San Jose

Published: February 6th 2010
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Pretty entertaining wake up this morning. We were headed for San Jose on the 6:30am bus so I had set my alarm for 5:45am to get up and run up the road to the bus. I woke up to the alarm but the other guys didn't. As I was groggily finding my bearings, Matt's alarm went off. Now there are only four of us in the room in each corner. Justin and Morris  have no alarm, mine is in my hands, And that leaves Matt. So the alarm is going off in Matt's corner for awhile when I finally tell him to turn it off. His response was "it's not mine" ... Even after I explain mine is in my hands he is still convinced he shut his off last night. Finally he sits up and realizes oh yeah it is his. We grab all our gear and run up to the bus stop, leaving Morris who is going to catch the 2pm bus (6:30 was too early). After four hours we were standing at Hostel Pangea in the capital of Costa Rica, San Jose. Checking all our bags in, we grabbed a cab to the nearest mall to pick up necessities. We found out that it was a lot lime Canadian malls and all the prices were jacked way up. Instead of geting anything we just held off until we get to a cheaper spot. That night we went to the Imax theatre to see Avater. Unlucky for us it was sold out when we got there but we still got to watch it in 3D in a different theatre. It was really good but I will refrain from giving spoilers in this. It took us a while to get a cab back into San Jose but we eventually made it and all went quietly into our dorm.


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