JenGog's Guestbook

29th March 2019

I've enjoyed following your tour around Wales...
in my genealogical research I'm finding that I have a lot of Welsh in me, including Lady Godiva and King Gruffydd I ap Llywelyn of Gwynedd & Powys. I hope you have more success in selling and buying your home. Then you can make plans for traveling this year. I'm still planning to visit Devon, Kent, and London the first half of May, but recovery from my prostate cancer surgery on 4 Apr might overlap with my planned 30 Apr departure date.
28th March 2019

I think you are most definitely correct!! I found this on the internet - interestuing stuff!! - All UK towns (through their local council) can apply to become a city, whether they have an Anglican cathedral or not. ... In the end government finally broke the link between cathedrals and cities when they decided Belfast and Birmingham could become cities without cathedrals and Southwell would remain a town.
28th March 2019

We live about 15 miles or so from Southall and I had forgotten about its wonderful cathedral . I know Wrexham have tried many times and been turned down in favour of other towns. How long are you home for before you set off on your travels again? We are counting the days down .Cant come soon enough.
26th March 2019

Our home stalking ground!! We often go to Tredegar House when we are in the uk - just to have a walk around the lake and gardens! Its a beautiful place! Glad you have got your green cards for Bosnia & Montenegro! Looking forward to that trip - Ive always wanted to go to Montgenegro - I just like the name!!!
26th March 2019

Mmmmm....I think more research is needed! Im pretty sure Bath has a Cathedral. Newport has St Woolas Cathedral and Plymouth also has a Cathedral (but run down!) we think. Also Chelmsford is the latest place to be made a City? Interesting stuff! x
27th March 2019

cathedrals and cities
Sounds like a mission - a bit like Sion our welsh sheep who comes with us everywhere and his best friend Woolly Mammoths mission to hunt out the Roman Hadrian and toilets. Seriously though I know you used to have a cathedral to qualify for city status but that seems to have gone by the by over the last few years.
25th March 2019

Definition of a City is that it has to have a Cathedral - I think!! Unless you know any cities that dont have a Cathedral?
25th March 2019

found the answer
UK cities without cathedrals include: Bath, Cambridge, Hull, Lancaster, Newport, Nottingham, Plymouth, Salford, Southampton, Stoke-on-Trent and Wolverhampton. Swansea as well UK towns (and one village) with cathedrals that aren't cities include: Bury St Edmunds, Chelmsford, Blackburn, Guildford and Southwell. It seems size isn't important any more nor is the fact you have a cathedral . Apparently the Queen has to confer the status on the place. You can tell I am a North Walian and can never feel happy every time Wrexham gets turned down. I think it must be my age . We have just got our Green card for Montenegro and Bosnia . Counting the days down
25th March 2019

Hi Jackie I think that was the old criteria for cities but I am sure it doesn't exist now. I was thinking Swansea only has a roman catholic cathedral same as Wrexham . I am not sure about Hull I shall do some digging.
24th March 2019

Hello you two
TV viewing last night was Escape to the Country, guess where it was? Yes Pembrokeshire! You could have saved yourself a journey.! Thank you for your personal touch though!
24th March 2019
Filled with music and chanting and the movement of monks this place must have been stunning

Filled with music....
Certainly stunning. What are the stone piles for? Are they for the course of maintenance or restoration or is it evidence of decay?
24th March 2019
Filled with music and chanting and the movement of monks this place must have been stunning

piles of stone
Hello there Dave. I could be wrong but I think they are just random carvings. The archaeologists have no idea where they actually go so rather than guess and put them in the wrong places they choose to leave them in a heap on the floor. Sad but I hate to see them put together in the wrong places. Better to see them and imagine i think .
21st March 2019

April 11th! Just three more weeks to enjoy the weather here, before being subject to the weather in the UK - hoping it will be springlike!! I've always wanted to go to Montenegro and look forward to reading your blog! Enjoy your trip!
22nd March 2019

return to the UK
Ah just before we leave for Europe . We have the train booked for the 26th April and have just got our Green Card just in case. We also needed to pay for fully comp insurance for both Bosnia and Montenegro . Didnt fancy third party at the border at all. We love Gabby too much to find ourselves with third party and something happening to her. The weather has much improved today. The rain has gone finally but it is still a wee bit chilly. I wonder what sort of homecoming you will get after next weeks fiasco with Brexit. Have a good journey home .
21st March 2019

If you get chance go to Caerleon - Just off Jnct 25 on the M4 and turn right. Roman, amphitheatre, barracks, fantastic museum and old Roman Baths.Its a shame we are not in the UK at the moment or we could have shown you around!! Also Dewstow Gardens - just by Caldicot - is worth having a look at - underground grottos discovered only recently! A wonderful place!
21st March 2019

We passed Caerleon on our way to somewhere else . We had not pencilled it in to visit but I must admit that I wish we had found the time to visit , One thing though it means we have to come back . What a lovely offer - thankyou so much . It would have been nice to have met you and put a face to the name . Will have a look at the gardens. I don't know if we will get away again before our holiday. We are booked to go to Croatia, Bosnia and Montenegro in a month . Looking forward to that . When are you back?
21st March 2019

re who calls anyone Eric these days?
I know two Erics who are under 2 years old. One is Simon Cowell's son, and the other is the grandson of a really old friend of mine who so happens to live in Hereford, how is that for coincidence!
19th February 2019

The house seems to be a big problem!! We were 'homeless for about 8 months and it was hard work! Found a cheap campsite but when the weather got really bad, ending up spending odd days in a cheap hotel. Friends helped us out by offering us their house while they were on holiday....Wifi - we have a Three mobile unit which we run all our internet and TV through, in UK, on the road and Spain. Might be worth checking out 'Go Binge'. You only get 19gb abroad though.......Hope you get your house sorted soon.
19th February 2019

We are behind with the blogs and have actually lost our buyer. After 17 weeks they pulled out so we are back on the market again and feel very frustrated. Decided to live in the van if we had to but it does not look as if its coming to that. Don't know what we are doing to be honest. We have not done anything with the wifi yet although got a Sim sorted. We got a satellite dish fitted this week and have decided to concentrate on our holidays . Booked the tunnel for 1st April but need to change that now we are not moving. Plan to head for Bosnia, Croatia and Montenegro . Cant wait
17th February 2019

Sorry to hear about your housing woes...
In the States the buyer would have to pay a hefty penalty to pull out of an offer.
18th February 2019

Scotland has a similar law on housebuying. If you shake hands and make an offer you are committed to buy the property or be taken to court for breach of contract . Sadly English law is an ass - we are licking our wounds . The buyer has to pay fees even if a sale falls through . We had expected a bill but have to admit even though nothing went to completion the solicitor charged us a percentage of the full price but it was still high , Paid the solicitor this morning just to get it out of the way.
13th February 2019

I hope your offer is accepted...
I know it is hard waiting for plans to come together.
16th February 2019

Hello Bob sadly it all went pear shaped on Monday. We had our offer accepted on the bungalow but then after 17 weeks our buyers pulled out of the purchase of our house leaving us with rather a hefty bill of over £2500 for virtually nothing. We are sitting here licking our wounds thinking £2500 would have taken us to Greece ,

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