Kristins Adventures in Wanderland's Guestbook

14th October 2012

Great Blog
We enjoyed your story and the pictures are great. Sign me up for Laem Singh Beach...looks like paradise.
27th September 2012

Very Cool
Place looks great. I trust you did not have to purchase all the furniture. Glad you have a place to share with so many! That keeps life interesting! Good Times!
17th September 2012

Students Blogs
Thanks for your grateful student blog informations.
16th September 2012

I love your updates koko! I'm so happy for you guys!
2nd September 2012

Congratulations on graduation...
and a job, and a house, and motor bikes...
2nd September 2012

Thank you!
We are loving everything so far :)
13th August 2012

John made the right choice...
being a promoter for a strip joint on Patong Beach is not one of your higher callings in life. So work hard on your TEFL course and you should be able to find a job teaching. My son took the CELTA course in Bangkok in February, and due to the Thai school year couldn't start teaching until May (with March and April being the school break). He is teaching at a high school in the northern suburbs of Bangkok until next March when the school year ends. So keep up your blogs as you are being considered for Blogger of the Week.
From Blog: TEFL Time
13th August 2012

So glad that you are settled in for the most part and enjoying your new life. I'm surprised by how tourist empty the beach is in your photo. So happy to see your face when we skyped! Everything looked so white...But I like your curtain fabric. Stay happy! love, mom
From Blog: TEFL Time
6th August 2012

Nana's email
6th August 2012

Welcome to Thai living!
Great blog entry as usual, Kristin! Thank you for sharing. Good luck with the cooking. Hope you can find some cocoa puffs! Lots of Love, Mom
25th July 2012

Welcome back...
you have been nominated as Blogger of the Week, but this was deferred as you stopped blogging...for good reason. So we are delighted that you are returning with a bodyguard this time. You will love teaching in Thailand, althought you won't make as much as in Korea. My son, Will, teaches in Rangsit, in northern Bangkok so I have that connection also. So we are all looking forward to reading your future blogs, and then voting on you as Blogger of the Week.
26th July 2012

Hello again!
Thank you so much! I have missed my blog (and of course traveling) so I am very excited to be back! I know I won't make as much, but the cost of living is cheaper anyway. I'm excited to see what this next chapter brings- stories to come :)
24th July 2012

I want lots of photos , Maureen and I are with you Bob
9th March 2012

Thank God for people like Peter!
That is wonderful that he restored your faith in the goodness of people. We look forward to reading your blogs about traveling around Europe.
25th February 2012

So sorry to hear about your attack. I sincerely hope you can regain that confidence in travelling solo, but I know that is easier said than done. Thankfully you are going to South Korea, and it is a wonderful country with friendly people, a great place to think about moving around on your own, as the major tourist attractions in Seoul are always filled with people - especially on weekends.
1st March 2012

Thank you! South Korea has been very kind to me, as it was the last time I visited. And surprisingly I'm coming to terms with the idea of traveling solo again, but in select destinations. It saddens me that women are still treated more harshly than men in many societies, but it doesnt mean I don't want to learn about those cultures.... India and the middle east will need to be well thought out! Thanks again for your kind words
14th February 2012

I love reading your blog and keeping up with all your travels..too bad you and your sis parted ways! You ladies need to look out for each other! And yes, it was definitely scary..the man probably had a similar intent to your attacker. Luckily, I think he was on drugs because I was able to fight him off fairly easily and run to safety. Scary, scary night. Definitely, definitely reach out to Meghan again. She's super busy with school and teaching but I know she would LOVE LOVE LOVE a familiar face!!!
13th February 2012

SO scary.
Hey girl, So glad that you are safe after that scary incident. I recently got attacked outside my apartment here in Austin...Learned the hard way that I'm too trusting and always need to be careful. When you're in Korea, look up Meghan Thomas! She's living there now and I know she would love a friend!! FB her! Idk if you knew her from Rollins but you probably did, ya'll were the same year and both involved w reslife stuff! Be safe <33 Margaret
14th February 2012

Hey!! So glad to hear from you, sorry to hear you had a similar experience :( I think sadly Rollins made us feel safe and trusting, and not everywhere in the world is that little happy bubble. But I'm glad you're ok too! I know Meghan, and have seen from her fb that she is in SK. I messaged her a while back and got no reply but I will try again. Always good to see a familiar face in strange new places! Hope all is well and keep in touch <3
12th February 2012

Sorry to hear about your accident
I worked about 4 months in Siem Reap, nearly 4 years ago and according to my experience, Cambodian people are very friendly, especially the kids; however, thing's already changed a lot. One of my ex-coworker, a Khmer girl, told me that sometimes tourists can get rock shower when walking thrown from a passing car; tuk tuk driver took some female passengers to the countryside to gang-rape. In general Cambodia is no more safe if you travel alone or go out at night. Good luck to your next destination!
13th February 2012

The Cambodian people I met prior to this were amazingly friendly and generous. I think that is why I didn't feel unsafe when this boy started following me. I don't hold any grudges against Cambodia or its people, only against people in the world who aim to hurt others. It can happen anywhere. In the future I will be sticking to a buddy system when going off the beaten track. Thanks for your words!
12th February 2012

We are pleased that you survived!
But sorry that you had to experience this assault. Other than this incident, the rest of your trip starting in new Zealand has been fantastic, and we've enjoyed reading about it. We hope you have a great time in Korea before flying home. Please don't let this be the end of your travels, as we hope to hear more from you in the future.
13th February 2012

Thank you so much for your kind words. This will definitely not be the end of my travels, I just need to find a travel buddy to come with me!

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