Page 13 of Adventureduo Travel Blog Posts

Asia » South Korea » DMZ October 10th 2014

Tunnels, the DMZ and Trains to Nowhere Incheon, South Korea 8:30am on this cloudy morning and we’re off to the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between South and North Korea. This is an area 2 ½ miles wide roughly on either side of the 38th parallel. The area is accidently a wildlife refuge and is a “no man’s land” or “buffer zone” between the two countries, overseen by peace keeping forces and led by the Americans. It is the worlds most heavily guarded boarder running 148 miles. Our tour guide told us that young children in South Korea are taken to the American Memorial with a statue of General MacArthur as he is their hero for coming to their aid. The trip out to the DMZ took about an hour by bus. As we headed out north out ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Jeju » Jeju-si October 10th 2014

Pig Huts, Dragons & Divers 8:30 and we’re off for a tour of Jeju City, South Korea. This island, located to the south of mainland Korea has 10 million visitors a year. To put this into perspective, Hawaii has about 6 M visitors a year and Bali about 3 M a year. Jeju City is a two hour flight from Shanghai and a 2 hour flight from Seoul so lots of Chinese and Korean tourists. Jeju is a volcanic island and the volcanic rock is used for everything from steps, to walls to artwork and homes. 15 minutes by bus to the Natural History Museum where we learned about the women divers of Jeju. The women dive for fish as an occupation. They are “fish divers”. They go down to 40 feet without breathing apparatus. They ... read more

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki October 9th 2014

Atomic Bombs, Peace and a Lunar Eclipse over Nagasaki Nagasaki, Japan Today was an emotional day as we headed off to the Nagasaki Peace Park and the WWII Atomic Bomb Museum at Ground Zero. Our bus took us through the city of Nagasaki and over the hills to the Peace Park developed after WWII as a place to study and commemorate peace between all peoples on the earth. Countries from all over the world have contributed monuments to the park and signed agreements to help promote peace around the world. The Park was an emotional and educating experience. There was a monument commemorating peace and highlighting the dire need for water by the survivors immediately after the blast. We could not believe it when a well dressed Japanese gentleman who was standing at the monument point ... read more

Asia » Japan » Fukuoka » Fukuoka October 9th 2014

FINALLY…. Sunshine and Fukuoka, Japan Note: We are at sea and the photos do not want to publish! Will send photos of Fukuoka when we get to shore. 7am in full sunshine, for the first time in more than 2 weeks, we came into the beautiful Port of Hakata in Fukuoka, Japan on the Sea of Japan. If I knew any Japanese at all, I might consider moving here part of the year. It is a city of 1.2 million but feels smaller. The streets are all tree lined with old interspersed with modern high rises. Yes, there are 7-11’s, Kinkos, Mc Donalds and all the things you’d expect to see in any large city but there are also beautiful stores, parks, Shinto Shrines and clean spacious beaches. The first place we visited this morning was ... read more

Asia » Japan » Fukuoka » Fukuoka October 6th 2014

Washi Paper, Magnolia Leaves and Thatch Roofs What a bonus that we did not go to Tokyo! Although I’m sure Tokyo would have been amazing, we traded it for a very special treat about an hour and half into the mountains outside of Kanazawa, Japan. Our day started at 8:30am with a trip into the misty mountains east of Kanazawa. It was raining when we left the ship but slowly became a light to heavy mist as we made our way on the modern toll ways and eventually on a mountain road toward Gokayama, Japan where amazingly beautiful papers have been made by hand for the last 1200 years. The paper is made from Mulberry bark and Hollyhock and goes through a long process of steaming the bark then stripping it, snow bleaching it by hanging ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Kushiro October 4th 2014

Avoiding Typhoon Phonfone As we left you on the last blog, we were going to ditch Tokyo and head to the backside of Japan in the Sea of Japan, staying away from Typhoon Phonfone. We were initially disappointed to be missing Tokyo as we’ve never been there… but alas, I’m sure the weather gods have something else equally wonderful planned for us. img=... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Kushiro October 3rd 2014

Introducing Typhoon Phonfone and the Umbrella Rebellion in Hong Kong!! Okay so, when we were in Kodiak, Alaska, a 6.2 earthquake hit Anchorage. Then we had 2 storms at sea and today, the captain just announced that we will NOT be going to Tokyo. Typhoon Phonfone is due to hit Tokyo on the day we are supposed to be there. So, no Tokyo for us this trip. Not to worry we will be on the backside of Japan in the Sea of Japan. We are now going to Kanazawa and Fukuoka, Japan. We should hook back up with our original itinerary in Nagasaki. Now, you may also be reading about the troubles in Hong Kong. We, along with the ship’s captain, the State Department and Holland America are all watching it. Hopefully all will be well ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Kushiro October 2nd 2014

Dateline: The Bearing Sea, 500 Shades of Grey… We left Dutch Harbor and headed into the grey fog of the Bearing Sea. Small (by comparison to our ship) fishing boats, tankers and tugs we alongside us for a ways. The skies were hundreds of shades of grey and the waters hundreds more. 500 shades of greys would change from light to dark, from misty to opaque. The seas, as they rolled beneath us reflected the sky’s greys and took on their own dark and shadowy greys from below. Grey everywhere… hard to tell the sky from the horizon from the sea. We are heading west toward Figure 1 Entering Fog Bank Dutch Harbor Russia and the Kamchatka Peninsula. Later we will turn south and set course for Amerika Pass and our destination, Kushiro. Even with all ... read more

North America » United States » Alaska » Unalaska September 27th 2014

Kodiak Island, Alaska: Monks, Music and Magical Weather Well we’ve been at sea for 3 ½ days and everyone is definitely ready to get off the ship. We have some lovely people at our dining table. A couple from Long Island, New York, another from Del Rey Beach, Florida and an amazing 84 years old woman who spends half her time in Seattle by the Ballard Locks and the winters in a trailer, 700 miles south of the border toward the end of Baja del Sur on the Gulf of California. They have all been around the world many times and have stories to regale us each night. One couple cruises over 200 days per year!!!! Our waiters are the nicest ever but… each night I feel like I’m in a Marx Bros. movie. Not once, ... read more

North America » United States » Washington » Seattle September 25th 2014

Phoenix to Seattle The flight to Seattle was quiet and uneventful as it should be. Amazingly, the mountains were “out” for us… we flew by Mt. St. Helens with the sun shining it was awesome. Then into Seattle with another spectacular view… Mt. Rainier. As I always have an aisle seat, my very nice seatmates leaned back so I could have a view of these beautiful mountains. On into Seattle where we grabbed the bus to the rental car and picked up a snazzy red job. Hey, we’re on vacation ;-) A quick overnight at the Fairfield Inn by SeaTac and we were off to breakfast with our step-daughter and her friend Danny at the Portage Café in Downtown, Washington. After spending 10 minutes trying to figure out where to put the parking sticker on our ... read more

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