LivingTheDream's Guestbook

10th November 2010

hi Ben! surely the sentiment has now spread among your readers. i still cant accept that my world tour, courtesy of your blog, is now over. somehow i was hoping you'll extend or something. maybe you'll write some retrospectives, or compile your journals into a book? just a few days ago i was re-reading your china and japan entries, still as enjoyable as ever. it was a wonderful journey and i wish you all opportunities to do the next one!
10th November 2010

I was anticpating this final blog would see you go down in a blaze of glory after getting deported in a highly charged jaywalking spat with a local law inforcement officer! Although I plead with you to write a final final blog, turning that critical lense on your own country, after so long away you may able to see it as only a foreigner can. Good Riddance...until next time,-)
10th November 2010

Same feelings here after (only) 14 months travelling. And yes, I felt lost also when I got home.'s some good news: both of us found really nice jobs within 6 weeks + a lovely house within 8 weeks. Hope to see you soon.
10th November 2010

Hey Ben - it's been a pleasure following your trip. The only even remotely similar experience I've had that makes me empathetic to the heart-squeezing realization of the end of a chapter was a 6-month hike on the Appalachian Trail. I sobbed the whole last mile, crestfallen that such an experience should have to end. And so I can only imagine what three years of constant adventure will be like to 'recover' from in the sense of assimilation back into 'normal' life. I wish you all the best and know that we haven't heard the last from you. Your blog has inspired countless souls out here living vicariously and for that we thank you. Cheers and good luck! Alisa
10th November 2010

Hi Ben, ich kann mir vorstellen wie du dich fuehlst, bei mir waren es das letzte mal nur 12 monate. Die naechsten monate werden ein bisserl verwirrend sein , aber dann faengst du an davon zu zehren und bist reicher als jeder um dich rum. Wie gesagt, wenn du mal in Zurich bist , lass mich wisen, werude mich freuen mit dir ein bier trinken zu gehen, Alles gute, Florian
10th November 2010

Have been reading your blog for a while, its very very good. I guess, by looking at your plans your back home now. I know the feeling of coming back home. When its been such along time home is almost not the word any more, what was once so familiar is now just as strange as some very distant corner. Strange feelings of being nervous when meeting friends, endless catch up conversations... it takes some time to get used to it all. I am sure everyone would like to hear how u felt when you got back and how you have tried to adjust to 'real' life again and of course a reflective summary. keep it up its great!
8th November 2010
Five on a bike, no helmets, no problem

will she make it
oh! will she make it or she want to risk, no for baby boy.
7th November 2010

I was thinking about traveling somewhere to a foreign country and renting a room or small house or apartment? Do you think Managua would be a good place? I am on a budget and have little to spend. Like a poverty thing. I would just live frugal maybe buy a used bicycle and shop at produce markets and cook my own meals be sober drink coffee.etc.
3rd November 2010

Wow!!! This is amazing, I hope I can visit it someday.
27th October 2010

What amazing scenery. I've just stumbled across your blog - you must be having a fantastic time, I'm very jealous!! One day I hope to do the same as you, travel the world with my camera :)
26th October 2010
Iglesia de la Recoleccion in Leon

wonderful building.
i desire to travel at there. but im in borneo, so far. i just keep it in my dream. love that buildings.
24th October 2010

Maylaysia and Thailand travel
Must tell you we have enjoyed your blogs as we have done many of the same places. Lots of memories brought back !! We are flying into Singapour and spending 7 weeks travelling up the Maylayian Pennisular and through Thailand. I know you are busy but if you could give us the best way to do this or any suggestions we would really appreciate it. We are adventurous and looking forward to this trip. Marilyn
22nd October 2010

you should really work on your farmers tan :-) But love the painting job. Who did it and what was the occasion?
21st October 2010

I'll try not to be sarcastic... Way to ruin an otherwise good entry: making a real lame-ass, unfunny joke about heavily tattooed people looking like criminals. That's very poor taste, Ben, and it denigrates me and all other self-respecting tattoo lovers, not mentioning the fact that tattoos have gotten a lot more social acceptance in the last 5-10 years, to the point of being downright fashionable (the latter of which is unfortunate). Maybe it really is not the worst idea for you to return home to Germany and go back to your generic corporate job and suiting up again, instead of looking awkward wearing a nice indigenous design on your body (you proto-criminal!).
21st October 2010

Hi..........Ben, Kwkwkwwwkwkwkw.......I really like blue you !!!! Look so cool. If u show it to the immigration officer, they will wanna be :-)
21st October 2010

Immer besser
Hi Ben, Dein Travel-Blog war von Anfang an interessant, aber zum Ende Deines "Dreams" legst Du doch tatsächlich noch etwas drauf. ;-) Toller Beitrag! What about "Schulball"? ;-) Gruß, DD
21st October 2010
Me as blue as a smurf with my Embera jagua-juice tattoo

Put some shirt on for Christ sake ! lol
20th October 2010

Great blog. Sad to see its nearly over, although you have had one amazing journey. Looking forward to the summary of it all!
20th October 2010

Darien Gap!
Ha! Some of us CROSSED it before Travelblog existed,-) (don´t jaywalk in Florida!)
17th October 2010

Hi from New Zealand. I stumbled upon your blog as I was reading about Sarawak. You put me to shame that you had been to more places than I, a Sarawak born. Are you still traveling?
16th October 2010
MRI scan of my brain - looks pretty big, um?

good-looking brain
May I have permission to use your MRI as an avatar? There will be no money involved. Non-commercial use as an icon or avatar. Thank you.
12th October 2010

Your coming Home
To make your return a little bit easier: We have Indian summer (Goldener Oktober) with a lot of sun and it is not really cold. I hope it will last untill you come back! Enjoy your last weeks! Walter
11th October 2010

nur kurz...
Hey Ben, lustiger Brief und hübsche Fotos! :) Take care Tobias

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