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September 28th 2008
Published: September 28th 2008
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Hey everyone.

Well our final day in Bangkok was as busy as ever. Got up early to go see the temple Wat Arun (pics up on facebook already) and it was amazing. Then we wanted to go see the Grand palace so we got a speed boat accross the river, and of course i (Ness) had to drop something in the river, which was my sunglasses however i have never seen someone move so quick (obviously not me, i just watched them float away and Dan...well he just laughed) but the driver nearly jumped in after them for me and saved them 😊

Got to the grand palace and a man stood outside said it didnt open till 1, but if we got a tuk tuk we could see lots of other temples..then conviniently one turned up! We knew this was a scam, theres so many in Bangkok but as we did actually want to see lots of other things we got in the tuk tuk as it was only 30 Baht (about 50p). We went around 3 other temples/big buddha's and our tuk tuk man waited for us it was really good and glad we went. Then the tuk tuk man was trying to use the scam. He kept trying to drop us of at travel agents and getting us to book other trips. If we would of done this then he would of got lots of commission for dropping us of there. However we were pretty stubbon and said no then told a little lie that we were leaving Thailand the next day, he wasnt impressed. He dropped us of at another temple but when we came out he had drove of and not waited. This worked out even better for us because he didnt take our money and we got to see most of the temples in Bangkok for free. Where he left us was only 10 mins away from the Grand Palace.

The next day (26th) we headed to Kanchanaburi. Kanchanaburi is amazing. We are staying on a rafthouse that floats in the river Kwai. The first day we hired bikes and then walked along the bridge over the river Kwai. The second day we were a little hungover so just had a lazy day by the river, well dan did i was in bed hiding under my mosquito net. Today we have been to Erawan waterfalls. There were 7 main waterfalls in total (most you can swim in) and a few other small ones. There were monkeys climbing in the trees around us and i was getting attacked by the fish in the waterfalls. On one of the waterfalls there was a big rock with water running down it, which could be used as a slide due to the algae.

We had done this through a trip so we went to a few other places, stopped of and saw a elephant dancing and playing the harmonica! He also played basket ball, however sadly my camera battery had died due to me taking to many photos of the monkeys. We took a ride on the death railway (not as scary as it sounds), its called that due to the amount of people who died making it.

Currently trying to upload photos but its taking way to long so will have to try another day.

Speak soon x x


28th September 2008

sounds like your having loads of fun. missing you both loads but glad your both well. Ness i'd be the same with the fish biting my toes i'd freek!! Glad the monkeys didn't wee on you worse than birds, smelly!! Speak soon, xxx
5th October 2008

Only Me. Hoping you are having a great time. Know that you are from the photos/postcard/messages etc. Looking forward to hearing all about your latest adventures. Speak to you soon . Take Care. Love Mum xxx

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