Blogs from Quetzaltenango, Western Highlands, Guatemala, Central America Caribbean - page 37


I am in my second week of Guatemala; currently experiencing many highs and lows. Initially when I arrived in Guatemala, I was so relieved to have made it into Xela safe and sound. Meaning, no robberies or getting lost. I have been doing quite a bit of exploring with various amigas from my school. When I am in a new place, I study a map of the city and figure out where I am and where various cafes, restaurants and parks are located in the city. I also strategize where the safe and unsafe areas are. So, making it into Xela safely and figuring out the layout of the city kept my spirits high for a couple of days. Then reality set in. The language barrier is difficult at times. I now understand what it is ... read more
Mis Amigas
Lety and I

So away we go chasing Quetzals. Quetzals while being the basic unit of money in Guatemala are also large trogons of Central America and South America having golden-green and scarlet plumage and long tails. The latter are beautiful birds virtually impossible to find the former are common gold coins which are virtually worthless. So far we have merely managed to get our hands on a few of the coins. We arrived in Xela (Shay-La) yesterday pretty shattered. The twelve hour flight from NZ to LA went without hitch. I (Jamie) was stoked with the new Air NZ entertainment system, plenty of games including who wants to be a millionaire... We also got to watch the Southern Traverse 2005 for the humour value. Arriving in LA we decided to visit Santa Monica beach, much to our surprise ... read more
Any takers?
Getting arty at the beach

I feel that I am adapting well to life here in Quetzaltenango. I have quickly fallen into a routine. My day usually starts at 6:00am, with me waking up to the sounds of cars on the street. For two days now, a car has parked itself near my house, and has blared its horn while waiting for the person to come outside. I usually lay in bed and think about my plans for the day and start to review my spanish. I get up at 7:00 and study for about an hour at my desk. In my room I have a desk with a small lamp, and full sized bed, and a set of small shelves where I lay my clothes on. My host family has decorated my room with various paintings, rocks and figurines of ... read more
My room
My room

Hello everyone, I am here at my school PLQ (Proyecto Linguistico Quetzalteco) in Quetzaltenango (also known as Xela (pronounced Shay-la). After leaving Los Angeles on a 2:00 am flight, I arrived into Guatemala City Sunday morning at 8:30. I had no difficulties passing through immigration, and no problems finding my luggage. In fact, I was the first person to find my bag and leave the baggage terminal. The previous week, I had made arrangements with Mr. and Mrs Lizama (in Guatemala City) to pick me up from the airport Sunday morning. As I was leaving the airport terminal, I quickly found Mr Lizama amoung a crowd of 50 or so people. I felt everyone looking at me, but when I saw Mr. Lizama I felt great relief and happiness that I had made it safely. Mr ... read more
Mr. and Mrs. Lizama
Juan, myself, and Alfonso

After getting some much needed sleep last night, I got up this morning and took some of the students to Fuentes Georginas, some hot springs located about 15 minutes from Zunil. On the way there one minibus and one pick-up got stuck (in opposite directions) and it took about 20 minutes for them to get out of the mud. Because of the affects of Hurricane Stan in Guatemala, there are still severe mudslides in the mountains when it rains. The warm water felt good, seeing that I was a bit sore from the long hike the day before. We stayed there for a while and left around 12:30 or 1 pm. There were no pick-ups at the gates like normal and we had to wait a while for a ride. After 10 minutes a group of ... read more
Road to Fuentes Georginas
Crops on the Hillside
Traffic Jam...Guatemalan Style

Not written in a while. No reason just havent (cant get inverted commas to work, so you just have to imagine cos I cant write without abreviations). Oaxaca was tranquillo to the extreme and our second week there prooved to be very comfortable. We had a really hard time leaving as our hostel had formed a little nuclear family sort of cell, but it was time to move on. Inthe last week we visited our two first archeological sites: Mitla and Monte Alban. Mitla is very small and has very little left of the Oaxaquenas civilisation, but what is shows incredible craft. The buildings were built without cement and include some highly intricate individual stone mosaics. Monte Alban is more of your classic pyramid idea, but with awesome views and a kind of historical memory akin ... read more

Today (Wednesday May 10) I gave my first tour for the school. I was a bit late arriving to meet the students at the school because today is Mother´s Day here, a VERY big deal, and lunch ran a little long. However, we went and caught a bus to Zunil, which is about 15 minutes from Quetzaltenango (or Xela, which means 'under 10' in Quiché because of the 10 mountains and volcanoes surrounding the city). Zunil is a beautiful, picturesque town except for the river of trash that you must pass over to get from the buses to the town. Zunil hosts a local saint named Maximon (ma-shee-mon), also known as San Simon and can be found in the house of a local family. Each year he changes houses/families so that various families have the chance ... read more

Hello all you people. I am here in Xela, Guatemala, just finished my first day of work. I think I´m gonna like this. I stayed at a hostel here in Xela Saturday and Sunday night, but today I moved my stuff to a host familiy´s house. However, in a week or two they will be done with the apartament that I will be living in. It´s awesome. It has one bedroom, a kitchen and big eating area, a bathroom, and a room to hang out in. Since it is located above the school it has a great view of the city and its surrounding mountains and good location. I´ll post some pictures of it when I move in there.... read more

Didn´t feel like sitting at home tonight, my last night here, though I am tired. I went to the waterpark today with the Cubs as planned. It was about a one hour or 75 minute ride in two "microbuses" (vans). There were about 20 kids and maybe 8 or 10 adults. As it turned out my English speaking friend who was scheduled to be with the Scouts also came because the Scouts didn´t show up on time at the zoo to feed the animals. As a result, I elarned a good deal about Guatemala from here on the trip there and back, The waterpark is a showpiece for all of Central America apparently (Mexico is not counted of course as it is considered part of North America). It is about an hour from the ocean, much ... read more

I just discovered that many of you had sent comments that were not posted to my website because I needed to review and approve them. They should all be there now - my apologies, and many thanks for taking the time to express your comments. Nice to know you have been following along.... read more

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