"Well you don't see that every day"

Published: August 8th 2008
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Last night I was in Keiths room updating him about some things, when we heard some distant noises -- not quite gunshots -- but explosions of some sorts -- mid-sentance keith and I stand up and shout


We run outside and see them in the distance, we climb up onto the ledge of the roof-top patio and watch the Jamaican Independence Day Firework show. Apparently fireworks are the universal symbol of independence, or the global dependence on Chinas manfacturing industry.

Either way, nothin brightens your spirits like explosions, sparks in the sky, loud noises, and distinctive clouds of residual smoke.

For some strange reason my summer suddenly feels more complete.

I fall asleep.

Wake up and get ready for work.
Fish for breakfast, and no fruit.
As we are walking out the door to meet Rocky the woman that runs the guesthouse asks if I got a poached egg this morning.

A poached egg?
No, I'm pretty sure I had fish on my plate.
Turns out she poached an egg specifically for me, and the women in the kitchen forgot to give it to me. Oops. They ask if I want to take it with me.

I pass on the offer to walk out to the taxi with a poached egg in my hand.

Get to work and work on my last assignment.

Go to a meeting where we discuss the internship, and our experiences in Jamaica. I am asked by an older, much respected Jamaican man about any gender or racial prejudices I've experienced during the 8 weeks I've been in Kingston.
I try to answer honestly, while choosing my words carefully.
I practice my diplomatic skills...

Go back to work and finish up the last bit of my assignment.

Eat lunch. Mac n' Cheese -- only one more day of it, so I push through.

Do a little bit of internet research, and say a goodbye to the woman we've been working with from the Child Abuse Mitigation Project at the Childrens Hospital.
Leave the office early to head to the UNICEF office.

Walk home, taking the more interesting of the possible routes, which at our discussion this morning we were told its a very common prostitue hang out. I believe it, there are always some interesting characters on this one particular stretch of road.

As we approach I notice a woman running from down an alley/drainage ditch out to the main road where we are walking. She is running at a rather brisk pace, and she cuts right in front of us to cross the road. It's at this point I realize that she has very short shorts on, no shirt, and her bra is around her waist.



Keep walking.

Always an adventure.

Get home, and I decide to start sorting and packing.
About 10 minutes later the power goes out.
I end up reading outside, and the power comes back on about an hour or so later. Go back inside to keep packing.

Get take-away Thai, and come back to the guesthouse to eat.

Tomorrow is the last day at the internship, and my last full day in Jamaica.


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