Baldwin Travel Adventures' Guestbook

22nd July 2013

Midwest memories
So glad you are enjoying midwest hospitality. My home, as you know. I think it's an underappreciated part of the country. Quiet reserve can easily be confused with indifference, when it's just the way folks are. Deeply patriotic, deeply religious (sometimes to an extreme), deeply family-committed. But let the record reflect: couldn't wait to see Nebraska in my rear view mirror! Can't wait for the next installment or to know what the kids say when they see the Rockies for the first time.
22nd July 2013
Maggie & Annie

I heard Annie and (your) Maggie were fast friends - Annie kept telling me about how much fun she had at \"the party with lots of new kids\". Sorry we missed you but we are glad you got to see our kiddos.
22nd July 2013

Let's hear it for the Midwest!
I love the pictures. The Royals stadium is beautiful, I think. The Nats are not doing well at all! Boo! Have fun!
21st July 2013

Great Blog
Marcia and Todd, Thanks for the blog. Keep them coming. Dad
20th July 2013

Hi folks, You sound so composed and organized, calm, happy, FLEXIBLE - and you left almost on time (did the schedule say (9:30, 9:00, 8:30, - this little item was omitted so I didn't know if it was one minute late or.....) Whatever, it was impressive, but even more so was the capital in the rear view mirror as you left from Yucatan St. Satellite ?? I was sure the "tap,tap" was some animal (2 or 4 legged, or winged) and was on the edge of my coffee seat, when your head went out the sunroof. Really impressed with your expertise at solving the problem, Todd! Your father would have been proud - more so, your brother! And what an impressive group of "old fogies" in Cracker Barrel rockers. Watch those age names, however! Most impressive is that I sat with my coffee this morning and shared it all with you! Thanks, Marcia! Your first day seemed too controlled! Things will get better! And Tommy, it was a "where's Waldo" picture with you and your Dad. Finally found your head! Needed more coffee! Carry on - be careful! Love, love, Grandma
20th July 2013

Don't forget to give the camera to Todd or one of the kids so we can see pictures of you. And BTW, you are a terrific writer! Dad & Judy
20th July 2013

Making the journey the point
Excellent start. We are Methodists, after all, so the trip is as important as the goal. Off to CA today. Will miss you. Chuck is in Denver for next week so if you need on-site help, call his cell: 202-441-0529. Love to all. Sue
20th July 2013

Have fun!
Be safe.
20th July 2013

I'm so excited about your trip!
This will be something you will always cherish--special time together!
18th July 2013
Our Route

Blessings on your journey!
May God bless you and keep you (safe, sane and skunk free). My dad and step-mom took my sister and me on a similar journey from Louisville to San Francisco and back. We 4 slept in a pup tent. KOA campgrounds were each an oasis. Lots and lots of love to you all!
18th July 2013

Bon Voyage
Marcia and Todd, "May the road rise up to meet you and the wind always be at your back..." you know the rest. Have a great trip and enjoy the journey. See you after your return. The kids will love the adventure. Kevin
18th July 2013

Thank you for creating this site. Feel like we are traveling with you (even though, mercifully enough, only virtually :-)). And, yes, somewhat sadly, there are Walmarts everywhere!
18th July 2013

Thrilled to see that I added to the excitement with the "Box!" May these days only be filled with riches of family sharing and special love - discoveries of mind stretching knowledge - energy of youth - and immeasurable parental patience! Thinking of you all with love, love! Grandma !

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