Blogs from Northern Pacific Coast, Nicaragua, Central America Caribbean - page 6


Last Thursday we went to the Somoto canyon. After a hard walk in a terrible sun, we jumped into the water (wearing a lifejacket) to float for a while, some parts walking, sometimes jumping from the rocks into the water. Luckily we could choose how high we jumped, Zoe was fine with 2-3m, but Gyanendra enjoyed a jump from 10m. Besides the adventure, we enjoyed the great views of the river in between the high rocks. And afterwards we had a very delicious lunch at the home of the guide. On Friday we went for 2 nights to Reserva Natural Miraflor, a community tourism project in the mountains. Besides the beautiful nature (cloud forest, tropical dry forest), you can observe the local rural lifestyle. There are many coffee plantations, but they also have other crops. Roads ... read more
Somoto canyon
Enjoying the canyon
Bus station - Esteli

Granada is located about 2 hours from where we were staying so we set off in a taxi with another couple to spilt the costs. A round taxi from San Juan Del Sur to Granada is $50.00. However is it twice as fast and safer than the chicken bus so we decided to take this option. We arrived in Granada around midday to check into our hostel which was centrally located, we stayed in the dorms as everything else was booked but were pleasantly surprised to find most the beds were double beds and not bunks so was a nice change and cost us $8.00 a night, cant complain! That afternoon we explored the tourist strip which is a paved street with bars and cafes on either side of it for about Km. Granada is one ... read more
Scotts Haircut
boarder crossing
player el tunco

Hanz and Maureen gave us a ride to Playa Roca in Poneloya which is about 20 minutes outside Leon. The hotel was sufficient, nothing special but right on the beach. There were big rocks in the water, hence the name. (Playa Roca means beach rock) I think it was the first beach we went to with rocks like that and it was nice, it kind of reminded me of the Oregon Coast even thought it was quite different. I spent most of my time reading since I couldn't swim. Across the street there was a tiny place that served tacos which were quite good but there was only one employee so things took a while. We walked down to the end of the road which was a good distance. It's kind of a remote place so ... read more

During the night I woke up several times feverishly itching where a fire ant had bit me the day before. I was mostly asleep and not really thinking. When I woke up in the morning I realized my foot was swollen around the bite for a pretty decent size section. I was slightly concerned but mostly just annoyed. We set out to find sunglasses and a "cut off" shirt for Dan and a swimsuit for me. Mine had accidentally been taken to the cleaners and put thru a washer and dryer and it was too small in some places and saggy in others so I needed a replacement. As we popped in and out of shops we took in the town and its gorgeous cathedrals. My foot had become swollen all over, my ankle ball was ... read more

Somoto is like a Nicaraguan Mayberry. The people are so incredibly friendly, the city is much cleaner than almost any city we have been to in Central America and I just got a "good vibe" from it. There was a guard across the street from the ATM that we were using, there were 3 of us that needed to use it so it took a while. The guard came over and started talking to us. He was very kind and of course I felt extra safe with him right there. I had heard Nicaragua was very safe but this was above and beyond! We got some yummy ice cream, I had a scoop of orange chocolate ice cream which was so delicious! The people there too were very friendly, one of the woman had a unique ... read more

The next morning was rough after such a great night of dancing, sweating, and the obligatory shot pouring. I was exhausted, but not too tired to ascend El Cerro Negro again, as I had promised myself the afternoon before. This attempt was going to go much better. There were 18 people signed up for this morning. THis was going to be a party unto itself. The entire group from last night was headed up the volcano. The Aussies grabbed liters of beer for the read. It was 9am and shit was about to get wild. I grabbed 2 liters. one for myself, and one for whoever else wanted one. The trip there was a raucous one. The flatbed was fully packed. we talked, laughed, and snapped photos as the beers went down surprisingly smooth. Carlos and ... read more

The last few days have been a blur of activity. The second day at Bigfoot, volcano boarding was in order. Five of us from, the U.S., England and Israel took the crazy oath to battle El Cerro Negro. There was an hour climb up the steep volcano before the one minute descent down. I was pretty tired from my first night's festivities, but woke up around 7am. Feeling guilty from the alcohol consumption, I inquired about the location of a gym and found one. I walked over, worked out in a dungeon-like room with curious locals, and returned to the hostel for a quick breakfast and our volcano boarding adventure. I still hadn't showered since leaving the US. It didn't make much sense to prior to boarding, so I decided to wait. We loaded up onto ... read more

As usual, I waited until the last second to pack. From 11pm until about 2am, I gathered all my belongings in a pile and decided what went and what stayed. It was akin to elementary school, the captains picking their respective teams, only to disdainfullyrounds out the last of their teams. Pathetic I know. Thor's Hammer didn't make the cut, as for once in my life, a rational head prevailed. I awoke at 5am, made my obligatory cup of coffee, showered, and prepared for my top to the airport. As with all trips, I tend to get a case of the jitters. Nothing major mind you. Just a pre excitement, excitement. I conversed with the cab driver who was from Sierra Leonne. I wasn't exactly used to lively convos at 545am, but we had a nice ... read more

10.8.2012 Gestern vormittag haben wir zwei Schulen - bzw. einen Kindergarten und eine Schule besucht. Beide dieser Institutionen werden von der Städtepartnerschaft Salzburg - Leon unterstützt. Allerdings fehlt es an allen Ecken und Enden an Geld. Die Kinder haben sich über unseren Besuch gefreut und ich musste ihnen auch sofort immer die Fotos auf dem Display zeigen, die ich machte. Besonders die Kleinen waren begeistert. Nach einer ausgiebigen Siesta besuchten wir noch die zwei wichtigsten Museen der Stadt, die vor allem deswegen beeindrucken, da sie sich in wunderschönen kolonialen Häusern befinden - mit traumhaften Innenhöfen. Heute geht es weiter in den Norden - nach Matagalpa.... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

Nach einer mehr oder weniger anstrengenden Reise sind wir Sonntag spät abends in Leon angekommen. Leon ist eine alte kleine Kolonialstadt, deren Hauptattraktion die größte Kathedrale Zentralamerikas ist. Zudem ist es ein beschauliches Städtchen und gut um erst einmal richtig anzukommen. Das haben wir auch dann am Montag gemacht und das Stadtzentrum erkundet. Die Kathdrale ist riesig und wurde im 19. Jahrhundert fertiggestellt. Es gibt eine große „Terraza“ von der man einen wunderschönen Überblick über die ganze Gegend und auch die zahlreichen Vulkane der Umgebung hat. Am Abend waren wir dann im Reisebüro „Lorotrips“ zu einem typische nicaraguanischen Essen eingeladen und wir trafen einige ehemalige ITH Studenten und auch die beiden Neuen, die heuer im Herbst starten werden – Angelika und Noel. 7.8. Am Morgen machten wir uns, nach dem gemütlichen Frühstück in unserem klein... read more

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