An Apology

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April 6th 2009
Published: April 6th 2009
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Sorry the pictures weren't put up, the internet here is painfully slow, if its working at all! government cuts mean no internet or electricity sometimes. The hostel we wre in has a back up generator so is sound. We had thai massages, and it was amazing, felt great after, although it took me a while to relax, because it was painful to start with, they really beat you up. The lady was laughing at me, and then started walking up my spine. Om saturday we rented mopeds with James, a lad we met on the bus to Chumphon. (Helmets were worn- mums). I loved it, and was racing round no problem........but joey took a while to be able to steer (she would like to add that she's ok but will not be driving a moped again) We decided to go to the otherside of the island and after the road became too dangerous we got off and walked. It was a 40 min trek through the jungle but it was fun, and we ended up in a secluded little beach and had lunch there.
After lunch we hiked back to the bikes, we went to OK view hostel for a drink.
Khao San RoadKhao San RoadKhao San Road

Imagine it 6 inches deep in water!
OK is the understatement of the century, it was amazing. I will put a pic up if I can, although it may be ruined by a sweaty man in the foreground! Going back joey wasnt enjoying it as much on the bikes because she was tired after the walk and felt "wobbly", so I drove her back on the back of mine and then James drove me back to Joeys bike on the back of his. Then James and I decided to explore while Jo had a nap. We didnt get far, my bike was fine, with thick tread on the tyres. James' wasnt and after a few falls and skids we called it a day and headed home. We watched all the football in the evening, right up until the dirty red team from liverpool scored in the 91st min. Gutted.
Yesterday we went to Shark Bay, so called because it attracts a lot of sharks. We had to scramble over rocks and all sorts to get there, but it was totally worth it. A deserted white sandy beach, covered in palm trees, and crystal clear water, fantastic cliffs and mountain views. Just as we settled down to sunbathe the heavens opened and we got soaked in a spectacular tropical thunderstorm, we took refuge in a bar and had lunch! HOWEVER that was all put into perspective, and cast into the shadows, when i saw a monkey in a bar- superb. When we got back to our resort I played beach football with a bizarre mix of people, English, French, Brazillian, Thai and Burmese to name a few. In the evening we had dinner and watched the mighty united power past villa with a goal from a random italian bloke. Brilliant.
Today we have had a lazy day, just sat on our local beach, had a lazy lunch and played frisbee with 2 brazilians we met. And now we are off to the supermarket to get a beer to drink on the balcony before dinner.
Hows England? Raining? Grey? Thought so......but look on the bright side, you dont have mosquitos!
Until next time.....xxxx

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Photos: 31, Displayed: 24



beats yours eh Katherine!

6th April 2009

Thanks for such an interesting scribe, it's good to know you guys are having such a good time. Tone x
7th April 2009

What can I say?
And there's me thinking Id relay the football results to you. You stupid boy, Pike! Everything looks a million miles away from passable and the resemblance between Thailand and Gt Yarmouth is exceptionally non-striking. Dxxxxx
9th April 2009

Hi Tom and Joey, Glad to see your enjoying your trip in the far east. Happy Easter and take care Love Chris x
16th April 2009

where are you!!!!! Mum xxx
22nd April 2009

Hello there.
Hello Both. Sounds like your having a great time. Unfortunately I can't seem to get any of your photos-just blank screens. I am impressed with your blog though and even more impressed with Grandpa writing about blogs. Thanks for postcard. I had a massage in Instanbul and could hardly walk for a few hours after. Love Carolyn xx

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