandler’s new movie, Blended… Rachael enjoyed it, and I’m sure Belinda will reply to this post in defense of Adam Sandler. You two are only encouraging him. And they played a disgusting skit from Jimmy Fallon in which he and the celebrity guest played forest rangers that spat food violently when they talked with each other. Rachael: It was funny at first but was way too much as it went on. In the middle of the red eye flight, Rachael barely had the strength ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Veraguas November 5th 2014

Last night, Lessly drove us to El Salon del Reino, much deeper into Santiago then where we are. We want to learn how to take the bus so the brothers don’t have to go out of their way. But we are much too far to walk to the hall. We were dropped off early because Lessly still needed to get ready for meeting at her home. One of the first sisters who greeted us in the tiny parking lot was Maria. Maria is one of those sisters that can make anyone feel at ease with her. She’s not shy. Even though I had no idea what she was saying, she made big gestures and had fun facial expressions that made me feel involved in the conversation between her and Raquel. Rachael is called Raquel in Santiago, ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Veraguas November 5th 2014

Well hello all =) It’s now 6:59 Panama time (4:59 Oregon time). I just got up from a lovely siesta and am munching on some yummy oreos. Clay is still sleeping =) I got my first bug bite! =/ If we weren’t in a foreign country I wouldn’t care but since we are, I’m being a bit of a hypochondriac. So today! It gets light really early here, before 6 am. It was not hot this morning and I wasn’t really looking forward to a cold shower (usually we are cause its so so hot here) so I guess we actually have a hot water attachment for the shower! You just have to turn it on ever so slightly till the light flickers and leave it there for a little…then it got real hot! (remember beth? ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Kuna Yala November 2nd 2014

After a fond farewell to Cuba we embarked upon our next adventure in Panama. The taxi from Panama City airport provided an overview of just how different the culture and industry are between the two countries: Cuba cut off from the superpower of America and all that comes with it, while Panama thrives with international banking and cargo. Our stay at Mamallena Hostelwas comfortable and we celebrated adding another country to our hit list by adding another beer to our hit list! With hundreds of photos and brief contact with family from throughout the first weeks of our trip, we relished the free wifi and uploaded to our hearts’ content! Our plan of a few days in Panama City to explore before setting sail across the Caribbean for the Colombian north coast didn’t last long as ... read more
Pier to paradise?
Lobster anyone?
San Blas sunrise

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama Canal October 19th 2014

We enjoyed our short stay in Panama City, the waterfront has a great walkway and the old town is under redevelopment. Some of the buildings in the old town have been lovingly restored but there are still many that are run down and we were advised some areas are a little unsafe, so we didn't hang around after dark. We decided we couldn't visit Panama and not see the world famous canal so we took a taxi to the bus station and then a local bus to the Miraflores locks. The Panama canal is an 80km waterway that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in one of the narrowest points of Panama. It saves ships huge amounts of time as they can avoid sailing around the bottom of Argentina. It opened in 1914 and has more ... read more
At the Panama Canal lock
Waterfall in Boquete
Panama City at night

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City October 19th 2014

Choices, life is all about choices. You have the life altering choices, and the mundane ones. But each choice in one way or another influences the future. Now I am not going to talk about life changing choices, but the small ones taken before or during my travels. In this case the decision to be in Lima by the 20th of December, in time to spend Christmas with my brother, and the second perhaps more fateful one to start my trip in Panama. I have two months to get to Lima from Panama, it sounds like plenty of time right? But it isn't. I don't normally have a fixed destination which I have to get to by a certain date, so I can spend as much or as little time wherever I want to. This is ... read more
Panama City
Panama City
Panama City

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Kuna Yala October 19th 2014

We had to travel from Colombia to Panama, which meant we had a decision to make, (and I'm not very good at making decisions). It's not as easy as just getting on a bus as there is an area known as the Darien Gap which is dangerous and almost impossible to navigate. So it left us with the options of either flying or taking a sail boat that included three days in the San Blas islands. We decided on taking a boat but the next problem was choosing which one as we had heard some horror stories of drunk captains and awful trips. Eventually we settled on the Perla del Caribe a 43 foot sailboat with Captain Jules. I was feeling pretty nervous when we arrived at the boat in the dark around 8pm unsure of ... read more

Bocas del Toro to albo (i) nazwa regionu wraz z archipelagiem wysp u kraibskich wybrzeży Panamy, jakieś 80 km od naszego ostateniego miejsca pobytu - Puerto Viejo w Kostaryce albo (ii) nazwa "głównego" miasta na "głównej" wyspie archipelagu zwanej Isla Colon. Ja akurat ograniczyłam się do przesiadywania na Isla Colon. Samo miasteczko Bocas del Toro nie zachwyca. Ściśniete drewniane domki na palach wyglądają ciekawe, ale tylko z zewnątrz. W pokoju nietrudno było o atak klaustrofobii. Taras to luksus, który kosztował jedyne dodatkowe 20 usd :) Ale co najgorsze ... to kulinarna pustynia - mało knajp i jedzenie nie powala. Część naszej ekspedycji dotarła na przepiękną wysepkę nieopodal. Część naszej ekspedycji widziała też rozgwiazdy, z których słynie plaża na Isla Colon - Bocas del Drago. Wiem, nazw własnych więcej niż u Marqueza w Sto lat samotności - ... read more
Plaża w Bocas del Drago
Plaża w Bocas del Drago no2
Plaża w Bocas del Drago no3

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City September 23rd 2014

Last day of this amazing vacation! Kelly and I planned a 24-hour layover in Panama City which we had heard was as much time as you needed there. Plus if we didn’t make it a 24-hour layover it was going to be a 6-hour layover and we were dreading spending that much time in the airport. Kelly and I had decided to go directly to the Panama Canal since that is the place we really wanted to see; however, the owner of our hostel convinced us to go to the Canal after lunch. Usually the ships only go through the canal from 9-12(ish) and then from 2-5(ish) and the owner told us that all the tour guides visited the canal at 9 so it was better to go after lunch so we would have the place ... read more
Old town Panama City
Lake feeding into the last lock of the canal
Maraflores Locks

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí » Boquete September 20th 2014

Z wiosennego Boquete, wciąż suszac buty po spacerach w tropikalnym deszczu, ruszyliśmy w poszukiwaniu słońca. Accu weather potwierdzalo, że znajdziemy je na karaibskim wybrzeżu Kostaryki w Puerto Viejo. Patrząc na mapę z Boquete do Puerto Viejo jest rzut beretem. Na drodze stanął nam jednak La Amistad International Park. Nic zresztą dziwnego, bo 30% powierzchni Panamy jest pod ochroną. Zupełnie po przeciwnej stronie kraju, na granicy z Kolumbia znajduje sie Darien National Park - największy w Ameryce Środkowej i najbardziej "dziki" w Panamie. Podobno znalazł w nim schronienie uciekajacy przed swoimi wierzycielami odkrywca Panamy - Vasco de Balboa. Pewnie nie on jeden, bo właśnie region Darien upatrzyli sobie przemytnicy narkotyków i paramilitarne oddzialy kolumbijskie. Jeśli ktoś chciałby oficjalnie przekroczyć lądem granicę Panamy z Kolumbia, to teoretycznie jednyna droga byłaby przez D... read more

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