Blogs from Leon, Northern Pacific Coast, Nicaragua, Central America Caribbean - page 15


Destination: Volcano Cerro Negro, an active volcano 25km from Leon, Nicaragua. Mission: To sledge down the side of the black sand volcano on a wooden board as fast as we possibly could. Purpose: None whatsoever. Total utter madness. Equipment: One pair of goggles. One orange jump suit Guantanamo-style. One piece of plywood slighty larger than a skateboard, patched at the bottom with a metal sheet, topped with three cross timbers and a bit of rope with a handle. No expense spared. Going up: It was a well marched pathway, made tougher by the fact we were each carrying our own boards. The higher we climbed, the more determined the wind seemed to snatch the boards away. For a short distance the path disappeared. A tremor a few weeks previous had covered the path in rocks. That ... read more
Minerals inside the crater
Umpa Lumpas!

Ok, so sorry for being slack a combination the only excuse we can offer is a combination of hot weather, small towns with no computers and immense amounts of re-planning as the trip changes day by day. Enough excuses now, back to the update. We left Esteli after a couple of interesting days and a trip to the barbers for Ben (see pics) and headed for Jinotega, dubbed the city of mists but should have been called the city of corregated iron. We arrived in Jinotega after 3 and a half hours, a rocky path and a bus breakdown later. We wandered around in the scorching heat looking for somewhere to use the bathroom, when we stumbled across a local bar. Upon entering the bar, the whole place seemed to stop, cowboy hats turned and had ... read more
Gone tomorrow!
Jinotega to Matagalpa view
Street Kid love

So after a relaxing few days in Utila, scuba diving, chilling with some fellow canadians, and just taking it all in...we made it Leon, Nicaragua after a day and a half of driving (left the Bay Islands at 620am and made it to a town right outside the border of Nicaragua at about 10pm). Its beautiful here...quite like Antigua. Old churches (the biggest in Central America is here), very lively, but the surrounding areas are the poorest I think I´ve seen to date. We´re staying in a hostel called the Big Foot...very english. It has a tiny little pool in the courtyard...and when I say tiny, I mean if I layed straight out on the surface of the water, I´d meet both ends of the pool. We met a dude from the States who´s been living ... read more

fotos from new year´s on the beach.... instead of adding captions.... and there are more at us at the beach, playa roca, león. then family in estelí with an actual christmas tree and alter, the nephews, and red ripe coffee and green unripe coffee.... read more
Photo 6
Photo 7
Photo 8

On 31st December we caught the bus from Tegucigalpa in Honduras to Leon in Nicaragua so had a border crossing ahead of us - great way to end the year! We got on the bus prepared for another spanish dubbed movie when The Mask came on.... in English! Lorna got very excited as is her second favourite movie. Now what many of you may not know is there was a second mask movie made called Son of the Mask, which was nearly as bad as the S Club movie we watched on the Mexican bus. Very close to call though. But we still watched it cos it was in English but there is a good reason it isn´t well known. The border crossing was nothing really, because of the agreement. Just have to pay $10 to ... read more
Last supper of 2008
NZ cheese slices!
The hostel pool

hello Everyone, We are all great and had a fabulous surf and sun and volcanoes and shopping and mangrove swamp time at Monty´s Surf Camp and now are in Leon and a hostel. It is beautiful with open air and pool and the luxuries (except for living in the same room in bunks with 6 others travellers). The sun and surf was incredible and i think we all managed to stand up for a moment or two on the baoards. It has been incredibley hot so we are looking for the cool of the mountains of centreal Nic. tomorrow. The Nica´s are really friendly as long as you approach them then the are smiley happy and wonderful to talk with. Monty´s was an oasis Nica´s on both sides all down the beach and this little high ... read more
Sunset typical
View from Deck
Heading off to Kayak the Mangrove Swamp

Leaving Los Naranjos at 6 in the morning we managed to get to Tegucigalpa, the Honduran capital, by about 11, although we were expecting only a couple of hours journey. From there we literally jumped on a moving bus that would take us to Choluteca, from where we took a minibus to the Honduran side of the border. We were dropped off by the minibus and very swiftly picked up by a fat man on a trike, with space for the bags, who peddled us, rather half heartedly in my opinion, to the border formalities and part of the way to the bus stop for Leon, we may of got a bit ripped off but he was really struggling bless him. At 6pm, yes thats 12hours travelling so far, our bus to Leon left and we ... read more

Arrived in Leon, still sickly but after 2 days my body was able to hold on to some solids and liquids which so I got in on the free beer and cockfighting on the afternoon of our arrival. Cocks fight whenever they are put together so owners cut off the left foot nail that they use to hurt eachother. For cockfighting, they put a small blade on the birds and let them go at it. It just looks like a lot of flapping around until the white feathers turn red and the owners start sucking blood from their faces so that they can breathe. We were told that only 1 in 10 fights end in the bird dying, but 3 out of the 5 bouts ended in a kill. Leon is the liberal city of Nica ... read more
Nica Bus
Justin and friend
Leon, side of Cathedral

Today was finally a relatively laid back day. Our only plans were to check out Leon then head to Managua in the afternoon. I still woke up around 5:30 AM, used to early starts I guess. My laundry was getting stinky so I washed some clothes out and hung them to dry; I'd hoped to have some clean clothes for the trip back home tomorrow. Even better, we actually had time for breakfast this morning. The hostel offered a breakfast of pancakes, fruit and juice.. quite yummy. We set off and spent a few hours wandering around town. There are a few good churches in town; specifically the Cathedral in the main square is the largest in Central America. There are also several murals around town. Leon is still a pro-Sandanista town, we saw FSLN signs ... read more
Hot Dog Mary
Leon Cathedral
Cathedral Painting

Another long travel day today. We planned on visiting the Perquin museum this morning, then catching the bus towards the El Salvador/Honduras border. Our plan was to make Leon in Nicaragua today, but would be fine with just making it to the Nicaraguan border. The museum opened at 8AM, admission was $1.25. Our guide, Jose was a veteran of the civil war. He walked with a limp due to his fake leg he'd received from the Red Cross. The museum has 5 different rooms, showing the causes of the civil war, also showing photos of people who had been assassinated. Another room displays Solidarity posters from the US (Stop Bombing El Salvador), Germany and other countries. One room has lots of different weapons used during the conflict. One Chinese gun had been used in Vietnam, then ... read more
Museum of the Revolution: Heroes and Martyrs
Solidarity Posters
Horse in Guasasule, Nicaragua

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