Blogs from Lao Cai, Northwest, Vietnam, Asia - page 47


Asia » Vietnam » Northwest » Lao Cai » Sapa March 13th 2007

ENGLISH BELOW Nous partons pour un trek a Sapa. Nous allons a l'agence qui nous a vendu le forfait car pour s'y rendre il faut d'abord prendre un train de nuit. Bien sur nous optons pour le "confort" : une couchette avec air climatise de premiere classe plutot qu'une banquette de bois dur qu'on partagerait avec un tas de Vietnamiens, leurs enfants, leurs produits alimentaires qui sentent un peu drole parfois et leurs poules (vivantes)! Notre agence nous emmene a la gare en moto. Comme la circulation est tres dense nous zigzagons dans les rue de Hanoi et pensons avoir un accident a tout bout de champ. Arrivees a la gare, j'ai un flash back de l'Inde : la gare est bondee de monde. Les gens cependant sont assis ou accroupis (la position privilegiee des asiatiques ... read more
Red Dzao lady
Young Black Hmongs girls
Welcome to my palace

Asia » Vietnam » Northwest » Lao Cai » Sapa March 13th 2007

Dusk is falling in the mountains. It's 5pm. The sky turns a dusty rose while the sun looms as a bright orange ball just above the peaks. Sows trot along in the ditch with piglets running closely behind. Children are riding water buffalo or towing horses home from pasture. Women trudge up the hills with woven bamboo baskets full of sticks for firewood. They are all wearing traditional clothes: leg warmers around their calves, embroidered pleated skirts, cuffed shirts and varying brightly coloured head scarves. They keep their time-honored ways of dress, farming, and husbandry seemingly unaffected by satellite TV and Coca-Cola campaigns. Uphill patches of old crops are set alight and a yellow rim of fire consumes the dry rice stocks leaving behind squares of black soot on the mountain. And then we realize, we ... read more
Short Side Trip Around Dien Bien
Scenery Around Dien Bien Phu
Rice Fields

Asia » Vietnam » Northwest » Lao Cai » Sapa March 8th 2007

Good Morning Vietnam... Now that's out of the way, we can talk about Sapa. Located in the Tonkinese Alps just south of the China border, this alpine town sits about 1,650 meters above sea level. Most travelers make the long journey from Hanoi to Sapa to hike through rice fields and picturesque mountain passes and sleep in the small tribal villages of the Black Hmong and Red Zao minority people. When the minibuses first pull into this town of about 3300 (32,000 in the surrounding areas), travelers are awed by the beautiful costumes of the local tribes. The most prominent group to be seen in town is the Black Hmong (50%of Sapa's pop). With large heavy earrings, bracelets and necklaces made out of old French coins, clothing woven out of hemp and dyed with Indigo, and ... read more
Majestic Sapa View
English lessons at the market
Village rice fields

Asia » Vietnam » Northwest » Lao Cai » Sapa February 28th 2007

After a surprisingly fast train ride, and windy/crowded mini-bus ride, deep into the mountains of northern Vietnam, I arrived in Sapa. I found Brian and Greg (the 2 Canadians I went to Halong Bay with) in a restaurant having breakfast on my first day, and they invited me to share their room (2$ is much better than $6), and join them for a hike. Note to self - don't partake in a 28km hike after an hour long run, especially when both of which are extremely hilly! We treked down into a Red Xao and Black Hmong hill tribe village and further on to a cave. I ejoyed the journey more than the destination, as the cave was full of shouting and screaming kids, and kreosote from the kerosene lamps. The scenery in Sapa is breath-taking ... read more
A Black Hmong girl enjoying the scenery.
A beer with a view
The inlaws!

Asia » Vietnam » Northwest » Lao Cai » Sapa February 27th 2007

Takze nakoniec som zostala v mesta Sapa dlhsie ako som planovala - az 6 dni. Odslapala som slusne kilometre denne priblizne 30 km do strmych kopcov - slnko na nas denne prazilo uz od skoreho rana, ale dalo sa to zvladnut. Chcela by som spomenut ze pocas mojho mesacneho pobytu vo Vietname nam ponukali rozne drogy na roznych miestach - recepcny hotelov nam ponukali marihuanu, stara zena v Sape v miestnom kroji co predavala vysivane obrusky zrazu na nas vytiahla opium atd. - clovek sa nestacil divit. Vcera som planovala ist do Laosu, ale odlozila som to na dnes lebo mi bolo velmi zle zo "sunky" co mi dali do sendvicu - dali ju do mikrovlnky a bola tvrda ako podrazka - plus mam za sebou 10 hodinovu, nepohodlnu cestu vlakom, tak som bola ako zombie. ... read more
So exotic :-)
Zena na trhu

Asia » Vietnam » Northwest » Lao Cai » Sapa February 26th 2007

Our New Year's eve for 2007 was a little anti-climactic - asleep on a train somewhere in Central Thailand. So it was fortunate that we ended up getting another New Year's Eve in the same year to get it right - in Hanoi as the Vietnamese celebrate "Tet". At the same time as Chinese New Year, moving into the year of the Golden Pig. Unfortunately it was not easy to have a REALLY good time since poor Sarah was holed up in bed sick. By a cruel twist of fate she contracted the worst chronic headache of her life coinciding with Tet - when Vietnamese youths make it their personal mission to generate as much noise as possible. Firecrackers so loud they send shock-waves not to mention sore ears. As a mark of solidarity I was ... read more
Tet decorations
Sarah at The Emperor
A quiet day in Hanoi

Asia » Vietnam » Northwest » Lao Cai » Sapa February 22nd 2007

This morning thankfully my back and backside weren't hurting quite so much (although my lips were pretty badly cracked by now), and amazingly I had no repairs on the bike to do. So, after a lesiurely morning, drinking tea with the internet people in Lai Chau, I went to get some lunch before I headed off again. Whilst slurping on my noodle soup, my eyes alighted on a Boney M music cd sitting oddly amongst the Vietnamese music on the rack beside me. Was this to be a premonition (in the book "Touching the Void", the climber who falls off a mountain and has to drag himself to safety is tormented by a Boney M song running through his head)!? The road from Lai Chau leads immediately up into the mountains. It's a wonderful road as ... read more
Nearly there!
At the Sapa viewpoint.

Asia » Vietnam » Northwest » Lao Cai » Sapa February 22nd 2007

I was up early to catch the train to Sapa. I ended up with a hard seat in a packed carriage. The ride took 9 hours and it was hellish. The one time I got up to use the bathroom, someone took my seat. I had to argue a bit to actually get it back. It was interesting, though, to see how the Vietnamese travel. We arrived in Lao Cai in the late afternoon and I found a minivan for 30k to take me up to Sapa. After a few minutes of waiting, I got moved to another van. By sheer coincidence, Mickan was also in the van. I thought she was off to China for a few days, but apparently she changed her plans. The ride up into the hills took about 45 minutes. We ... read more
Train from hell
Sunset over Fansipan
New friends

Asia » Vietnam » Northwest » Lao Cai » Sapa February 21st 2007

Dnes na nas cely den prazilo slnko - isli sme priblizne 17 km cez rozne dediny a vyhlady po ceste boli uzasne! Skoda ze zatial sa mi ani raz nepodarilo odfotit vysoke hory ktore su vsade dookola - par z nich dosahuje az 3000 m. Stale su v oblakoch a to co ja vidim volnym okom sa neda koli hmle zachytit fotakom - je to tu nadherne! Kazdy tu sustavne zuje a vypluva cukrovu trstinu - deti kracaju s dlhymi palicami ktore postupne jedia - dokonca este aj na motorke pocas jazdy. Ja som si kupila maly kusok ale je to dost drsne na zuby tak som ju zahodila. Miestne dievcata su nadherne - vacsinou sa nechcu fotit, takze nemozem poslat fotky ake by som chcela. Zaujimava vec je ze si stlacia nosnu dierku na ulici ... read more
V dedine Giang Ta Chai
Miestne dievca
Vyhlad - bohuzial okolite hory su stale v oblakoch a nedaju sa fotit

Asia » Vietnam » Northwest » Lao Cai » Sapa February 20th 2007

Odmietla som zaplatit 70 USD za 3 dni v meste Sapa (cez agenturu) a rozhodla som sa tam ist na vlastnu pest. 10 hodin vlakom z Hanoi do mesta Lao Cai na Cinskej hranici a z tadial minibusom do mesta Sapa. Po prichode, ranajkach a horucej sprche som navstivila 2 baby z Kanady s ktorymi sa nahodou stretavame v kazdom meste uz od mesta Saigon - vymenili sme si adresy a dnes sme spolu podnikli 12 km turu strmymi kopcami. Nasledujuce dni chceme navstivit viac okolitych dediniek kde ziju miestny ludia - vraj maju rozdielne oblecenie. Super sposob ako si zlepsit kondicku.... read more
Tato zena nas prenasledovala cely den

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