colvinyeates' Guestbook

28th February 2013

very nice one
Hi to erverbody! We have been to Hikkaduva in Feb. 2012, we stayed at the "moon beam", nice one but I think too expensive! But it was close to the beach and the very best extremly closed to "Ranjiths", I even don't now if you knew the 3 brothers and the location?! Extraordinary Hollidays for 4 Weeks, we rent a bike for the hole time, the countryside is unbeleavabel!! We also have been to India , Rajastan, Goa, Kerala, but I think up to now it's too crowded!! My Girl and me prefare SriLanka! You have to excuse my englisch, it's indeed not perfekt! best Regards from Colon/ Germany
1st March 2013

Your English is fine
Seeimg as I don't speak German. As for Ranjiths, he's been there since I first went to Hikkaduwa in 1980. It's a great place.
19th February 2013

What a ride, you two! Appreciate you allowing us to share your experiences along the way. Amazing trip and though we may not be near as adventurous, we do want to hit many of the places you visited. Thanks for the updates and God bless you both down under!
20th February 2013

Thanks for that
Right now it's payback time. Trying to move back into the house which isn't in as great a state as we left it, putting it mildly. Still, nice place to come home to. I trust we will be crossing paths again somewhere sometime. I'm already looking forward to it.
17th February 2013

Very well-written blog. I thoroughly enjoyed every second of reading your blog. There is so much in your blog. Keep it up and thank you for sharing those thoughts and moments on Travelblog so that others might read it.
18th February 2013

thanks for that. nice to know someone is tuning in.
17th February 2013

Very well-written blog. I thoroughly enjoyed every second of reading your blog. There is so much in your blog. Keep it up and thank you for sharing those thoughts and moments on Travelblog so that others might read it.
17th February 2013

I shall miss the little witticisms and charming insights
Also, I quite like the two lions clutching a shield on my passport, they make minced meat of emu's and kangaroos ;) Although, the particular ones on mine probably not, as they have faded away to nothingness, can't even read which country I am from anymore. To ensure an extra life, be good but not too good, or else you will go to nirvana. Don't be too nasty either or you will revert to animal form in your next life. It is a delicate balance.
18th February 2013

Very witty.
We cant even claim that emus and kangaroos are smarter than your average lion. With heads that small and bums that large in comparison, you just know they have to be stupid.
17th February 2013

Mr Ideasman
Oh yeah, another Mr Ideasman! We would get on so well together... welcome home! We are acclimatising since our return three weeks ago and finishing up the blog of course.
18th February 2013

thanks Meryl.
And thanks for tuning in so long. I hope we cross paths one day on the road, or even back home for that matter.
17th February 2013

Welcome home champion
Welcome home champion. It was a pleasure to live vicariously through your travels. Great blogs and fantastic photos.
18th February 2013

How about SURFA.
Time for a general meeting.
17th February 2013

Is this the end of your travels!?
I certainly hope it isn't, and that you are planning other journeys in the future! So many people I've met ask me about the much sought after Australian work visa so I always explain two things. First, it is extremely difficult to obtain, and no, I am unable to help them since I have no idea when I will return to Australia. Second, though Australians earn a lot of money, the expenses are very high - so all I do is the covert the cost of items such as groceries, restaurants, public transport and rent into local currency and their mouths almost always drop open. I too consider myself extremely fortunate to have a kangaroo and emu on my passport; it has enabled me so many opportunities to chip away at the paint on this planet.
17th February 2013

Not in the short term
No travel plans just yet but this is definitely not the end of the road. I'll have to do some travelling vicariously through travelblog for the short at least. I'll be keeping my eyes on the site. Safe travels.
13th February 2013

Good to tell me that one day is enough for Teheran. What do you think, what should we visit and how long should we stay there ? We have only 14 days in Iran. Every time when I go on your blog I'm stocked your great picture!!!!
13th February 2013

Hi again, the central market in Tehran is a great introduction to Iran and also Tehran. There is a palace, something along the lines of the palace/house of mirrors, a short walk from the market and worth a visit. There is a park referred to as the artists quarter with a great cafe and some ok displays, all free. It's in lonely planet, we can't remember the name. Buy all your currency at the official exchanges on the streets, not the bank, the rate at the bank is VERY low. Take hard currencies as no ATM's work for foreigners.
13th February 2013

Just to let you both know - now that you are about to return to oz - I have definitely enjoyed following your travels. I feel that I have kind of accompanied you along the way! Thanks and no, laughs not lost to cyberspace! Xx see you very soon! Yay!
13th February 2013

Wait till you get the billion photos that accompany each leg of the way. Xxx see you soon.
11th February 2013

My heart swelled
I have long wanted to travel to Iran. Two years ago I told my husband that I wanted my next trip to be to Iran. After five minutes of silence came laughter and post laughter came, "Oh my God, you're serious?!" And somehow that was the end of that conversation. I had a similar response when I mentioned to a small group of coworkers about my longing to travel to Iran. I was so upset and sickened by some of the remarks that I never mentioned it again. As for my family, well they just blew the conversation off altogether. Since these instances, I have stopped talking to people about wanting to travel to Iran. I just wanted to say thank you for writing such a beautiful blog and once again instilling in me the hope that someday I too will be able to visit. It was so nice to read an uplifting and positive blog about a country that my country has taught its inhabitants to fear and steer clear of.
11th February 2013

Glad the message is getting through
Im flattered you enjoyed the blog. Iran sure has an image issue, particularly in The States. Yet the few Americans we met in Iran were treated equally as welcomingly as anybody. It really hurts the Persians that they are viewed globally in such a negative manner.mkeep the dream alive.
9th February 2013

Simply incredible
By going through this whole article, I can find quite a bit of resemblance in between the Indian cities and the cities of Bangladesh. The post was highly informative as well as interesting. This post truly has the ability to convince almost anyone to admit that; yes, India is really incredible! Greener Pastures
8th February 2013

Happy Hampi
Wonderfully colorful photos, and I´m relieved you could´t include the smells. Hampi sounds and looks fantastic--how great that you found it amidst the more challenging big cities, and it was there you got to recover from your only bug. Glad you liked India more this time around though that transport-monkey story sounds as if there are still challenges there.
11th February 2013

Thanks again Tara
You really are great for the ego.

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