Mumtraveller's Guestbook

20th January 2012
Lesley and I

you both look fantastic- and so relaxed! loved the blog- thanks for sharing your thoughts and travels Lynne. big hugs xxx
19th January 2012

Glad you arrived safe and sound. Pics are amazing, quite the place. Enjoy your time in Oman and look forward to your next blog.hugs
19th January 2012

Winter sunshine
As I look out of my window it's dark, windy and wet. Yet again, thanks for bringing some sunshine into my life! Hils
19th January 2012

lots of changes
lynne the sun looks very enticing after the cold of uk. have great fun down memory lane, enjoy oman fond wishes f&b
9th January 2012

Hola, from a very sunny Spain, What a fabulous way to start the Christmas festivities we had a beautiful, beautiful week in the lakes. And thoroughly enjoyed all the different types weather especially the snow it was magical at Tarn Hows. A big thanks to Lynne for having us, looking forward to returning the complement in February. xxxxx
9th January 2012

9th January 2012

beautiful photos Lynne
Hello Lynne, I always said that you should illustrate a book with your photos. They are really well done. Take care Suzanne
From Blog: Xmas Week Photos
9th January 2012

Winter wonderland!
Wow! Beautiful photos, Lynne! I never thought I'd be envious of anyone spending a cold winter Christmas, compared to sunny, beachy Australia, but your photos made me want to be there and see it for myself! I love your comments about the warmth of family and friends contrasted with the cold outdoors!
9th January 2012

I just love the Lakes District.... it looks so beautiful though it must have been damned cold. We are having odd rainy and warm weather here in Albany, but we are not complaining. Great to be home!
From Blog: Xmas Week Photos
8th January 2012

Beautiful photos as always, Lynne
So sorry I missed your phone call. I'm not good at keeping my mobile with me :-) Enjoy Dubai and Oman, sound wonderful. Catch up with you soon. love & hugs Pauline
5th November 2011

boo hoo I missed you
What gorgeous photos- made me wish I lived there- oh I do! How sad that I missed you and that I was down south while you were up north. How badly organised was that! Hope things are Ok down there now esp with your friend. Drop me an email sometime, Sue x
4th November 2011

Wow Lynne you do get around. It sounds magical and the! Rub it in about your £6 pound flight, did you get a seat for that or were you tied to the wings, knowing you you'd give it a go. Much love Janice
20th October 2011

A Successful Travel
Fantastic views you\'ve got! Waiheke Island is beautiful place indeed. My friend once been there and they make the most of their holiday on one of the finest Waiheke Island accommodation that offer a full range of activities.
7th October 2011

Hello from Australia
Hi Lynne Well there's no slowing you down! Great to hear from you. All going well here. Maureen has just had her second foot operation and has cabin fever so we are all going out for a girl's (plus Vince) luncheon today. It has been a long winter so I am very much looking forward to Summer.I have been spending a good deal of time in the garden and have made a covered vegetable garden and have many seedlings ready for planting out. I went to Vietnam, Canbodia and Loas a couple of months ago with Maureen's freind from Sydney, Marg. It was good to see but once is enough. I found many things e.g. the war museum, affects of agent orange on the young population and the killing fields very distressing. Also there was a great deal of pollution which appears typical of most of Asia now. Stay well and happy Love Susan xxx
5th October 2011

Sweden always looks so CLEAN!!! On my list if places to return to, Lynne. Enjoy Ireland. I flew to Derry during the Troubles, wonder hoe much it\'s changed? The Donegal countryside & coast are stunningly beautiful. We saw a card in a shop window : \" Mountain for sale\". Lots of love as always Pauline (France)
4th October 2011

Looks as if you had a great time, you are quite the traveller Mrs Brown! We are off on Sunday, going to be leaving some lovely hot weather in Ontario to brave the cold and wet of B.C. Will try to get you on Skype when we get back. hugs Bev.
20th September 2011

fabulous photos lynne!
hola!! Looks like you had a fabulous time :)
From Blog: 10 Days in Spain
13th September 2011

Looks fantastic
Wow great blog we'd be tempted to visit!
From Blog: 10 Days in Spain
4th August 2011

Very Fetching Hat
Lynne - I would have thought you'd be all set after a summer downunder with the most amazing array of hats! The forest looks so inviting and the huts and houses are very cute. We've never been to Scandanavia but maybe one day we will get a swapper who wants to come here (but it would have to be in their summer!). Have a great time.
4th August 2011

House swap with Sweden in 2012 anyone?
Hi Lynne, I must agree with your friend Susan... how do you manage to travel so extensively and frequently? It sounds lovely though. We're enjoying our house swap with Holland and will stay until August 13. The weather has been changeable, whereas Sweden has had super weather or so it seems. We've mainly kept to the South West coast in Holland. Couldn't help noticing that Susan Dempster's son may want to swap with Sweden? My plan for 2012 (when I'm retired) is to stay for as long as possible in the UK. Maybe try and arrange a chain of exchange partners/families like you did in Oz and Nz. Anybody interested out there? Lol Eva
3rd August 2011

How envious I am of all that lovely walking - none for me until September! xx
3rd August 2011

Great to hear your still on the move!
Hi Lynne I don't know how you keep on the move as you do! It seems to me that you're really only 21 but have had a hard life! My son Danny has been saying that he would love to visit Sweden so if you hear of any potential house swaps for next summer please let me know. All the best for the rest of your travels. Susan
2nd August 2011

Sounds like you are having a fab time, missing some great weather here though. Your house swappers are lovely, we took them out for a drive yesterday and showed them the local pubs etc then ended up at the harbour for a drink. I hope you are being good and not eating too much cake!!! See you soon Much love xx
9th July 2011

you all look absoutely radiant!
7th July 2011

many congratulations Lynne looks like you had a lovely day. Richard looks so smart and grown up where has the 'skateboarder' gone! fond wishes fiona & bill xx

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