GPJMurphy's Guestbook

1st June 2012
Somewhere en route to Ronda

Trekking in nepal
one of the best bike, wish you have great fun with it. NJ Adhikari kathmandu Nepal
30th May 2012

There's 2 things wrong with this clip
1. The front wheel is on the ground the whole time. 2. You must have covered a few hundred metres without crashing!
30th May 2012

I bet that those rooms were smellier after you had been in them! Pity the next guests.
From Blog: Midelt to Meknes
28th May 2012

Get about of bed you lazy Spurs-supporting git! Hope this helps!
From Blog: The Sahara
28th May 2012

Fighting Fit
Omar and Peter O' (not sure which is which, but you're both Tools as far as I am concerned), I am so pleaesd to hear that Gary has made a recovery. The Sahara side-step is hardly what you bargained for when heading South and hopefully all that shit is now behind you! Have a fantastic remaining week and keep the blog coming. Ride safely lads. Bruce
28th May 2012

Thanks for that photo of the toilet - we really needed to see that!
24th May 2012
Tanneries 2

Vince, Gary: sounds like you are both having a fantastic time. A little more food info on the blog wouldn't go amiss! Had any decent stuff yet? Not sure I like the look of those penis-like vegetables in the food market though; or perhaps they're not vegetables at all!! Be safe and looking forward to the next instalment. Bruce
22nd May 2012

Ha ha - you are so right Vincent is a lucky MF as I did that trip with the family once when we drove to Portugal and it was like riding a bucking bronco. Alice and Krsitina didn't get up the whole time, and when Adam and I went up for breakfast he and i lasted a mouthful or two before returning downstairs to our berths past the lads and lasses on the pints, fags and fruit machines. I do remember getting a pint or two in me at some point and then hearing the revellers come back at 4am from the parties - then when you finally berth at Bilbao they say for all those doing the mini cruise please be back in an hour! I just have to mention that ferry again onj the journey back through Spain and France and the kids shut up pronto from thier moaning. Have fun chaps. Am laughing at the amount of tech you are taking out and the amount of gloves - who needs 4!! Then again I would be the same I guess - Andy
22nd May 2012

You made Africa after all your trials - well done for keeping the faith!
21st May 2012

Sounds like a very windy day through Spain, particularly after all those gambas, iberico ham and arroz. Remember Gary, my brother is well known for being windy at both ends so getting sleep if you are sharing could prove difficult one way or another. Hopefully the weather will quickly improve as African vistas unfold. Have a great day. Bruce
21st May 2012

Sounds like a very windy day through Spain, particularly after all those gambas, iberico ham and arroz. Remember Gary, my brother is well known for being windy at both ends so getting sleep if you are sharing could prove difficult one way or another. Hopefully the weather will quickly improve as African vistas unfold. Have a great day. Bruce
21st May 2012

Not again!
Good luck with the trip. Me and Mandie were in Malaga only a week ago. Hope you enjoyed the mountain roads around Mijas.
21st May 2012

Good luck on the trip
Great to see that you are successfully on the road again - Morocco or bust this time
From Blog: Through Spain
20th May 2012

Early Days
Delighted to hear that you have both successfully negotiated The Bay of Biscay, or in Gary's case, the Ebay of Biscay. Have fun and ride safely. Can't wait to hear more.
30th July 2009

Happy Birthday for tomorrow - my Mum reminded me. Glad to see you make it back in a reasonably healthy state this time. Look forward to hearing some more of your anecdotes on the golf course (although you seem to spend most of your time there cursing your clubs!). If there are any sunny Sundays perhaps a blast down to Bognor for breakfast with Geoff? Just been to Bath and back, 210 miles on my bike today. Had a meeting at 9 so went via the M4 but came back up the A4 - much more fun.
30th July 2009

Summary on the Summary
Your summaries are always my fav reads and quite interesting. You really ought to take this up full time and get a gig with one of the bike magazines. The ferry comment is particularly funny as I remember being in exactly the same predicament. A whole group of us were about to tuck into dinner at about 7 or 8pm....mine was a huge plate of curry I had just greedly constructed via self-service. I barely got past looking at it before I retired to my cabin to lie down not to be seen again until the next morning. I was one of the first and thought I was being a wimp, but it transpired everyone else had followed suit shortly after me, much to my relief. I never really thought of myself as easily getting sea-sick (and I still don't) but that trip across the Bay of Biscay is a good test of how much of a salty sea dog you really are! Anyway Gary, get in touch when you are back in Blighty .... the weather here is........ shite.
28th July 2009

Hi Dad Your trip sounds fun- very pleased that you haven't fallen off. See you soon, Love, Elliexxx
27th July 2009

Hey Gary ... I am avidly following your ever Km and really enjoying it ... a 5 minute sit down is always welcome. I am very envious it sounds fab. Love Julia xxxx
27th July 2009

Railway tracks
It's nice to receive the updates, i am following your progress. Good call re the railway crossing, we all remember your track record with them and two wheeled machinery................
26th July 2009

Keep em coming
Murph! Finally got around to reading the last few day of the blog whilst watching Sunderland v Athletic Madrid friendly on the computer (Sunderland winning 1-0 at half time, for the record - dull match like all friendlies). The ride around Spain sounds a lot of fun - shame you didn't make Africa but therein lies a suitable excuse for another trip - Ferry to Northern Spain, Drive through Portugal and over to Africa from there :o) Looking forward to the next entry - hope to catch up soon when your back in Blighty.
24th July 2009

I had to laugh at your twin peaks effort. Fair play for still bothering to go up the second. Wouldn't you of felt a greater chump when you finally made it to spy the same crowd on your original mountain?
From Blog: Mount Canigou
24th July 2009

Gary, It's 6.45 and I'm at the studio. I can't tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog. I look at your posted shots of the hillls - such a beautiful part of Europe and then I look out of my studio window facing north over New Cross Gate - not such a nice part of Europe. That sounds like a syperb day. Well done you old poof for getting down wihtout falling off - I know how tired you must have been, I was in those hills on the XR400 - you didn't do too badly - I spend four days in first gear and that included the road sections. Vince.
From Blog: Mount Canigou
23rd July 2009

Bald headed chicken f*cker .....
Gary - glad to see you on the move again. I was in Carcassonne myself a couple of years back doing a cycle ride from Toulouse to coast along Canal du Midi ...... nice part ! All the best and may you steer well clear of dubious "barriers" made from cheese-wire and so forth ! Jason
23rd July 2009

Cable Trenches
Fully agree with you comments comparing UK and French roads. However, the main culprits in digging up our roads are EDF friggin Energy - they aren't permitted to dig up the roads in their native France so enjoy digging up ours instead!
23rd July 2009

London calling.
Hello Smurph. Vinnie here. You did well not to have gone down the side of that car with your boot. The mountains will be more fun, they're stunning. By chance I was showing Brucey Boy some shots last night when I was down there on my GS from Frankfurt. We hired 400XR and did four days enduro with a Guide. Some of the little restaurants in the hills are just superb. Take care, which means don't do anything while you're away that will enable me to call you a plonker. Vinnie.

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