Where Did the Real Go's Guestbook

10th April 2015

Hi Sean, We are so sorry to hear that your friend passed away. May the memories of him always make you smile. That was a wonderful tribute you wrote.
8th April 2015

Very nice article! I’ll try to put in practice,
8th April 2015

I know first hand what it is like to lose a close friend when you're on the other side of the world, unable to be where you most want to. Beautifully written tribute for Paul, you've got the tears rolling here.
6th April 2015

Memories of a Fallen Friend
Very sorry to hear about the loss of your good friend Ron and Silvane
6th April 2015

Beautiful blog, beautiful Paul
Your blog has me with tears rolling down my face, thank you for opening up your heart and sharing with us, Paul looks like he would have been an awesome mate. The picture of the single Bauhinia floating is gorgeous. I hope you find comfort and a smile for Paul every time the bauhinias flower. Fly high Paul.
6th April 2015

Dear Sean, I am so sorry! your kind words to your friend are proof that he will live in your heart for ever, thanks for sharing.
6th April 2015

in my own quiet way
The hardest words are what to say when a dear friend has died...a tough word to say when you are grieving but it is the right word. Your photo of Paul and the words from your heart honour your dear friend...and thus may they uplift his memory for all of his friends.
6th April 2015

Sean, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. What a hard thing to go through. Your post was a lovely tribute.
1st April 2015

Amazingly well written!
Another good one
29th March 2015

Fleeting moments of truth
So touching! As usual, I'm moved by your reflections and your commitment to life! Indeed, it would have been easier to give in to your illness, but like a true Ulysses in search of truth, you endured/sacrificed and were rewarded with magical, mystical moments on the beach with your friend (peace/vast/water) and an opportunity to reflect on our unfathomable journey. As you say, cherish all!
29th March 2015

The Wayward Bus
That's the title of an obscure John Steinbeck novel that captured my imagination years ago. I am often reminded of it when I take a bus in an exotic land. Always a story from an overnight sleeper. And what a trip you had...the destination to meet a friend from years & years back...the poignancy of such a short reunion with just a brush of reminiscences you probably wanted to give...the knowledge it may be your last. Great blog Sean. Great you could so share the memory...and preserve it by writing it for your posterity.
1st April 2015

As always, thanks for the thoughts! It indeed was a surreal day that I often feel was just a dream. Those quick snapshots of life have a way of becoming the ones we remember the most!
29th March 2015

Bangladesh Lonely Planet
I would like to thank you very much for publishing this kind of article. I like your article very much. I want to share my website details with you and it would be my pleasure if you share my site to your friends. Website: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/bangladesh
29th March 2015

Hello and thank you for your kind words! We will be pleased to share your site with others. We visited your site and enjoyed the pictures and information. If you are ever looking for any written contributions, please let us know. All the best, -Sean
24th March 2015

Magical moments and memories
"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory" - Dr. Seuss. We love your blogs and reading about your latest escapades. Being able to have shared time with both of you in Bangkok and Siem Reap made it all so much more 'real' for us. When it was time to go our separate ways, it really hit home when Sean said "the chances of our ever being together again in Bangkok and Cambodia in our lifetimes are most likely never going to happen". So sad, but true. We got over the tears fairly quickly as the 4 of us began to realize and think about all of the wonderful new adventures and memories that we will share together that lie in wait just around the corner. We can't tell you enough how much we love you both! Mom and Dad
25th March 2015

Mom & Dad, We agree that sharing that time on the other side of the world made the time that much more valued! It goes to show that time and space are only obstacles to be overcome! And like you said, who knows what adventure is waiting for us all next!! Where ever it may be, I think we know that it will be a good one! Lots of love from us both!!
24th March 2015

Young Lovers
It's still a thrill and we have been married for 33 years...yep 33. Recommitted our marriage in a full Tuareg wedding at Timbuktu at 30 years. We still feel young...love can do that to you. Your moments remind me of what feels like just a few years ago when we were just like you. Happy Anniversary and make sure your lives always retain that young fresh feeling that your writing so reflects. It'll be worth it.
25th March 2015

Hi Dave, Thanks for reflecting with us... we agree that youth is state of mind and being and that it is the the adventures and experiences that keep us forever young! I think it is when we stop doing or being that we begin to whither away; after all, while it may be a small world, there is so much to see and do! So here's to life, love and everything in between! Cheers!
22nd March 2015

I love reading your blogs .
I do not type so writing to anyone is not what i do (it takes me forever ) but I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your writings.So many fascinating observations and insights and wisdoms to share. I have not missed one blog and look foreword to each one. Many of the experiences you have remind me of our own original journeys when we were discovering how the world operates . Like the old Carpenter song says "sharing horizons that are new to us ,watching the signs along the way.Talking it over just the two of us ... ".Uncle Mel and I are so happy you are so adventurous and living a dream so few can realize . Happy Anniversary ! Take care and travel safely love Uncle Mel and Auntie Bonnie
16th March 2015

Very Nice
VERY engrossing. Well written.
14th March 2015

Getting the bang out of Bangkok
Mull of Kintyre at full blast...boasting what they did to a 14 year old girl...ensuring no sleep...why last time we stayed at the Airport hotel!!! Ah...the memories. Also reminds me of a time in southern China!
14th March 2015

Enjoyment of Life
Erin and Sean, We are having so much fun following your escapades! How exciting to experience all the things you write about (and probably more you don't write about). I don't think either of you will ever say, when you get older, "I wish I would have done that!" because you will always seek adventure and challenges. Bangkok has not been on our bucket list but we will live it vicariously through you! (except visualizing the cooked cockroaches. (yuk) BTW, we will never hear "one night in Bangkok makes a hard man crumble" without thinking of you two! Looking forward to your next blog. Carol and Brian xo
14th March 2015

At least you made your flight!
I don't know how I missed all that excitement when I visited Bankock with Bubbie and Zaydie- go figure! At least you made your flight. Marty and I missed our flight from Berlin and had to leave the next day. Not so bad since we got to spend some more time with Rae and explore the German countryside a bit more. The flight the next day was not as direct as the original knee we missed and I had an "Oh my God I'm going to miss another flight" moment as I ran through the Washingtonairport- I'll tell you that story when you get back! Sounds like you had quite an adventure.
8th March 2015

Taking time to...
'Tis so true our minds are so full of this and that it impedes the simple things...living. Lovely blog Erin reminding us what is important. The wisdom of your teacher was well expressed. Thank you.
From Blog: Rising, Falling

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