Mekong Delta...Full of Surprises

Asia » Vietnam » Mekong River Delta
June 12th 2006
Published: July 27th 2006
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Spit. Roasted. Dog. No. I couldn't believe it much for stereotypes not living up to reality..drifting along the narrow channels of the delta region near Can Tho brought a thousands sights but its this one that my mind keeps returning to and makes me blurt out at not entirely appropriate times 'can't believe we saw dog bbq!'. smelled damn good btw. needless to say it wasn't another ad... Read Full Entry

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27th July 2006

Hi Katy!! Your picture are really wonderfoul!! Vietnam is a place very far from what we're abit to.... Ciaoooooo....
27th July 2006

hey nice pics you have a really good eye to see the perfect moment take care

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