Thai Islands

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February 21st 2008
Published: February 22nd 2008
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Born to be Wild!!Born to be Wild!!Born to be Wild!!

Friend, Marla, I met at detox....we hit the road and break free!!!
Arrived on the island of Ko Samui. I wanted to find a spot to stay at that was not quite as busy, more of a quiet beach and a spa atmosphere with yoga options. After much research, I find one that even has the option of yoga teacher training! Oooo! I don't know if I have time, but would love some preliminary training. The place also supposedly has Thai cooking classes, a healthy delicious Vegetarian restaurant and yoga classes daily, right on the beach, private bungalows, massage and pretty inexpensive to stay at. Perfect! I am so excited to hit the islands and relax and be healthy...I am better at being healthy when I'm alone, so that's why I often opt to do this on my vacations. Well, I always get myself way in over my head and this is no exception. In fact, this one may take the cake! I arrive with no luggage by the way (since the airport has lost it, which is a bit of a scare when you're in Thailand traveling for many months and your luggage has everything!, but anyway...I arrive to find out therestaurant does not really operate at all right now. In fact, people that stay at this resort do not eat! At all! It is known for its detoxification and colon cleanse programs! Well, I didn't exactly have that in mind. I was thinking healthy, but not that far. But I am not going somewhere else since I told the airline this address to deliver my luggage later and feel I have to stay here at least a day. And the grounds are beautiful; it is on the beach; they do have yoga and a nice pool. Okay, I can eat other places, although we are pretty far from the towns. It is pretty secluded, which I thought I wanted. So, I stay. I start meeting people staying here. They are friendly and all speak English, mainly from England, some from the States, Canada, and some Europeans from France, Spain, etc. Well, they all keep telling me how great it is to cleanse and how healthy and how I should do it as I will feel AMAAAAAZING when it's over. I will have beautiful hair and skin, and a flat belly and best of all...a clean colon. So I still thing NO and go to eat something at a little restaurant down the beach. That night I read all about it since I'm now interested. I talk to more people at the resort and hear even more stories. It cured one woman's limes disease. It can prevent cancer, help with my allergies, sinus problems, which are the big things I struggle with lately regarding health. Then I read about the spiritual aspect. It has been going on forever...even Jesus and Moses did it! Ghandi was into it. Shit...if it's good enough for Jesus, I guess I could try it and it's supposed to be the path to true spritual enlightenment...Wow....Okay...I'm in! But I think I'm only doing the mini cleanse, just to try it out. All these people are doing 7-10 days (standard, some more). They tell me I need to do more. I end up deciding on a 4 day cleanse.

Day 1...I'm fucking hungry!! I get up early to do my healthy stuff. I go on a 2 hour up hill hike, then hit an hour and 1/2 yoga class. Did I mention I skipped dinner the night before? (I was just too tired and thought I might start this so it would be good to ease in.) Well by noon, I can't take it, so the guide allows me a fruit juice to help my blood sugar. I'm supposed to not even get the shakes until day 2 because I have to first get everything completely out of my system. So by the afternoon I convince him that I'm already clean, my life isn't even too toxic and I barely ate the last 2 days (which is true with the porridge and fish incidents). So, I jumpstart to day 2 and get the shake. I can't even drink half a glass and I'm gagging. It thickens withing seconds, reminds me of that shot, the "cement mixer" that makes you throw up instantly. Yes...I'm in yoga bliss alright! 😊 So then I spray the 25 sprays of herbs under my tounge every 2 hours to keep me with stamina and positivity. By night-time I am crabby, exhausted and still hungry (although super bloated from these shakes that puff your stomach up with paste) and I learn that since I jump started the program, I have to start the colonics tomorrow morning. So I have to go in for colonic training....well I won't go into detail on a travel blog, but I will say I was absolutely horrified. I go to bed just to sleep so I don't have to think of what I'm going through.

Day 2...I walk/run on the beach and the morning is gorgeous! Sun rising over the ocean and honestly I feel amazing. I am happy and full of life. Does this shit really work? I am energized and alive. I down my disgusting shake and I go to yoga at 8:30. I get a massage. Now I go to my room to do my colonic. It is set up in my bathroom. I am scared to death. All I will tell you is that I make it through it, but It's not fun.

Then, I rent a motorbike and go to town to explore the island. I need to get out of the resort for a while. I bring a friend on the back of my moped and we find beautiful waterfalls and people riding elephants, which we opt not to do. f
She is a complete sweetheart, from Philly, but she sometimes isn't making any sense and is completely spaced out and forgetful...well the poor thing hasn't eaten in 10 days, so I give her a break. 😊 We then explore a town, and I hit a mani,pedi for $8 total for both! Yeah. But now it's late getting dark; I missed a shake and I'm feeling really weak. 2 full days no food, with barely any for 4 days. I drive a little further and don't feel like I can make it. We have to park the bike and take a cab home, making the trip and rental of the moped much less economical, but I don't feel safe and it's only a moped! I have a motorcycle at home! I haven't been drinking, obviously! I'm just not right. We make it back and I have the joy of another colonic before bed.

Day 3...I wake up in the morning knowing I have a colonic in a few hours. I can't take it! I am not doing this for more days. I will finish today out and that's it. Do I really want to be toxic free? Maybe complete spiritual enlightenment is over-rated? I do a small walk on the beach and hit yoga. Then I find my "guide" and tell him the news, no discussion, no "I'm thinking of...", NO, I tell him, this is it. I will finish today and do my last colonic. I basically have completed a 4 day in 3 days anyway, since I jump started. He's cool since I know he could tell the whole time that I wasn't one of the others. It reminds me of when I joined the basketball team in junior high and after a few weeks when I told the coach I was quitting, he thanked me! 😊

I have bonded with the people here in an amazing way for a short period of time. We all share what's going on with our bodies and it's totally crazy and we're all the same. It must be like being in a real drug rehab/detox...reminds me of the book "a million little pieces" in some ways. Crazy. You go through an emotional roller coaster and I see my friends here going through it too, physicall and mentally.

Day 4...I eat. Just a little fruit and yogurt, since my body may go into shock otherwise and not be able to digest. I don't dare think of alcohol. Now I've learned even more how bad it is for me, but I will choose to block that out of my brain and look forward to the wine that awaits me in my near future! I am happy and stable again. Ah...normal life...the life of those who eat (although I had is a little fruit and steamed vegetables all day; it's a dream.)

Now that I'm getting some energy back, I'm going kayaking and snorkeling tomorrow at a marine reserve.

Lastly about the cleanse, believe it or not, I actually do feel great and am glad I did it and would do it again, as well as recommend it. You just have to be geared up for it, mentally prepared, and I was not.


22nd February 2008

Oh my goodness!! You had me rolling reading your fasting entries! I had to call Terri and read it to her over the phone. Did you know she is totally into juice fasting? Does it a couple times a year. You will have to talk about it when you get back, if you still feel like trying again. Sounds like you are doing lots of fun activities. Love the cheapness of the treatments!! I am so glad your blog is updated again. Kept checking to see. Glad you met up with Rob and he was helpful. Looking forward to living vicariously through you! Keep the blog entries coming! Love you!
27th February 2008

so jealous!!
Tara, I finally got a chance to read about the time you spent at the detox place in Thailand. Actually, Ali, Brandy, Kate, Brittany and myself read your blog aloud last night at Bliss. You are so colorful in your writing...and very humorous! Anyway I want to let you know how jealous I am that you got to go to a place like that! I found a place on line in Portugal that I would love to go to: . Anyways I've done this at home myself many times but can't imagine what it could be like to actually be on a retreat doing tons of yoga and meditation all the while (with no kids around and no one to cook for!) We'll have to talk about what you went through when I see you next. I'm so glad you're having a great time and love reading about your adventures. Can't wait until June!

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