Cheryl Dawley


Cheryl Dawley

Gary and I have been married for 34 years. I work for the State of Minnesota and Gary works for Archer Daniels Midland. We have three children and eight grandchildren. We will travel with our cats, Fred and Ethel in our Tiffin RV.
Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Minnesota Full Circle

Updated the map to follow us, rather than follow it...

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan January 9th 2011

We got on the train in Harrisburg on 12/30/10 for a 3 1/2 hour trip to New York City. We braved the snow-filled streets and subway confusion as we traveled to our hotel - The Duane Street Tribeca. It is a 4 star abode located in the trendy (and expensive) Tribecca neighborhood of New York City. We embarked on a wonderful tour of Manhatten. The Onboard Tour company is a wonderful blend of a limo tour and the double decker bus tour. Our guide was knowledgable and got off at every stop with us. Our first stop was the Dakota. John Lennon was shot just inside the entrance. It is located across from Central Park. John and Yoko spent a lot of time there. There are two memorials inside the park. Next, we traveled towards Madison ... read more
Central Park Entrance
Central Park
Central Park

North America » United States » Minnesota » Mankato June 26th 2010

We left Sundance thinking we might stop somewhere in the eastern part of South Dakota. We did stop but only for a few fireworks. The weather was fine until we hit Windom and then the clouds thickened, darkened, and the wind picked up. We turned on the radio to a Mankato station as the kids said there were tornado sirens going off in Mankato. We ended up pulling off into St. James and parking in the community camp ground. A couple tents were already overturned. We even had to close our vents because of the force of the wind and rain. After 20 minutes or so, we could see sunlight in the west. However, the closer we got to Mankato, the more it darkened again in the southwest. I took a couple pictures of the storm ... read more
Always, a rainbow
Strange clouds

North America » United States » Wyoming » Sundance June 25th 2010

We left at the crack of dawn today to get a good start on the Big Horn Mountains. They are the last set of climbs we should have to make. When we got to the peak (9,666 feet) there was still snow on the peaks as well as some of the snow breaks. They must have had great amounts of snow this past winter. Any way, we finally put down roots in Sundance, Wyoming. We decided to take a closer look at Devil's Tower. We got the last spot in the Mountain View RV park, ate lunch and headed north. We traveled to Devils Tower with a group of club members during the 2002 Sturgis Rally. I don't remember getting as close to the tower as we did today so I assume the rest of the ... read more
More snow
Crazy Woman Canyon

North America » United States » Wyoming » Thermopolis June 24th 2010

We spent a day in camp today. Virtually the whole day lounging around the pool. There are 3 sections with each section increasing from one end to the other. The first section is around 100 degrees. The second section is about 106 degrees. The last section is around 118 degrees. So, we spent two hours in the hot springs pool this afternoon and visited. We are the middle agers. Many baby boomers coming for a little revitalization in the minerals. We enjoyed the pools but got a little well done. We went back down this evening for a final dip. We also had Fred and Ethel out for awhile. They are a little cooped up but we will be home soon enough. Fred is the character and is always giving us the evil eye for keeping ... read more
Hot Spring
More spring

North America » United States » Wyoming » Thermopolis June 23rd 2010

We are now in Thermopolis, Wyoming. The campgroung we are at has a 3 sectioned pool area with different temps. The pool is fed off a natural mineral hot spring. The temps range from 99 to 106, 106 to 118, and then up to 136 degrees. It was nice floating in a pool that never cools down. Arches National Park was fantastic. The stone formations play on your imagination. We saw elephants and diansaurs. Some of the formations look like they will fall off at any moment. We also saw a couple desert creatures and the plants are interesting. The arches are also amazing. We listened to a park ranger explain how they are formed. I believe her whe she says we are here at the right point in time. To the arches, it is a ... read more
Arches road in

North America June 22nd 2010

Took some good photos yesterday and will upload later. Decided to head for the hot springs area in Wyoming with an early start. That meant work to secure in the evening and leave early. On the road at 6:15.... read more

Getting ready for a hot day at Arches. I hope the views live up to their hype. ... read more

We left Monument Valley by 7:30 anticipating a trip to Natural Bridges. However, Gary was not game for taking the RV down a very narrow road with a steep grade and a few switch backs. We decided to wait and see if we should take another route there or just go on to Moab, UT. We stopped near Blanding, UT at a museum housing an Anasazi home. It was called Edge of the Cedars. Unfortunately, the museum was closed bu the old Pueblo homesite was not. We took looked around a bit and took pictures. We then decided we would go on to Moab right away. Good thing we did as we secured a great campsite at a nice campground on a couple miles from the sights we want to see. The first place we headed ... read more
Ladder to the Kiva
Inside the Kiva

North America » United States » Utah » Mexican Hat June 20th 2010

The tour of Monument Valley, a seventeen mile loop over ungraded gravel roads, took about 2 hours. The monuments are great too look at and if you have ever watched a western, The Eiger Sanction, Back to the Future 3 or even Forrest Gump, you have seen a part of Monument Valley. We did take a short round trip back to Four Corners (200 miles) as we were told that it was open Friday through Sunday. What she didn't say is that the monument itself is underconstruction and was not accessible. We would not have bothered. Instead, there were over 50 Navajo craft vendors there. Very disappointed. It is Navajo territory so I will assume the best intentions. We did take a couple pictures of the construction. We drove through Mexican Hat on our way to ... read more
One of the Mittens

As we sped towards Utah, we took a short side trip to the Vermillion Cliffs. We crossed over the Colorado River but we were not able to stop and walk the Navajo suspension bridge and take pictures because there was no turn around. We made record time throught the desert and mesas of northern Arizona. As we got closer to Utah we discussed where we wanted to camp and it came down to 'do we want a swimming pool?' Gary said yes so we stopped at Gouldings in the National Monument area. We found out how fortuante we were to stop here. First, it is a beautiful campground built into the red hills. Monument Valley is famous for being the back drop of many movies. More on that tomorrow after we visit. This particular campground is ... read more
More Narrow roadways

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