Summer fun in North America

a trip by Judy Ineson
From: June 16th 2016
Until: September 9th 2016

In 3 months time Geoff and I will be heading over to North America for another epic adventure. Starting in LA we will be travelling up to Oregon to spend a week discovering the nature in this beautiful state before heading up to Seattle for a few days. From there we are off to Alberta Canada where we will be touring the amazing Rocky Mountains and Yellowstone National Park on a Harley Davidson Trike for the entire month of July. Then its over to the east coast of USA for 6 days in Boston and then a cruise on the magnificent Holland America cruise ship Veendam. A week of touring the east coast of Canada is just what is needed after a month on the trike. Next up we fly back to the west coast of Canada for some quality time in the magnificent city of Vancouver before taking a one way cruise on Celebrity's Millennium cruise ship. In Alaska we are hiring a RV and then heading inland in search of more amazing scenery and wildlife before heading back to our homeland of Australia in September. Feel free to follow us on this exciting adventure. As usual we plan on keeping an extensive blog to share with our friends and family.
Trip Length: 3 months
Blog Entries: 0
Photos: 0
Words: 0
Tot: 0.232s; Tpl: 0.003s; cc: 8; qc: 48; dbt: 0.0776s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1.1mb