Team A's Guestbook

26th June 2011

Sounds like an incredible adventure! I really like the pictures of you guys on the two-humped camels. These would make really unique Facebook profile pictures. I imagine the two-humped camels are easier to ride than the one-hump variety because it is like having a back rest. We look forward to hearing more about it when you get back. Take care..
25th June 2011

Nice blog
Your blog is really nice as it gives us a beautiful insight of Mongolia. And the pics are simply speechless.
2nd June 2011

I am really enjoying reading about all your adventures. A lifetime of experience and memories.
From Blog: China Part 1.2
2nd June 2011

Hi Alyssa and Andrew, Thanks for sharing again. Is there a reason why there aren't any trees in the city? It does look bare and ugly. And the air doesn't look very good either. I can see why you like the countryside better. And nice beard Andrew. I had one like that a long time ago.. Glad you are having so much fun and making friends.. Dad
From Blog: China Part 1.2
17th May 2011

Great adventures and writing
It is really fantastic that you are having all these experiences and writing so well about them. These will be a treasure for the rest of your lives.. I like the humor too. Great stuff!!
17th May 2011

More 'Wow' from me. I love reading this blog. Your descriptions are fantastic. Especially about public ditches :).
17th May 2011

Andrew it sounds like you are having an amazing time, that is great to hear. We miss you sooo much!! Lexi and I enjoy reading your blogs :) Lexi listens and then asks questions its cute. You would be so proud she is so amazing reading, writing, & spelling like crazy. She amazes me shes very smart!! Kylie is doing great smart as heck too!! Almost too smart lol potty trained counting saying her ABC Miss you like Crazy Love Issa, Lexi, Kylie
12th May 2011

Hey guys. I just caught up on your most recent posts. I love hearing about it all and being able to see the pictures. It makes me wonder though, after nearly a year of travel & adventure, how on earth will you guys be able to come home to the boring old USA and do your normal day-to-day? ;) Miss ya!
2nd May 2011

It is so much fun to read of your travels. What an incredible journey except for the food poisoning of course.
27th April 2011

Catching up
Hi you two - Last minute for us we booked a trip that will begin in Istanbul, we'll be there from June 4th thru 7th staying at the Crowne Plaza Old City Hotel in Istanbul. Would be a miracle if we could meet up, but just had to ask. Love seeing all your pictures and reading your blog. Stay safe....
From Blog: Happy happy
15th April 2011

Alyssa and Andrew: Just as Dave (Dad) said in his March 22 message to you about his traveling co-workers at Intel, Rita (my late wife) also went to Singapore often (in the 1980s). She really liked Singapore a lot. As someone who also traveled around the world a lot, she said that she was more impressed by the “quality” of Singapore than anywhere else she had ever been. I haven’t been writing comments on your blog since I wrote the first one on December 20. But I have always immediately and eagerly read each of your blog entries as soon as they have arrived. (I always can hardly wait for the next one!) Besides your wonderful photos, I also very greatly enjoy your engaging personal commentary and your very informative descriptions of all that you are seeing and doing. You are both excellent writers! Also, everywhere you go, I am so impressed with how much you see and do! Seems as though you don’t miss anything! As other commenters have said, for people like us – who would love to travel as you are doing but who will never do so – it is great to have the opportunity to experience such travel vicariously through you! For your sharing your experiences with us through your very interesting, very informative, and very well written blog, I thank you!! Uncle Jim
From Blog: Malaysia
15th April 2011

Looks like they really know how to stay cool and have a lot of fun in Bangkok. And that is one beard that really needs to be feared. Have fun.
From Blog: Happy happy
15th April 2011

not in kansas
Just had a quiet early morning to catch up with your blog. Really entertaining. I can be found from time to time at Barnes and Noble standing in the travel section reading this and that. Your material and style would be right at home among these shelves. Note to self ...check in more often..hope your stomachs stay healthy..happy trails
From Blog: Malaysia
15th April 2011

Dude, that sounds/looks like so much fun :) Love the beard, Andrew!
From Blog: Happy happy
12th April 2011

Andrew, your description and pictures of you travels are amazing. I so admire both of you and your taking on the world of travel. Keep safe
From Blog: Malaysia
8th April 2011

Sounds like you have really had some great adventures and sights to see! Great photos of the places you've been and of both of you! So sorry about the gray hair, Alyssa....I started to go gray at age 25, so it's my fault...can't believe I've been dying my hair for 30 years! Keep an eye on your foot even though it seems to be healed...certainly don't want tetanus! Hope you continue to have a great to you both! mom
From Blog: Malaysia
8th April 2011

What else can I say? The photographs are outstanding. I love your stories. Thanks for taking the time to post.
8th April 2011

Very interesting
Hi Alyssa and Andrew. I really look forward to hearing about your adventures. Enough humidity for you? The pictures of you guys don't look too scary. Are you having a good time? You would make great travel guides. Or maybe you can get a show on PBS. Well, be careful and stay cool... Dad/Dave
From Blog: Malaysia
22nd March 2011

Hi Alyssa and Andrew, nice message. When I worked with the Intel folks, they always said nice things about Singapore when they went there. I knew an Intel manager who went there on a business trip, met a nice lady, divorced his wife in California, and moved there. Wouldn't recommend that, but I guess I can see how that could happen. Have fun on your travels..
From Blog: Singapore
22nd March 2011

I could not get a koala - the customs officers would not let me take one out of the country. Maybe I'll send you a monitor lizard by mail form Malaysia... hope you are doing well.
From Blog: G'day mates
21st March 2011

The pictures were worth the wait. Very nice! How could you possibly be bored, with all those vistas. Looks possitively wonderful. Andrew, saw your Dad yesterday, he was painting sets. It has been raining here for (literally) days on end and today its cold and windy. Which is probably why I'm oohing and aahing over your pictures. Keep having fun, I'm sure it only gets better. Love to you two.....Pete and Judy
17th March 2011

Love it!
Alyssa, I am so glad to have the opportunity to read your blog as you & Andrew are living my dream life. Thanks for allowing me the privilege of living it vicariously through you writings.
17th March 2011

Thanks for the great pictures and stories of your adventures. I'm glad you weren't affected by the earthquake and tsunami. And Alyssa, nice haircut!! Thanks for the wonderful pictures and stories..
16th March 2011

Quakes in your area?
Hi you two - Love your pictures. Its raining big time in SacTown. The pictures out of Japan are horrible. Wondering if you 2 are shaking at all where you are, or seeing large waves on the horizon. I hope not, but can't help but be worried. Have you thought about all the things that happened on this trip so far? May be best not to. Stay well...stay safe...where are you now? Love, Judy and Pete
11th March 2011

It occurred to me this morning that I had no idea how close or far Indonesia is from Japan. So I decided to take a look at a map of where you were on the 28th, and how you said you were going North the following day, and north of where you were, at that point, there was a smaller tsunami reported - but they I also read that the alerts have been lifted for Indonesia. So I have a feeling it will be a while before your next update, I just want to say I am thinking of you both & hope you are both safe and sound :) I love as friend.

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