katiemac604's Guestbook

3rd April 2009

I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often. Sarah http://www.craigslistpostingonline.info
3rd April 2009

SOOOO today it was SIXTY SEVEN! spring is FINALLY here! Round TWO of letters from Camp went out a couple days ago so of course there is more fb creepin' then ever! haha. i can't wait till camp starts. UH not much is happening in the states thats like "BIG NEWS"... the usual. *sighs* recession. BUT ANYWAYS i'm reading your blogs like crazy now (i just read three in a row because i lost track of time since you last wrote) and i just love hearing about it Kate! I can't wait to see the clothes & ALL those pictures YOU HAVE TO TAKE. okay well that's what i can report, sorry its nothing too, too exciting. ♥ em
2nd April 2009

Kate-you are channeling Bubby right now. If you REALLY want to channel her, you will buy copies of this book and give it to all of your friends and family!
30th March 2009

woops. didn't make that clear. send it to my home address in the states. when i get home i'll send it all at once to africa.
30th March 2009

it's one of those books that is really good but also needs to be read by the entire human race. there's a quote on the cover that says "every book is now lumped into two categories- those i read before Ishmael and those i read after." or something like that. it's incredible and extraordinarily eye-opening
30th March 2009

I believe your Mom recommended this to me about 20 years ago and I didn't read it. Maybe you will finally push me over the edge.
24th March 2009

Hi Aunty Kate: I just now finally got caught up on your adventure in The Gambia, having read through all of your postings in one fell swoop. I am so impressed with you! Not only are you resourceful, but you are so incredibly mature. I think being the oldest in your family and all of your camp experience, among many others, I'm sure, is standing you in good stead. Your reports really bring your experiences to life. It sounds as though you have been given a terrific placement and are making the most of it. Most important, you are making friends and making a contribution to the lives of these people. Hope you'll have a chance to post some photos so we can see you and them. Winter is taking its sweet time disappearing from our lives, as you have been hearing. The sun is telling us that it's spring. The bulbs planted last Fall are telling us it's spring. But we are still shivering in 30 degree temperatures and the pile of snow in my driveway is taking forever to disappear. However, it will be only a matter of time before we are complaining about the heat. I'll gladly donate some supplies to your school, though I think it might make more sense for you to take up a collection when you get home and send it all at once. I wonder how long it will take for our packages to get there, too. Is French your daily language? Je t'embrasse! Milles abrazos! Aunty Sue
18th March 2009

You must be a great teacher!
Kate- How great it is to see this culture through your eyes. I hope you are taking photos of everything! You'll come back with a new wardrobe and incredible memories. This experience is incredible and we love these blogs. I bet you are a remarkable teacher for these children. Keep track of these new foods and bring some recipes home with you. What kinds of spices do they use? Spring hasn't quite happened here but most snow has melted and it might reach 60 degrees tomorrow! Spring break from school here for the next two weeks. Your blogs are incredible. Keep sharing with all of, your great work!
14th March 2009

This is wonderful, I think I might have to steal Toubab for some of my... whiter friends. :D I'm glad you're doing well, the kids sound glorious. I miss you terribly. -Spencer P.S. Sox beat the Yanks in Grapefruit League, 8-4 today. I managed to catch the last inning when I got home, which was nice.
12th March 2009

Great descriptions!
Honey, i loved reading about Gamo, your donut making, and teaching the kids about integers! I sent this link to Karl at Calumet because he'd love the camp reference in terms of games. My guess is that you'll be speaking in their language soon enough, or at least enough to get by. Keep posting! We are still waiting for spring here; Aunt Hallie and I walked the dogs today at Callahan and had to skirt around the edges of giant ice patches. Of course the dogs didn't mind and just fell and skidded all along the path. Addy is feeling better; not back at school yet but healing all the time. Duncan has his first baseball practice this afternoon and leaves for spring training next week, and Jeff is doing well and will begin outdoor soccer as soon as the ground thaws, which will be...april maybe? Oh, and Duncan is going to get his permit next week! love you-- mom
11th March 2009

What an experience you are having. I love your blogs. It's a little like my experience on the Indian reservation. No matter what you do it is better than what they have. Stay well. Much love Baba
7th March 2009

Hey Kate, wow sounds like you've been really busy but i bet you're having the time of your life! well back here in the masshole i think the snow is FINALLY getting ready to leave for the season *crosses fingers* everyone got there letters from camp and so creepin' on the book of faces has been a full time job! haha... i miss you and glad you're partying up with the grade school kids. oh yeah, could you teach ME factoring?! i hate it to the max! well glad to know you're doing swell. get some sleep and stay healthy! -em
4th March 2009

Hey kate! wow! i can't believe your in Africa. I'm only SLIGHTLY jealous! Reading about how you teach these kids is so amazing. I can't believe you get to teach these kids and everything. and how you just like know what to do. So are you there to teach kids and help them out and such? Cause thats what it seems like you are teach the kids. I see there is a cultural difference. When i read about the whip i almost like was cried on the inside i can't believe they do that!!! Maybe with your being there they will stop using it. :-D I hope all goes well!! Sounds like you are having a blast! miss you love Erin
3rd March 2009

Wicked peaceful
I loved that, "wicked peaceful." Just read it to my husband. I hope you loved Confederacy of Dunces like I did when I read it years ago recommended by guess who? Your Mom.
2nd March 2009

Hey Kate
So I'm commenting to tell you I read this and I am soaking all this in like a sponge. I'm pretty jealous of all your experiences you're getting and I expect to see pictures. Hope you're having the time of your life. See you at camp! Love, Emily
28th February 2009

Great entry sweetie! Sounds like you are in a great place in every way. I love the idea of Cleaning Day...oh wait, we have that here every Friday. I'll have to remember to buy some baoba juice to keep you hydrated while you work on your room :) We are expecting 12 inches of snow tomorrow night; yes that means Duncan and Jeff will be home from school again and Jeff will be finishing school in July. I judged speech today, Mardi Gras (Duncan was home sick), and Bancroft did really well. Gabe judged too. love you- mom
28th February 2009

Greetings from Antigua
Hi sweetheart, We so enjoyed your first blog and have shared it with the Brilliant Burbidges who live in the next room to us at Curtain Bluff. Quite possibly many of our friends who work here can trace their ancestry to where you are. The big world suddenly seems smaller. Sheil and I are having a wonderful vacation. The blenders are constantly whirring and the water is beautiful and so are the people, just as I hope you remember it. We anxiously await hearing further from you about Katy Mac's magnificent adventure. love and hugs, Sheil and Leel
1st December 2008

Dulce yum!
I love Dulce de Leche!!! And when we were in Mexico last week, I learned what dulce means! It wasn't quite as, um, native as your travels since we never left the confines of our resort. But we did get to practice a little Spanish. Sorry you were sick!
From Blog: Buenos Aires
23rd November 2008

What an experience
Iloved the details of your narrative. 15,000 feet is really high. I think you did wonderfully to reach it. When I hiked over a mountain in New Zealand I was always at the back of the pack. I also wanted to stop and look. I was so stiff when a day or so after we came down I had to go down hill backwards. The top of my legs just killed from going downhill over a rocky terrain. Great adventure you had. Keep up the blogs. Much love BABA
20th November 2008

kate these sound amaaaaaaaaazing and i'm so jealous. glad you are having fun. I MISS YOU and love you!
14th November 2008

katie i have never been as jealous as i am after reading this blog. well done. the hike sounds awesome. i've been at 14, 255 but not as high as you. you are the yertle the turtle of our family now. i dont think anyone has ever been as high. flaming bananas? i love you. ud.
11th November 2008

What a Hike!
Kate, Wow, what an experience. Hiking in hail!!!! Hope you have some good hiking boots. This whole experience is quite an adventure. Can't wait to see the pictures you have taken. They sure feed you well, but with all that exercise I bet you are losing weight. Keep up this blog. You vivid descriptions make us feel we are there with you. Sincerely, Mrs. Carlson
10th November 2008

Kate-this must have taken as ,long to type as it did to experience! It sounds like quite a trip! We miss you too! xoxo
10th November 2008

To YFA: Lobsters are not in the least bit cute. They look like giant bugs. Alpaca are soft and sweet and have large, brown, caring eyes, and very warm fur that knits up beautifully. Lobsters are good for meat and tommale, and that's it. To Katie: Wow, what a hike!!! I am so impressed by your descriptions, your willingness to keep going even though you didn't feel great, and your determination to make the whole climb there and back. The food sounds delicious, and your descriptions of it as well as the hike are quite evocative. Why were you walking on train tracks? And were you wearing your heavy packs while doing so? Some things a mother would rather not know perhaps! love, mom
5th November 2008

Apparently, your mother is forgetting about the cute little lobsters' sweet little eyes and faces .

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