Patricia Somewhere's Guestbook

7th January 2010

So nice...
So nice to hear from your, Twanda. You are one of those friends who I'll never forget.
4th January 2010

Patricia-thanks so much for keeping in touch. All is overcast and foggy here in Davis as well. Furloughs have been depressing and a real hardship to staff and students (suffering fewer class offerings and higher tuition). Christmas to New Year was basically an enforced break for all but also a blessing. We all needed time off to heal and rest. The students are now back and the town bustles with their activity. Hopefully, 2010 will continue to see recovering economy and brighter futures for all. Happy New Year! Best wishes. Twanda
31st December 2009

Grande Peda.
How nice that you visited my site and enjoyed the entry! Que tudo seja bem "joiado" pra todos nos em 2010. Bjs, Peda
31st December 2009

Good Job! Porreta!
Grand, P. Cali, Good job! Interesting story about Detroit's decadency! Thank you! Happy New Year to you and your family. Peda
31st December 2009

Oi Fabi
You don't know how much I love the fact that you always keep in touch and voice your opinions about my blogs. It feels like if we were chatting ther in London! Detroit's situation is so ambivalent. It had it all and it crashed hard. it has been going down for a long time but no doubt it current crisis has hit it the hardest. But like in Brazil, wealth is still present as well, for a minority. Com um abraco da prima.
31st December 2009

All shades of colors...
Unfortunatelly not all shades of colors reflect pretty realities at all times. But so is life, and as long as we make the most of it, it's all good in the end. Thanks for your comment.
31st December 2009

Oi prima, gostei muito da sua mensagem. fico feliz de voce ter suas esperancas e energia redobradas ai em Detroit. segundo um dos meus tutors em Geografia, e o estado q esta mais sofrendo com a Globalizacao e agora c/ a crise economica do US/mundo, e pensar q um dia esse estado foi tao importante e contribui tanto para a US economy. aqui um artigo antigo da bbc, mas muito interessante: eu acho q sua presenca ai e importante para levar as suas cores (true colours shining through.. como diz Cindy Lauper), seu sorriso e sua alegria! bjao Fabi
30th December 2009

full colour very pain my eye
12th December 2009

Awesome pics...
Surprisingly not a lot of the local population knows abt the beauty of the place...hope it stays that way that it doesnt get commercialsed...lovely pics///
10th December 2009

Well Patricia thank you u very much for information coz am also planing to visit kasol and its really amazing place .no doute its a place of lords .ttttthhhhanks once again for all photos and informations
31st October 2009

For sure...
Hey Nounou. Natasa and I are planning a trip to Tunisia in the near future and we're certain to stay in touch with you. Yeah, we made a nice "gang" at the hotel, didn't we? Take care and don't forget to SMILE, ok? Patricia
31st October 2009

Whenever u would like , u will be welcome on my country Tunisia .I miss all of u already n i wish i was there ... take care everybody i hope we will meet soon , kisses n luv <3
29th October 2009

hey new friend...
Yeah. Count me on at the Croatian diabetes conference, but hopefully we'll meet again before it, right? Maybe Tunisia!!!! I'm still sick but hopefully well soon. Keep in touch, ok?
28th October 2009

It was so nice spending time with you in M., knowing you + your work! Hope you're gonna visit us @ our conference in Croatia, as a speaker, of course! Luv, Natasa
25th October 2009

Glad you had fun!
Pipoca, Ta tirando cada foto, deu ate vontade de comer tudo. bjao.
24th October 2009

well done!
You have captured the culture and diversity in all its colors. Splendid pictures. Glad you enjoyed Montreal. Patricia (RD from Montreal)
23rd October 2009

Ola Ivana
I guess you're still pedaling down to Argentina. Enjoy El Salvador and beyond. Take good care of yourself, ok?
23rd October 2009

Nice post I miss Canada !!!
Big hugs !!!from el salvador
21st October 2009

Oi Monquinha
Que bom receber oi seu. Montreal continua me cativando, e ja nem sinto frio!!! Veja blogs a seguir. Escreve contando da tia, ok? Beijo
21st October 2009

Me, a writer????!!!!!!
Oi Neno The suggestion you gave me to write a book has been given to me by some other friends. I feel humbled by the thought of it, and I confess I have thought about it some. However, I don't feel ready (yet), first because I don't see myself as a writer (yet) and also due to the lack of time. OBRIGADA pela sugestao/incentivo, fico certo de que a idea (continuara) a ser considerada. Beijo grande. Ëterna Cunca"
21st October 2009

ai que delicia.fui até Quebec mas não estive em Montreal.Adorei seu entusiamo,dá vontade de ir,mesmo no outono. bjs monica de mello
21st October 2009

Vendo seu e-mail,me veio uma idéia!.Porque vc não transforma suas experiências em um livro? Dizer o que?O que as suas viagens para fora tem lhe transformado para dentro,entendeu? Beijo. Neno.
21st October 2009

Hi Rich
Well, form a girl from the tropics who lives in florida, it's cold enough. But, Montreal is beautiful, the sky has been blue, and exploring the city has been a joy. Unfortunately Quebec City will have to be explored next time. Thanks for your comment. Patricia
21st October 2009

Hello there... You are from Alagoas...this is wonderful. Please do not talk about the cold. It is not bitterly cold at all. Wait until January. THAT is cold! Made it to Maceio once...then to RG do Norte. Make sure you see Quebec City. Spend time there. Um beijo e Boa Sorte!!! Rich.

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