Blogs from Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 507


The name in Spanish is Oropel. The latin is Bothriechis schlegelii, the Eyelash Viper. We got one!!! Well, I took a morning off to go find one on the Watch Trail and low and behold, it was still there (S saw it yesterday afternoon, same spot). And what did I do? I brought it back. Yep, in a bag, in my backpack, I walked it back 5km to the cabins. Dangerous, probably. But totally cool. The plan is to take a lot of photos. My advisor is going to think this is cool too; they've never seen an eyelash viper here before. That's right, I rule. Tomorrow is the last day of June. Hard to believe a few entries ago I was feeling like it would never come. Just took out the viper again, and he ... read more
More of the Eyelash
Watch Out...
And Another...

Just before I left for Costa Rica I received an e-mail from Andra saying that she was still there at the University for Peace (Andra graduated with me was as econ major at Mac). She had no idea that I was going through central america, it was all by coincidence. Eloisa and I drove to San Juan, it took us three hours to get through the border this time. After 20 minutes in Costa Rica I get pulled over and guess what? I get my first speeding ticket on the north of the equator. I was almost happy about it, after going through places like honduras where the cops seem to do nothing but try to figure out ways to rip you off, it was nice to find a place where the police is actually doing ... read more

Okay, this was the best day so far. I´m so excited from our activities today. We started with the Selvatura bridge walk through Santa Elena Reserve. Basically, we hiked through the trees through bridges that connected one park to the other. Could have done without that one, but then we had the zipline tour. it is a definite must do here. its completely touristy, but who cares, i´m a tourist. its like repelling except there is no mountain/ face to swing off. We are dangling through the trees and really moving from one platform to another basically flying in the wind to the next platform. it was awesome. You know who, had so many negative comments about the event; i just had to ignore him. he once said, " my heart is racing because of the ... read more
mal estado
" don't you know..."
bridge walkway

Nothing much to say here. Reading those damn books makes me want to have magic powers haha. How easy would finding lizards be then? But then everything difficult would be easy and nothing would be worth a moment's effort. And where's the fun in that. Wait, I'm lazy... Tomorrow I get to tag along and go to the primary forest transect (about 7km up the road, either we walk or take horses). Hopefully I'll get lots of pictures and see tons of snakes and stuff. I still owe one parrot snake (Leptophis spp.) a second round. Today I found a strange new trail, following the river, gotta explore it next time. The neighbors are logging their property, it's loud as hell. We call that the Chainsaw Bird. It's not native to the rainforest though haha. Time ... read more
A Spider Wandering
Hey, Everybody's Doing It... (Literally)
My Friend, the Snail-Eater

We (yup, he made it, too). We had a comedy of errors yesterday with me forgetting my wallet in kayla´s car (luckily, she came back) and moises not having a ticket to board the plane. that took one hour to solve. Believe me, i was going to make sure he got on that plane; however, now, i´m reconsidering. lets say its been nothing but hell!!!!!!! We stayed at a hostel last night and i must admit it was fairly organized and clean, but its been a long time since i´ve stayed in a hostel. well, the positive is that we were able to go out last night in San jose to have a few beers. We rented our car and that was an ordeal, but we finally made it out with a few loud decibals on ... read more

Today, after surfing, I had nothing but time on my hands. I decided to jump in one of the school's hammocks and read my book. . .pura vida, no? As I was reading to the sound of waves and palm branches, I caught a glimpse of our friendly neighbors, los monos. It was a cute little family. The dad, ever the macho, is the family's protector and stayed on a main branch while his wife and babies, some of which were on her back, took time to go out onto further branches to eat fruit. I started snapping photos right and left. Then I made the mistake of getting right under one of those monkeys. She either really didn't like me or felt very comfortable with me right there because that was the exact moment she ... read more
Eating Upside-Down
Watch Out Jolynn!

People have to understand that I have some serious moist problems. This entire weekend I was moist! And by “moist problems” I mean, I have profound objections to feeling moist, especially for long periods of time. Good thing I´m probably in the moistest country in the world at this time! This weekend was crazy. Guanacaste has extremely bumpy terrain. We were bouncing in our tour bus all the way to the beach. And can you imagine how that would be like if you had to go to the bathroom? I had just that problem. Despite my discomfort, I would say this was one of my favorite weekends. Sunset at the beach, geysers, mudbaths, pushing the bus up and down muddy hills…yep, that was this weekend. It started raining…hard…when we were in the rainforest of the Volcán ... read more
caminando a casa

Okay, so before I start in on today's surfing adventure, let me start by addressing all the "Are you sure you're studying down there?" comments I've been getting. YES, I'm studying like a maniac! Let me take a moment to expand this point. Last Monday I sat down with the director and dove right into a conversation with him in Spanish for approximately 30 seconds, saying a few of the only sentences I know about myself, thanks to my wonderful PSage teachers. Well, for some reason, he decides to put me in Spanish Level 3, an intermediate level class. The class is only in Spanish. . .no English allowed. We're conjugating verbs right and left in the present and past, regular and irregular. I spend 4 hours in classes each day. This week our class consisted ... read more

My friend Randy asked in an email recently how I was dealing with communication issues here. In other words, how are we getting along given Beth and I don’t speak much Spanish (that’s a huge understatement!). Well, so far we have been getting by okay. What I try to do, right or wrong, is to listen for key words I understand like “trabajo” (work) or “precio” (price) or “bano” (bathroom!) and then haphazardly put together what a Tico is trying to explain to me. This method seems to work for me but it certainly isn’t enough to be a full time resident of Costa Rica. In fact, to become a citizen, you have to take a Spanish test. Okay, I’ll probably never become a citizen (not that I would ever give up my U.S. citizenship). I ... read more

Hey guys, Don't forget to put your name down otherwise, it will just come up as annoymous. And, you know I would love to read your comments. :) 2 more days to go!!!!!!!!!... read more

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