Patricia Somewhere's Guestbook

13th May 2010

Monkey Pee and Good luck...
Good luck or not, the creature(s) peeing on my head generated great laughter and conversation.... after I shampooed my hair a lot. So, all good and yes, I agree, that the Nepali people are amazing. thanks for the comment.
13th May 2010

It never fails to make me giggle that anything that goes 'bad' in Nepal is good luck! We had a rat run across the table- good luck. Step in cow poop? Good luck! Monkeynpee? Good luck! Always seems to be the tourists though.... Enjoy the trip. Mine changed my life.. The people are amazing and since you are willing to talk to them you will be the better for it.
12th May 2010

oi Pi
...nao publiquei um monte das melhores. Veremo-as juntas em Jolho. Bjs, Pi
12th May 2010

Hey Tanja....
Nice to hear from you. The trip was challenging, yet unforgetable. When is the DM meeting????
12th May 2010

I want to go
Yes. Nepal and India are in my future plans. I want to go. Yes, yes, yes. Love, from Argentina. Graciela.
12th May 2010

my compliments
what a beautifull trip patricia... xxx tanja
12th May 2010

12th May 2010

oi prima
Uma pena mas sumiu o meu memory card do outro orphanato no tibet que visitei desta vez. Voce viu os do Nepal? Todas as criancas merecem muito mais, mas fico contente em terem encontrado as mulheres maravilhosas que fundaram os 3 orfanatos. Beijo carinhoso da prima
12th May 2010

Obrigada a voce...
Thank you for your support... It was incredible to be able to count with friends to extend my help at the orphanage. beijo grande
11th May 2010

Prima,vc é realmente persistente,como a barreira da lingua atrapalha.Chorei com a musiquinha, que lindos e carentes que sao,dá vontade de levar todos e beijar abraçar e encher de amor.parabéns. bjs Monica
11th May 2010

Patricia, Muito obrigado pelas fotos e meus parabens pela sua iniciativa. Voce e uma "Alagoana Arretada", como diria meu amigao, Paulo Quintella. Que Deus te abencoe!
11th May 2010

Hi from London to Tibet
What a journey! I am glad you made it and had a great time with the children. They are so lovely. I'd love to visit it one day. How sweet that they sang to you! Have a safe trip. Beijo, Fabi PS: I must say I had an unforgettable cab ride with a Chinese driver in Singapore. In 20 minutes he told me all the methods to conceive a baby boy, even as I stepped out of the cab he was still going on and on. You had to see his face of disappointment, when I told him that in my house we are 4 girls (poor dad, he said... not doing things properly... hehehe).
11th May 2010

it depends....
hi Julie. I left Nepal 3 days ago and the general strike was still going on full force, which meant no public transportation at all. So, unless you are planning on flighting to your trekking starting point... Things are really tough during the strike. If it is still going on the 16th and you could postpone your trip, that would be best. That's what I would do. Best wishes. Patricia
11th May 2010

it depends....
hi Julie. I left Nepal 3 days ago and the general strike was still going on full force, which meant no public transportation at all. So, unless you are planning on flighting to your trekking starting point... Things are really tough during the strike. If it is still going on the 16th and you could postpone your trip, that would be best. That's what I would do. Best wishes. Patricia
8th May 2010

ser culto para ser livre...o tibet sempre liberto pelo saber milenar..tirando tudo,mas n/ a sabedoria...
7th May 2010

Trouble in Nepal
7th May 2010

Too bad...
So sad to read about these demostrations and incidents....
7th May 2010

Is it safe to travel to Kathmandu?
Patricia, I have a trip planned to travel to Nepal, arriving in kathmandu on May 16, 2010. I'm hearing news of the strikes and wonder if you have any first hand information that you could provide. We are planning on hiking the Annapurna circuit for 16 days, versus touring Kathmandu. Your trip sounds fantastic! Best wishes, Julie
6th May 2010

india luxury travel
you posted very good article on Nepal streets and their traditions.
6th May 2010

thank you
just going back to see the kids and deliver much needed food tonight. glad you will see them too. That's GREAT!!!!!!
6th May 2010

Loved your blog and reading about the orphanage. I will definitely check it out.
5th May 2010

oi Neno
Sempre bom receber "reforco" seu. Estaria um pouquinho melhor se esta situacao politica nao interferisse com minha pequena missao. Conversaremos...Bjs
5th May 2010

Thanks for sharing. It's nice to know about others who try to do a little.Hopefully we can inspire others to do the same if they are not already doing so. Best wishes neighbor... I'm Brazilian, although I live in The US
4th May 2010

thank you
I am from Argentina and I know what poverty is like. I have been to South East Asia last Year and did some donations and contributions to an orphanage in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Nothing is the same after that. When you choose solidarity as the aim in your life, everything is different for ever. Thank you. I would like you to visit my land. Love, Graciela.
4th May 2010
friendly girls

Fico a imaginar o quanto a sua realidade interna está se expandindo... beijo afetuoso. Neno.

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